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Showing content with the highest reputation on 23/02/25 in all areas

  1. Maybe they'll focus on the hospitality side and building that up. They could maybe jam a small Eurofighter in there or a Maurer SC 2000 (fun, cheap little coaster). They'd love to get that land behind Maloney's corner. Gronalund has a thriving restaurant/hospitality scene as well, which would serve as a good model. Great spot to be out at night.
    2 points
  2. And you’ll continue to be every time you suggest it. None of those parks are in Australia. They are not working under the same workplace legislations, operating procedures, staffing levels, financial constraints etc etc etc etc no point comparing apples to oranges.
    2 points
  3. Post a few times close together and it should stop.
    1 point
  4. My visits to Grona Lund tell me there is plenty of opportunity to add more coasters if they try.
    1 point
  5. If there is anything in the main envelope that is required since there isn’t any drive tires or much else out there you’d only expect track inspection and possibly some sensors and theming. Most parks can get track inspections done before opening so realistically it’s not unprecedented to do those and any larger projects can be done during the day in the closed off station area. most parks being, Europa, universal (look at their BTS of the Mummy things like that).
    1 point
  6. If I was to guess it's probably an asset sale that needed to be done to fund the cost of the lease and doesn't indicate any plans for park investment. Wasn't the lease quoted at $70m originally? Oscars appear to be asset rich at a glance but who knows if they had the cash to afford the lease. "Revamping" the park is pointless when everything is basically new. The overwhelming majority of the rides are just over 3 years old. On top of that Wild Mouse has been completely rebuilt, the venues have been upgraded very recently and a large chunk of the food & beverage outlets have been somewhat recently renovated. Multiplex did up the place top to bottom before they sold. What could you exactly do with the park? Renovate Coney Island again (it's already in great condition as it stands)? Change the food and beverage outlets again? Luna Park investment wise is an ultra long game - Multiplex spent 15 years milking the existing park to its last dollar before getting new equipment in ready for a sale. It's also a cash cow - Big Top is a money printing license - probably why companies are interested in Luna Park as an asset to begin with. (for the record i'd love the second generation hot racer trains on big dipper which has fixed the roughness issues with the model, but i doubt it'll happen)
    1 point
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