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Showing content with the highest reputation on 14/01/25 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. Definitely saw some kids chicken out in the queue around the gem room. But all the kids that I saw parents forcing onto the ride despite being scared seemed to love it by the end. I think the “scariness” of the theming is probably creating some great core memories. For me personally a lot of my fondest childhood theme park memories were when I conquered a ride that scared me. Standing in the Tower of Terror queue with the car launching over the top of you was terrifying when you didn’t know what sort of experience you were getting into. But once you rode it once that fear turned into a feeling of such accomplishment.
    2 points
  3. Because out of all the parks, Dreamworld to me has invested more the last few years than any other parks imo. As I’ve stated before the overall quality of the park is amazing, the staff are amazing, the park is huge so your not feeling like your on a Japanese subway train like you do at Movieworld.
    1 point
  4. Probably stayed low and will be a bit lower for some time yet then what they should be to keep driving post recovery traffic through . Everything is up . Small increases warranted and if don’t work out perhaps they can have a sale closer to eofy .
    1 point
  5. We all know your angle. they haven't added anything to the park to warrant a price increase. so you can save your breath. Conversely: Wages have gone up Utilities have gone up Supplier costs have gone up If you're not currently aware, the cost of practically everything is up. Some businesses can absorb increases for a time while keeping prices the same, but others can't. Some go for as long as they can, and eventually it has to be passed on to survive - even if the product continues to remain the same, as the cost of delivering the same product has increased. Village pricing went up for all properties in December despite only opening WOZ in MW - but you're not campaigning about Sea World and WnW having a price rise... so your agenda is pretty transparent - even if you don't know why, the rest of us do... To be honest i'm surprised they've continued to keep prices as low as they have for as long as they have - especially with the competition being so much more expensive, you can afford to go higher on your prices and still be the more financially attractive option.
    1 point
  6. I cried so much in the queue for The Claw until I finally rode it and it became my favourite in the park, can definitely see that happening with Jungle Rush
    1 point
  7. Very much a core memory for me, that feeling of hearing it launch and people screaming as you were getting closer to the end of the line. Get put into your row in that little room before the station, then the big doors open to reveal the carriage. Miss it for sure haha.
    1 point
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