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Everything posted by Richard

  1. While it could be a big deal locally, I don't think there's any international media exposure to be had at all from the relocation of a second-hand coaster that is more or less a standard feature at any mid-sized regional theme park in the US.
  2. I don't think "American coaster groups" is exactly a demographic that our parks actively seek to win over. As a coaster, it'd be Australia's tallest, fastest, longest and feature the most inversions. No shortage of marketing opportunities there. And given the industry's overall trend towards smaller, cheaper coasters that our parks have definitely embraced, it'd likely be a reasonably cost-effective -- and perhaps the only -- way to see biggest/faster that's not a one-trick pony on our shores again.
  3. Jet Rescue was built on reclaimed land too. Given that the latest round of land reclamation was done with a late-2014 opening of Wild in mind, I'd say there's not much they can't do with that land right now.
  4. I count three water rides -- Battle Boats, Vikings Revenge and Storm. The only difference between Storm and say Vikings Revenge or Bermuda Triangle is that Storm has boats that can navigate turns; it's as much a water ride as any other. Between these three they're catering to everyone from kids through to thrill-seekers better than any other Australian park. That said I think a modern rapids ride would be great -- it fits the family vibe of Sea World and its a ride style that has evolved well beyond what the nearly 30 year old Thunder River Rapids at Dreamworld offers. Australians do have an odd phobia of getting wet on a ride unless it's 30 degrees, so my only fear is that it'd be toned down from the drenchings you see on these rides in the northern hemisphere. The reason parks around the world continue to build roller coasters is that they have consistent mass-market appeal. I'd definitely be seeing this as a great opportunity for a substantial roller coaster. Sea World doesn't need flat rides, shouldn't build dark rides (i.e sheds) and have no pressing need for more water rides. A roller coaster making creative use of the available land and height restrictions and catered to the family audience would be great. I'm with djrappa's suggestion for a Firechaser type ride.
  5. Didn't check out our latest Parkz Update? Should cover off just about everything you'd want to know about the new Dreamworld ride...
  6. It's now integrated into our Park/Ride database. Basically all you have to do is browse to the park or ride you want to add photos of using our search system (e.g. Wipeout), click the Add Photos button on the right, and then drag and drop as many photos as you want to the "Drop files" box that appears. Add comments, edit tags as needed and they submit for approval. If you get stuck, let us know. The new system is only a couple of weeks old so we're yet to put together any guidelines etc.
  7. I'm writing this on an S4 with Google Keyboard. Never noticed any issues. The mobile version of the forums is a bit clunky. With a bit of luck the next version of Invision Board will be out in a few months and should handle mobile much more intuitively.
  8. Cases like Avalance/Spooty spin are a bit of an oddity -- when Roller-Coaster.com.au launched we lumped areas like Nickelodeon Central, Looney Tunes Village/WB Kids, Cartoon Beach into one single entity, purely in the interests of cutting down the amount of work that was required in going from a database of 0 to almost 300 or so when the site was launched and it was only myself adding every single park, ride and photo. Long term we'd definitely like to get this fixed, but it's not been a priority; as AlexB suggested we're most interested in getting the latest and most current information in place. We'll shortly have add park/ride functionality in place in addition to the edit system we currently have which is where users can help us, and in the process help their park/ride count stats.
  9. Any quick examples of rides in wrong parks?
  10. I've moved this over to this topic so we're not derailing the other thread too much. The default sort is probably a bit random at this stage -- we have some new features coming down the track that will mean this makes a whole lot more sense. At the moment it defaults to the order it is in the database, which you're right is not exactly meaningful. But you can change the sort very easily, see: http://www.parkz.com.au/search/rides/sort/alphabetical, http://www.parkz.com.au/search/rides/sort/fastest, etc. You can also filter rides by country, city and park through this as well. There's no plan to filter the result completely to the end user's experience -- at the end of the day the purpose of the database is to catalogue info/stats/news/photos regardless of whether you've been there or not -- but an "☑  At Parks I've Been To" checkbox on the ride filter page might work in this respect. I personally built up my profile park-by-park, rather than all parks then all rides, so I didn't encounter any of these issues, so it's good feedback to get. It's definitely still a work in progress -- the more feedback we get the better.
  11. In the last few years before drought restrictions (or rather, the excuse of drought restrictions) came into place, the ride did actually feature fountains in the pool that would shoot random jets of water during the ride cycle. It was possible to come off the ride pretty wet sometimes.
  12. I found the ride almost soullessly smooth when I rode it about a decade ago -- most of the wooden track has been replaced with steel I-Beams. If they do go down the Rocky Mountain Coasters route it'd be interesting to see what they'd come up with.
  13. Yes! An seemingly passionate employee MUST be punished for making vague references online to an already-announced attraction. Calm down and get off your high horse for once...
  14. Granted I'm probably biased, but with sites like Parkz providing pretty regular and comprehensive updates for all the major stuff and a lot of the minor stuff that goes on at our parks, are we really missing out because they're not sending a PR assistant out with an iPhone every few weeks? Australian parks have gotten better with releasing information earlier than in the past but at the end of the day they have their own marketing/PR targets with new attractions and to achieve these it often makes most sense to hold off.
  15. No question it looks great. I just don't think it's a great use of the space considering it's surrounded by a children's area that is about due for a facelift or overhaul anyway. The space really should be utilised for a major family attraction as a centrepiece of the entire area -- like Looney Tunes River Ride was. I definitely agree that what Movie World -- really, Australian parks in general -- lack is true family rides. Children's rides are't family rides; I'd think of rides like Thunder River Rapids that offer thrills yet can genuinely be enjoyable for any age without restrictive height limits. Also it's probably worth clarifying that a ride in the dark isn't necessarily a dark ride. Dark ride is an ambiguous term for a specific storyline driven and scene based style of ride. Storm and Scooby-Doo don't really qualify, yet Wild West Falls comes close despite being largely outdoors. As it stands the only one really left in Australia would be Justice League; two great dark ride attractions in Bermuda Triangle and Looney Tunes have disappeared in recent years and while the thrill rides are getting better, there's really not been a great dark ride to fill the void.
  16. Split this one off into its own topic so it can be discussed properly. The other guys are referring to a long-standing Parkz (or Roller-Coaster.com.au) in-joke about misinformation... no one's actually saying that the roof opens or that the cars can reverse themselves nor are they actually disputing your claims about fire brigade visits. In regards to fire effects on the ride, I first rode Scooby-Doo during trade previews and somewhat regularly after that. While the ride's original announcement referred to a ring of fire, I've never seen any evidence of actual fire effects on the ride. It opened with pretty ordinary lighting/laser on that final drop that was fairly quickly upgraded to that foggy green vortex laser effect (queue lighting experts...) that has been there on and off ever since. I don't believe anyone's ever mentioned actual fire effects on this ride until now... I'd be sceptical that any such effects ever made it to fruition.
  17. Flesh out Paradise Country as a full animal park -- do for land animals what Sea World does for marine -- add on a themed, integrated resort and build a transport system connecting the three locations. There's a lot of bushland there that they own that could be very tastefully used for a nature-based experience that would in no way affect nearby residents. Sea World Resort has performed very strongly in recent years... they've certainly proven themselves as adept hotel operators. You'd have to think some kind of Disney-esque fully integrated holiday destination is definitely possible. Two parks on location would be a tough sell for a holiday away from the main drag of the Gold Coast, but three parks and shows, entertainment etc. would make for a very nice bundled holiday package. It's basically exactly what Dreamworld should also do with what remains of their excess land.
  18. Dreamworld's flagship product is undeniably its "Big Eight Thrill Rides". Wipeout is one of these flagship attractions.
  19. I did like the newspaper's quote by the lady: "Are we living in such a litigious society that they feel they can't apologise to us for this?" Conversely, are we living in such a punitive, self-centred society that people feel the need to go to the media to air their dirty laundry? Once emergency services were involved, Adventure World's role in the process was likely nothing more than advising and facilitating. Ambulances were surely on scene and everyone was well hydrated, fed and sunscreened... it sounds like the kid was given a quick once-over and given the OK to run off to the bathroom. In the scheme of things, it was a mild inconvenience about on par with being delayed on a flight in a holding pattern.
  20. Fixed the duplicate -- there were two spaces between the Las and Vegas which the site decided was a different city. Likewise Wet'n'Wild Sydney has been moved to its rightful (less accurate) place. Thanks guys!
  21. Thanks for that -- member content editing is still a little ways off, but soon it should be a two-second job to flag/update these sorts of things in the near future.
  22. Almost certainly a typo or otherwise incorrect. At least you'd hope so... this is what other parks were spending that sort of money on 20 years ago.
  23. Epcot at Night -- as arbitrary as it comes I suppose. I had a closeup of some rocks at some point in the past too... In terms of updates to the site, login is now available from the main site -- for those not logged in. It includes one-click Facebook/Twitter login too. Features are going to be added at a pretty quick rate over the next few weeks/months.
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