Back at my PC, and though I don't have access to the locations of the markers (or have seen them myself to get a bearing on where they may be), a Giga Discovery-sized pendulum would definitely fit within the Claw's plot of land, but to have the same rough load-unload platform location without impeding on Shockwave, it would need to be oriented so it swings towards Main Street instead of perpendicularly to it, as shown.
So, before we know for sure what it'll be, a Giga Discovery competitor that's likely slightly taller than them seems like a good bet, so Intamin can tout the 'tallest pendulum' record that Zamperla (and Six Flags) have been using for their own. That'd mean a max height over 173ft, which is almost double that of Claw Jr, and marginally taller than Intamin's current tallest offered Gyro Swing model (136ft).
Also, adding to this, I feel it's worth mentioning that the IAAPA description says verbatim:
It doesn't say multiple rides in collaboration with Dreamworld, but it also doesn't leave out the possibility of other ride announcements in their conference that don't yet have installations in the pipeline. It could be the case that their conference will include multiple new models/attractions, with one of them being this presumed 'Giga Gyro Swing', with it being singled out in their description as it's the only one with an installation already lined up via Dreamworld.