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Showing content with the highest reputation on 18/02/25 in all areas

  1. Spotted- Doomsday and Lex Luther have moved to greener pastures and are now just outside Kansas watching you while you ride Twister. The immersion is immense. maybe they’re going to chuck them in a maze for FNs…
    4 points
  2. They talk a big game about immersive theming, but consistently dump waste in public sight lines. Like on Wild West Falls, that old boat looking thing that I assume is for a parade, just lays there collecting dust. It's concerning how little they care. I know I am just reiterating what's been discussed for a long time, but I cannot wait until the private equity firm has had enough of leeching the park and park goers dry and sell the company.
    1 point
  3. https://www.parkz.com.au/photo/7713-The_Claw_repainting/gallery/sort/newest/location/the-claw/offset/13 Looks to me like they have cut the existing weld visible behind the sign, you can see the rust marks where the supports used to wrap around the poles on the two farthest poles
    1 point
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