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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/25 in all areas

  1. Brake sections basically require a straight section of track to fit them and any drive motors in place. So, something like scooby is going to be limited by the number of straight sections of track available if there were upgrades to the number of cars available.
    1 point
  2. My god you have zero idea about consumer logic. They're not relying on a couple of people forgetting. Spend it or not, some of the additional funds are still profit. And it incentivises people to buy. You're not buying a gift card for yourself. you're buying an annual pass. the gift card is a freebie for something you were going to buy anyway. Therefore you may or may not use it. A few years ago they included free ride express passes with renewals. i've still got 1 or 2 I never used. it costs them virtually nothing to include this sort of 'extra' but it bundles it up to make it more attractive (and is the same reason why Village included fright nights, then white christmas, then carnivale and so on with their annual passes) The flyer is of course what I was forgetting that makes up the 11 not including Rivertown. thanks mate.
    1 point
  3. I’ll make a spotify playlist next time I’m at the park 👌
    1 point
  4. So we can't ride Storm with the temporary upgraded theming?
    1 point
  5. Remember that the initial closure was done very suddenly, which points to an unplanned event necessitating closure. So they wouldn't have commenced work immediately. Chances are the majority of the time it's been closed has been awaiting new 'things' from various suppliers \ manufacturer. The update videos they have posted have shown a lot of stuff is getting changed, and they're no doubt very close to being ready to reopen, but again - much of the time it's been out has likely been a waiting game.
    1 point
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