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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/24 in all areas

  1. It also needs theming/scenery like tunnels, and head choppers and completely unlikely but a second boost would be nice.
    1 point
  2. Anything’s possible! If DW are willing to pay and Intamin are willing to design a train to work with the correct wheel alignments for this track. But for me it doesn’t even need to be a spinning train, it just needs be a comfortable one!
    1 point
  3. The magic of 3. Spinning coaster, Spinning coaster, Spinning coaster. A man can dream. How difficult would it be to change the trains to a spinning coaster?
    1 point
  4. STATS can go suck on a lollipop. Motocoaster & Jet Rescue have very similar STATS, but one sucks. Use your eyes. Currently my eyes are please by JR. It looks like a fun little ride. The next test will be when we experience JR. We also now have 2 JR rides. 🤦‍♂️ Jungle Rush. Jet Rescue. The AI didn't think of that.
    1 point
  5. @TricoartI never said it was thrilling. @themagiciantalked about MW coaster would be more thrilling and I said I didn't find TNT thrilling. Let it be noted, I don't think JR will be thrilling but I do think it could be more enjoyable.
    1 point
  6. The idea of what's more or less 'thrilling' becomes a subjective thing in these nitpicky scenarios, anyway. Like, the general 'Thrill', 'Family-Thrill', 'Family', and 'Kiddie' distinctions usually wouldn't have an overlap, but when you're comparing from the same rough distinction (like JR & FotWW seem to be w/ Family-Thrill), it just comes down to preferences over any statistic or force data. People could find FotWW scarier/more thrilling 'cause of it's slightly higher positive G's when compared to other sitdown family-thrill Vekomas, it being an invert, the tunnel after the drop, it's theme, etc. Or they could find JR scarier/more thrilling 'cause of it having more negative G's, it going backwards & having the tilted turntable, it being partially indoors, or it's own theme.
    1 point
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