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Showing content with the highest reputation on 14/08/24 in all areas

  1. Oh I really hope they just haven’t updated the mazes page yet, because repeating some mazes for the third year in a row is bad enough, but no new mazes would be an actually joke.
    2 points
  2. Private Equity: Where Creativity Goes To Die
    1 point
  3. Do they have rocks in their head? I’m pretty sure last years event received very little positive feedback and most of the mazes were underwhelming, especially DCeased. So unless they’ve improved the mazes (which I doubt), it’s amazing how they’ve taken what used to be a fantastic event and ruined that too. The ‘horror encounters’ sounds interesting, but it seems like it’s just meet n greets, which you could sort of already do with the roaming characters. I hope what ever they’re going announce with Bettlejuice is interesting, but otherwise this years event announcement is a big miss.
    1 point
  4. I hope they change all of them at midnight.
    1 point
  5. They are taking the piss. I won't bother unless it becomes a get together with mates from interstate, and I fly up every year normally. I'm just a consumer making a decision based on the value proposition presented.
    1 point
  6. I'm sorry that I'm not allowed to have my own opinion. Sure Levi is forceful and Jet rescue is fast, but IMO they aren't that thrilling. (maybe ive just been on too many crazy coasters). All I'm saying is I doubt an inverting coaster will be installed in the park in the next few years. (Also I had no intention of parroting your statements, it's just my observations lead me to saying things similar to yours).
    1 point
  7. No new mazes is trash. Event stops at 10:30 now too (used to be 11). Are village even trying anymore?
    1 point
  8. last year both Death Row and The Conjuring had a note mentioning that it’s their last years at the park, but in the updated website they are gone so i wonder if they are both returning. However, some years this happens then they start their maze announcements and the old ones are removed, so who knows. however, Beetlejuice is getting its own maze from what i’ve heard and what people here have seen. also, i’m not sure what this exactly is but the new WB horror encounter experiences looks really promising. it includes The Exorcist, The Conjuring 2 “villains” Valak and The Crooked Man, as well as Pennywise.
    1 point
  9. now this is a concept i could get behind.
    1 point
  10. Thank God! I am meeting the owner on Thursday so I'll find out.
    1 point
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