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Showing content with the highest reputation on 13/08/24 in all areas

  1. God those bananas are disgusting.
    6 points
  2. Thank God! I am meeting the owner on Thursday so I'll find out.
    2 points
  3. Jaggs Journeys has posted a movie world update on instagram - the Wild West Falls sign has been completely removed. Sad to see the vultures go (i'll miss their christmas hats) - I wonder why it's gone? Not Jagg's photo - photo is credited to @_zac.gibson
    1 point
  4. I don't remember that being the reason for road runner, but I doubt it - West had a sign change around the same time as road runner, and it was converted to the 2D signwriter's (digital printer) steel. If the insurance issue were raised, they'd have done away with it at the same time.
    1 point
  5. Excusing my ignorance here but I'm assuming the sign we're talking about is the one next to the 3 white umbrellas casting a shadow? Perhaps the removal might be part of planning for things happening in that space? Maybe around DD? Make the Wild West area smaller to expand the DD area for the whatever replacement they may be planning? I have absolutely no insights, just spitballing here LOL
    1 point
  6. fibreglass has been installed on the new lazy river named Mystique
    1 point
  7. I think you've misjudged the park's lineup entirely. While the park's attractions are more than 50% targeted at children that does not make them 'family' attractions. They skew younger, so little kids are well suited to them, Adults can ride them for the most part (albeit somewhat uncomfortably in some cases) but they aren't family attractions at all. (In fact I recall a discussion on the forums here a few years ago where adult enthusiasts were being lambasted for riding Spongebob's Boating School without an accompanying child to ride with). Outside of Nickelodeon, Battle Boats is the only attraction in the park without minimums that the whole family can enjoy. Trident is next at 105cm and storm at 110cm. What is truly laughable though is an attraction like Vortex at 140cm minimum height. Sure the animal attractions mean there is more for the whole family to experience without inhaling burnt rubber (i'm looking at you HWSD), but to dismiss a mid-level coaster with potentially some small or low impact inversions suitable for the family on the basis that the park skews towards families is, to me, wild. To be clear, nobody is saying a new coaster should be the headliner. Levi will hold onto that title for sheer presence from any position across the park - and I think our minds have come closer to agreeing with Cheetah Hunt as a suggestion. You're the one that introduced 'high thrills' as a criteria here. Spotty suggested a coaster with inversions. I agreed with him and even said that inversions =\= thrills. Fact check - Corkscrew is the only inverting coaster they've ever had. The only other coaster the park ever had was Thrillseeker, which travels the show circuit as 'Taipan' though I haven't seen it in a few years I did hear recently it was on the move - i'm sure someone here will know more though) At this point you're just parroting the facts i've already provided without anything new and spinning it differently. The "Thrill Era of Sea World" isn't dead. Jet Rescue was arguably (IMO) a more thrilling attraction than Corkscrew was because of the riding position and launch out of the station (the park calls it "Max Thrill" on their website). Storm was also intended to be a themed thrilling attraction (also 'Max Thrill' on the website). All three coasters operated simultaneously, albeit for the briefest period. Since Storm Coaster opened in 2013, the only "adult" level attractions Sea World has built has been the three attractions in New Atlantis, all of which have a minimum solo rider height of 140cm, two of which are described as 'Thrill Rides' on the park's website (one family thrill, one max thrill).
    1 point
  8. Luna Park Melbourne has two issues. 1. It's a very small footprint that limits its possibilities. Nothing can be done about that. 2. The ownership/leadership is a combination of a trucking magnate and a labor trade union-based superfund (from memory, I think I have that right).
    1 point
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