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Showing content with the highest reputation on 26/01/25 in all areas

  1. With two trains, one train is ran backwards, and one is ran forwards. By already having the trains in these directions it only needs 2 turns on the turntable, whereas one train requires 3 to change direction as a forwards cycle departs the station backwards and returns forwards for the next backwards cycle. When the park is running one train, it completes the innerloop twice and outside loop once, whereas two trains complete the innerloop once and outside loop once.
    4 points
  2. Was at Dreamworld today and while they were still only running one train on Jungle Rush (with the longer ride cycle), the ops were fantastic and despite being very busy, the wait time never went over 30mins. Must have just been a bad day yesterday.
    3 points
  3. 2 points
  4. Because one of the biggest marketing points about Jungle Rush is that you can have different ride experiences every time you ride, shutting one side ruins that
    1 point
  5. I feel that could be how they would run with 1 train. As people line up for either forward or backward facing and there might be a train out of commission (mostly guessing because the ride itself has been going on for a while since opening), they might essentially add an additional loop of the first section before doing the second half.
    1 point
  6. Let’s hope VRTP are watching …
    1 point
  7. Agreed, but its location and lake of care given by management to this area ruined it. I’m hoping they demo it all and it forms part of Wild West again with a kick ass flat ride. But keep the props/statues and use them as theming for other things in the future (FN Maze, DC event). But of course from a cost pov, they’ll probably just slap another flat ride in the middle and call it a day.
    1 point
  8. Greg is taking Dreamworld in the right direction; he is treating it's his personally owned business putting the love and care into it compared to the corporate style mess down the street. It feels like he personally wants everyone visiting to have the best day out possible while Village just want the money and don't care about the guest experience.
    1 point
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