It's currently doing the same layout, starting forwards or backwards, with the next cycle being the opposite. The train switches directions on the turntable.
It's hard to put into words but the queue's amazing. All practical, no screens whatsoever. No animatronics. The station is less impressive, but still the best at Dreamworld by default. I'm editing my footage now for a video!
The turntable room is basically a Roller Coaster version of this effect from the Disneyland Indiana Jones Ride. I don't think the effects were complete yet, but the theming and audio in there was awesome.
The rest of Rivertown was also fantastic. Murrissippi Motors looks great!
There's some awesome audio effects and theming in the turntable room, but the other indoor scenes were quite bright and not hugely themed. May be a soft opening thing. I didn't notice anything about the queue AC to be honest haha, but the turntable room wasn't hot like some people were worrying.