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Everything posted by Ian

  1. Stephen Gregg said on SEA FM morning news a couple of days after the Claw was opened to the people of the Gold Coast that he was now shopping for a coaster but he was going to make sure he found the right one so thrill seekers would keep coming back.
  2. Dreamworld already know what they doing next there just making sure the buy the right one.
  3. I bet Slick wishes he was 18 only j/k dude
  4. Great to see you enjoyed Movie world Seth is one of my good mates he also plays Austin Powers a couple of days a week.
  5. sorry dumb me Im a photographer and my name badge would have said Ian
  6. I dont know how many times myself or Joz are going to have to repeat ourselfs. DREAMWORLD =Thrill park Movie World =Theme Park Sea World =Aqua Animal Park WNW=Water Park And incase you dont know WARNER VILLAGE 3 park pass is so you can experience 3 different WORLDS. So no Seaworld will not get Big rides and thats the way I like it, can you imagin if all the parks were the same it would be great for the coaster geeks but bad for the general public.
  7. ^Did you see me slick I was riding next to Rich in the Black and White shirt. Posted by rod Yeah Dude I didnt know Dan and Rich could scream that loud.
  8. Ian

    I won!

    no "hiccups" but I nearly did after my coke
  9. Ian

    I won!

    Just finish the update if anyone wants to check it out. http://ozcoaster.net/ozupdates/Claw%20medi...ge1.php?p=33#33 Also was cool meeting you today rod.
  10. Ian

    I won!

    I rode it with Rich we went on the 1st media ride at the offical opening this morning The ride is awesome and my new favorite flat ride. I just love the forces when you have your arms up and swing. Anyway working on update now
  11. ^Slick A shopping Mall is coming but think like Downtown Disney where it will be next to the park with hotels down the road. The Shopping Mall was confirmed last year and will be bigger then Pacific Fair
  12. ^Its all the practice I get at work from doing photos of Matrix stunt show and the dolphins at SW
  13. Went to dreamworld with joz and did a fun update we have photos of the claw and then photos from the park and our adventure including me singing and Joz shooting me. http://ozcoaster.net/ozupdates/DW0809/page...ge1.php?p=33#33
  14. Myself and Joz have Just returned from a day at Dreamworld with my New SLR Nikon Digital Camera we will have a fun update of the theming and Joz will present "Slicks Cyclone Adventure" Give me a couple of hours.
  15. Glad you had a great time Disney is one of the reason I work in this industry It shows people you dont need coasters to have fun.
  16. Totally agree Rich I bet this Claw Will be way better then my experiences on La Revolution
  17. god bless the disney resort and its drinking bars. Just ask some of the westcoaster crew they tell you all about my drunk antics
  18. glad you had fun at my favorite park to get drunk at.
  19. stealth vekomas flyer was 17million and B&M dont give there price away just look at press release to see this, but B&M are more expense but I guess thats the price you pay for a smoother ride.
  20. I was thinking vekoma too because it's cheaper and paramount have vekoma flyers like Stealth which is now Borg over at PCW. and dreamworld have lately been getting all things paramount, Nick Land, tomb raider. but I guess we will have to wait till next year to find out. by the way when I rode Stealth it was awesome feels great flying though a loop but the ending had alot of head banging but that vekoma for ya.
  21. Yeah I know me and you Joz work for a good company when they care about looking after there rides. anyway WWF was delayed a couple of days but should open to the general public today.
  22. did he give you a time frame? Has anyone thought the new vekoma booster bike could also be themed to lara croft bikes.
  23. SHEEPWORLD opening 2008 1st coaster will be Sheepshagger which will be a hyper. also there will be a all you can eat steak house which JOZ will be running As far as Six Flags dont want them down here they have a shocking maintence with the rides and are always in debt. Cedar Fair ltd or Busch would be way better.
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