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Everything posted by Ian

  1. Last time I looked Richard was the Webmaster who pay's to have his site up, so he has every right to run his boards the way he wants. As for links to other sites every webmasters has there own guidelines WESTCOASTER you cant link to other sites unless you have so many posts next to your name so this is common practice everywhere. plus you also need to realise that it not just about running a site its about what you know offline as well. eg Myself and people like Richard (Jim Dan Andrew Westcoaster crew are my friends outside of the theme park stuff) . My own opion is I wish Slick good luck with this DreamNova idea, but I will wait at least 6 months to see how good it is going before deciding if I should link it. Ian"I wish people would have respect for Webmaster who put there own money and time into websites"Clark
  2. well you will be shaking that fist even more about TOT this time next year.
  3. Im going to type what I think and what I have heard and lets see how true it will be at this time next year (1) Bobcat is on thunderbolts site to remove things like the footers from Thunderbolt and the station. (2) when I heard the CEO on the Radio say he was shopping for a coaster he didnt give a time frame, so im going to say 2006. (3) After discussing this with fellow industry people, In 2005 Dreamworld will join it's sister parks Paramount's and build Boomerang Bay. (I have heard water from a number of different sources.) (4) Movie World will blow everybody away in 2005 There I said and if I get more then 2 of them wrong at this time next Year I will run around Coomera Naked.
  4. I will give you Vikings. But Wild West Falls is way above Dreamworlds log ride.
  5. Slick it doesnt matter what ride they get it wont help with crowds unless they provide the ride op's to run it. Eg If MW and DW were to get B&M with 4 seats across, MW would have 4 ride ops where DW would only have 2 ride ops. and history has shown this with Lethal Weapon Compared to Cyclone, so I have my fingers crossed DW new CEO knows this and provides the right amount of ride ops. And if you dont beleve me just ask Joz or Rich they know the issue of staff im typing about.
  6. You can guess but no one will know for sure now both parks are getting thrill rides next yet but none of the parks are 100% on what they are yet. It will most likely be a game of cat and mouse to see who announces there 1st so the other park can counter with a better option.
  7. Just finished doing part 2 of 4 of his trip man updates can be time consuming, I some thing people people dont realise how much time myself and Richard put into these website. anyway enjoy and I hope you find my humor funny. http://ozcoaster.net/ozupdates/brents%20us...part2/page1.php Ian
  8. ^wrong DW have a budget and a ride set so next year and so do MW and trust me they will be the 2 best rides in australia.
  9. that was me as for thunderbolt if the area is for the next ride I would think around April 2005 is when work will start construction wise so they maybe leveling the ground right now or using the space for something else.
  10. Did you see me, I was working at Seaworld, I would have been in aqua wetsuit boots with blue trackpants and blue seaworld jacket and I had a camera with me. Yesterday was fun, did you do any shows or rides.
  11. what Dj rippa said Disney , Knotts and work MW/SW
  12. I will let you guys figure out the answer to my most visited parks ?
  13. I know what path we are going down next year and it wont be a Flat ride. Just think of 2005 as a good year for the Australian Parks
  14. Has anyone noticed I pasted Spiderman into one of the New York photos? It's actually a photo of a friend of mine who plays Batman at WBMW he was on tour in asia and the middle east playing Spiderman. Also wouldnt it be cool after looking at those photos if Australia could get a Storm Runner, Superman or a B&M floorless.
  15. This is just for everyone in general wanting to visit the Parks. I just worked friday at Movieworld and Saturday and Sunday at Seaworld and I can tell you those are the best days to come during INDY there is no one at the parks. And if next year we get these new rides at DW, MW fingers cross it could be walk on all day. The down side would be finding a place to stay at this time.
  16. hi guys Brent has just got back from the U.S.A on a huge trip anyway I have done a update for him which is part 1 of 4 as he went to alot of parks. http://ozcoaster.net/ozupdates/brents%20us...part1/page1.php Thanks Ian
  17. I need Anaheim. Funny how everybody says the same about six flags from my 8 trips over there I hated the service of that place, a mate of mine just got back and said the same about SFMM and SFGA but did say SFNE was better. But Disney I need Disney but as Richard said this Year would be bad to visit as everything is in rehab stages for next years 50th. have fun dude and enjoy vegas
  18. this is me guessing right here at the theme for next year so there is no truth to what I about to say about the theme. But if I was building a thrill ride next year which the park is doing, I would theme it along the lines of the second biggest film to come out in 2005 after of course Revenge of the Sith and that movie would be BATMAN. And dont worry this movie starts from scratch and is written, direct and staring new great people and will have nothing to do with the original movies that went down hill fast in the 90s, trust me this new look at Batman will be worth the $13 bucks. anyway thats what my money is on for the theme.
  19. yeah plans have changed but 2005 sounds like a good year in the ride area
  20. ^ I will be working at Seaworld on Saturday sorry dude
  21. posted by DJRAPPA Totally agree dude, look guys he said he was shopping around for the right Coaster, so It could be any so there is no point speculating what DW will get just wait till markings or Supports arrive next year.
  22. Maybe because of the new CEO and new management also parks can always change there cycle as to when they get new rides, If dreamworld where staying to the old ways then Claw should have opened on Boxing Day this year not September.
  23. As a Theme Park Fan and Employee you guys all have points yes there is more then just coasters out there there are also great flat/dark rides and I been on many at the Tokyo and Los Angeles parks. But Im sick of typing this and am only going to type this once more. Dreamworlds is getting a new coaster next year and this is from the mouth of the CEO stephen Gregg on local radio. so its 110% confirmed. The only thing that will stop this is a terriost attack or natural diaster which effects dreamworlds attendance and theres probably 2% chance of that happen.
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