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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/12/24 in all areas

  1. Flying in for disappointment when they realise the Insta filters don’t match reality
    6 points
  2. Everytime I walk through the Wizard of Oz courtyard and Precinct, I notice new areas where they decided to save money. It is very interesting compared to Rivertown, where I find new themed details that I didn't realise where they were last time. It is just striking the difference between the two theme parks.
    5 points
  3. Not sure where else to post this, but as a boss, Greg is incredible. What he has been able to do to turn Dreamworld around is brilliant. The car park is full, and the park has an energy again. I am here today, and he is making drinks at Jane's Restaurant. I told him he was and inspiration to his staff, and his response was 'when we are busy, you help out.' I would love to have him as a mentor.
    3 points
  4. I presume these 2 names that were recently trademarked by village are related to whatever replaces aqualoop
    2 points
  5. Greg certainly got around today then. I was at Whitewater World and he was there. He was walking around and even picked up some rubbish. Very nice to see.
    2 points
  6. Would be a cool addition… I think it would need to hold the train for longer to tell a story before dropping though
    1 point
  7. Yep he was definitely hands on today, the place was packed! We only just renewed our Dreamworld passes this morning after getting Village passes a month ago and being severely disappointed in Movieworld. Dreamworld just seems so much more positive, the staff are great, the operations and speed in the ride lines are amazing compared to Movieworld. Just hope to see they continue the Rivertown area into the Motorcoaster part. 1 thing, projection mapping in the temple switch track area would be a welcome addition to Jungle Rush
    1 point
  8. Even with low expectations of VRTP I was surprised there was this bit of Arkham hidden (but still guest accessible). I’m sure there was a reason to build the mural further out in the courtyard but would have expected this to get the “cover it all in green paint” treatment the rest of the path to Scooby did. IMG_0810.mov
    1 point
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