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Everything posted by Ian
hi rich hope you vaction is going well I went to the Friends TV taping in 1998 with some mates was alright but felt 6 hours of taping for a 23 min show was to long.
good stuff flea sounds great, Im of to watch Gozilla now but after will do your update straight away as well as finishes my photo xmas cards I have been making for work (wbmw) but update will be up later tonight early morning ian
thats my point there next door but seperate
seriously dude im only trying to tell you from my point of view as a insider at the parks, but if you dont want my opion then i will just take my thjoughts some where else and never ever call me rabies disney again
let me clear things up here as one of only 2 warner village employees on this board The Emergency Reponse Team took the photo its part of there job. as for talking about how it started looks from my human eye electrical but I think everybody should stop commenting on if buts ect and let the investgaters do there job and then tells us. so wrong there mate. (1) this past few days we are having bumper crowds 5000 plus. (2) And as for rides you forget movieworld is like Universal studios a movie theme park not a thrill park for rides if you went to Movieworld and did all the shows including the new matrix show you wouldnt have time to fit all the rides in. why do you think universal in florida built a seperate thrill park IOA for rides instead of joining to what they all ready have. I really feel the local park community down under has to understand that there are many types of parks from your thrill parks to your theme parks. and rollercoasters arent the only good rides out there ride indy or soarin over california and you will see what I mean thrill parks six flags knotts cedar point Ioa dreamworld theme parks disney sea world movie world universal
this is like old news guys get with the program You guys should join overseas boards like westcoaster, ACN ect then you would get a world perspective. also screamscape is the number 1 site for news he updates his site 3 times a week. as for vegas next year will be my 4th trip there so will ride this new ride but still dont think it will beat Speed the ride at sahara hotel or thrill shot on top of tower.
Very busy nearly 3000 and of all people I talked to they said they were having a great day and understood that fire is a serious matter so were not angry that the ride was closed I had a look at wwf and its gutted at the top but wont say anymore.
the fact sydney has nearly 4 million one would expect the park to have that number. but gold coast kills wl every other day. And as for wet n wild I agree with JOZ thats great numbers for a water park which is at least half the size of the rest of the parks in australia.
Im sure rich doesnt mind as we link both site on our 2 sites. just like overseas sites do. We are here for fun and our love of theme parks. I dont mind if people link to other sites from my boards and im sure rich doesnt ever as long as it acceptable content.
dont you mean 15, 000 minus 14, 000 people
from 8 years of yearly visits to california. stay at a anaheim hotel as all the hotels in that area offer tours to sfmm Also knotts is only 10mins away from disney and there is a shuttle from the hotels. plus staying in anaheim is good as you wont need a car as all the parks are close plus Down town Disney and The Block (awesome shopping/entertainment area if you need anymore advice just PM me Ian
dont waist your money instead go down the strip on the brand new monorail to the sahara hotel and ride speed the ride it is one of the better coasters in the world and unlike manhatten express at NYNY hotel which is $10 a ride and its a slow togo coaster. Speed is only $6 a ride or $12 for a day pass. in San Francisco you have PGA and SFMW go to SFMW if you have time its has some great coasters
SB 3d is fun I have been on it but it use a special type of motion chair that is only found a PGA in Cali. but its not really a kids movie the whole idea is you chase a pickle to put in a hamburger.
^dude we were there wednesday and you right whirlpool looked very slow so we gave it a miss. the spas would have been better one thing going for wet n wild is the attendance its been very good this year including beaten sea world and movieworld on one day a few months back with something like 7000 just needs more slides IMO so my day last longer.
posted by shaun If anything SHAUN I am just clearing the air and answering the questions as a industry insider that works at WBMW and I also know the oversea parks thanks to certain sources (ask RICH or JOZ if you dont beleve me) eg i know the layout of KNOTTS next coaster. But if you dont want me too answer question and give people who are asking questions some answer so they will learn. Thats fine I wont comment at all. Ian"god some people are touchie"Clark
posted by Nightshifter Dude learn the industry before commenting on it! I work for Warner Village theme parks and how can SW, WnW and MW compete when they are the same company thats why there is a thing called a 3 park superpass. Also the Parks CEO has a great Relationship with DW CEO and beleve it or not the only competition at the top is friendly. similar to the local relationship of Knotts and Disney in California why compete when all the tourist have come to the same area. As for Wonderland do you really thing they are going to give a 100% date of the next ride to some body they dont know "outside of the industry circle" parks like to surpise people with there next attraction and never release the information till at least 6 months before projects opening just look at the USA for this, December they annouce plans for a coaster May they open. (Unless its a long project like TOT at disney which takes more then 6 months) I hope this clear things up. And if there are new attractions for the parks next christmas dont look for any news till at least July
The last movie made was Peter Pan by Universal the studios are hired out to different companies beside there own 2 (Warner Bros. and New Line) so you can have other companys like universal and fox at the studios. You will find that are lot of movies that have scences shot at the studios as well as other places eg matrix was Sydney (fox) and San Francisco (warner) locations. Star Wars was USA, Australia, Italy, England, Tunisia locations. In the next 2 years look for the following movies to maybe get some Aussie locations. Catwomen, Batman, Wonderwomen, and Superman as they have all been green lighted for production with Catwomen already underway. And her merchandise is about to be released at work.
ride de javu in 8 years time. trust me go on rides like grizzly at pga or the vekomas in the USA like KONG which I rode this year and you will see how good lethal is for a 8 year old coaster, and if you hold your head back against the headrest there will be way less bumping.
I will say a new steel coaster is coming and "think marvel" as this is from inside sources I work with. also look out for a ride not coaster in the next couple of years.
posted by slick Stealth isnt at Paramount's Kings Island it is at Paramount Great America in San Francisco which is alot like work WBMW. I was there in July and Stealth was a rough vekoma ride with lots of head banging the locals are glad it is going the only good thing was when the ride did a 180 twist at the top and you were hanging. The superman flyers by B&M are way smoother. And Boomerang Bay will be opening at Paramount's Kings Island and Paramount Great America next year and after Dreamworld next big ride I think Boomerang Bay will follow here as well.
as a person who goes to Knotts every year I think we dont need PP at any of our parks the load time is way to long on that ride you would spend most of your day waiting to get your one ride on cyclone and PP thanks to one ride op only, and knotts have 3 to 4 ops on PP and you still wait a while
that is not thunder dolphin I was over in tokyo in august and went to thunder dolphin and thunder dolphin has a grey colour track and does not dive into water
^xcelerator is great :twisted:
^yeah forgot about INDY Joz ^ Actually indiana jones at Disneysea in japan is even better then the anaheim one.
V2 is great the great thing about it is every row has a different experience because of the twist in the spike I liked the 3rd row as you are suspened upside down but the back row is great for the 90deg back spike But if Dreamworld was to get a impulse there front spike would be like the other usa impulses as v2 was modifed due to height restrictions in the air. But if I was to put a SFMW coaster into Dreamworld it would be Medusa as B&M floorless full circuit coasters are great.