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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/01/25 in all areas

  1. Greg is taking Dreamworld in the right direction; he is treating it's his personally owned business putting the love and care into it compared to the corporate style mess down the street. It feels like he personally wants everyone visiting to have the best day out possible while Village just want the money and don't care about the guest experience.
    6 points
  2. its a shame that the claw won't be open for this one, but amazing on their part to run it again.
    4 points
  3. DW really keep kicking goals with guest service and satisfaction. No one would have expected them to put on another night for free just because the weather was lousy. Kudos to Greg and the team there, absolutely setting the standard
    3 points
  4. Sad day, not because of the ride going but that area is the best themed area within the park. Hopefully it's only a temporary removal.
    2 points
  5. I've lost all hope for that area because I get the feeling, if the nighwatchman can't put an IP to it, they are not interested in it. Not willing to step outside of the triangle.
    1 point
  6. Agreed and I hope that’s the case for all of Villages nighttime events. Especially Fright Nights.
    1 point
  7. Agreed, but its location and lake of care given by management to this area ruined it. I’m hoping they demo it all and it forms part of Wild West again with a kick ass flat ride. But keep the props/statues and use them as theming for other things in the future (FN Maze, DC event). But of course from a cost pov, they’ll probably just slap another flat ride in the middle and call it a day.
    1 point
  8. It’s all been sorted and the events page is now live. Annual passholders who didn’t buy a ticket for the last event can buy one for the February date for $10. https://www.dreamworld.com.au/events/after-dark
    1 point
  9. interesting that the markets aren't charging admission for non passholders. opening Jane's means even if the street food isn't appealing to you or if you were looking for a proper, sit down meal, you've now got the option of dining in a theme park absolutely free of admission. #nice
    1 point
  10. Think this is a no brainer for some extra revenue for DW, and exposure to Rivertown for people visiting the markets to hopefully encourage them to buy a pass
    1 point
  11. There’s no way any park would want it given its terrible reputation. It has proven to be extremely unreliable and even on the few occasions where it did operate correctly, the ride experience was average at best. Though the ride itself is a lemon, the theming surrounding it is very good and I really hope Movie World can keep at least some of it when a new replacement attraction goes in (hopefully with the effects fixed up and working too). It’s a shame such a nice precinct was completely wasted on a dud ride.
    1 point
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