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Showing content with the highest reputation on 21/01/25 in Posts

  1. I think we can all agree it was/is in a complete enough state to open though…
    4 points
  2. Leviathan was supposed to have waterfalls too - seems a common inclusion in artist impressions/mock ups. whilst I would be impressed by their inclusion if they come to fruition, I’m not expecting them
    3 points
  3. @Guest 239or too expensive to maintain, is another reason why they get taken away. The slow death of an attraction theming, because the park stops spending on the upkeep. As soon as a park goes into a period where guest numbers dry up and clash flow slows, it's the first item the parks stop spending money on. It's a dead give away of a parks financial state of play, when you see failing theming.
    2 points
  4. Best Food - Dirty Harry Bar & Grill Best Guest Experience - Gumbuya World Best Park operations - Dreamworld Best Coaster - Superman Best Family Coaster - Leviathan Best Flat Ride - Tango Train Best Themed area - Rivertown (sorry Doomsday Precinct but you are in need of some love from MW) Best Show - Affinity Dolphin presentation Best Kids’ Area - Nickelodeon Best new attraction for 2024 - Murrissippi Motors Best Amusement Park - Sea World
    2 points
  5. Wishful thinking, maybe something is in the pipeline now and they need to get moving on it's removal?
    2 points
  6. I can't speak to every item, but the snake was there on opening day - just didn't have any lighting.
    2 points
  7. i think it’s safe to say Doomsday will be gone within the next week or two. (The Adventures of Theme Park Girl)
    2 points
  8. I have to say Jungle Rush ops were electric tonight! Pre-board announcement before the train has arrived, gates opened as guests get off, restraints being checked before the train was fully seated yet. Pre-dispatch announcement whilst they’re checking restraints, then it was an almost immediate dispatch as soon they reached the final restraints and checks. Without timing it, I honestly think from the moment I sat down to when we were moving was less than 30 seconds. Not only did this help keep wait times down, but also minimised the time the other train is waiting out on the rain. Absolutely seamless.
    2 points
  9. You would fill in the hole with fill and add a topping slab. There would be no reason to remove the footings of the ride. The Wipeout footings and Wipeout pool still remain underground. The rapid ride remains underground, below ST.
    1 point
  10. i'm torn here - part of me says you shouldn't open it until it's finished, but I understand why they wanted to have the land open for peak season. From what i've heard, there's quite a bit left to come, and I can't wait to see it 'finished' but I'm a little disappointed that we'll never really know *when* the last thing is done, because we've already had our official opening and all. it's not like the park is going to come out and say "ok, NOW we're done" - we're just going to see bits and pieces added on and one day nothing more will be added on and we'll look back and go - 'maybe it was this thing was the last piece' (or maybe, it'll be so subtle that we won't even know it)
    1 point
  11. geez, something took someone by surprise - plain white barriers, not even the green hedge panels. It's good they're finally doing something but doing it in the middle of your peak season is a weird look, IMO.
    1 point
  12. It's really hard to argue with most of the votes above, and I think I agree with most of them. Pretty sad state of affairs to be honest where there is no real contender for runner-up in almost every category.
    1 point
  13. Hopefully we see the waterfalls on top of the temple as well.
    1 point
  14. I'm glad my ticket turned into a $10.00 donation to DW and I decided not to go. Being in that weather at a theme park, is not my idea of fun.
    1 point
  15. Its pretty common for specialist equipment (like that involved in attractions and theming) to have to be paid for 100% upfront. Suppliers don’t want to be left holding the bag when the builder you hired goes bust all of a sudden (and that is usually who is buying). For the ride itself you’re likely looking at a portion when ordered, a portion when it arrives onsite and the rest when handed over.
    1 point
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