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Everything posted by pyro_man

  1. It was built in Luna park a place of fun not thrills so its not ment to be thrilling.
  2. It was Luna Parks best coaster and might I ask you if you went on the big dipper while it was at luna park. I think it can be compared not in thrills but others.
  3. I have photos of the big dipper. None of them I took, just a colection from sites. I hope you like them. Cheers pyro More on next post.
  4. I 've only been on the bobsled at jamberoo and I love going down with out slowing your self down at the bottom; me and my brother had a competition to see who could slide the furthest on the brakes.
  5. As one wise rooster once said "ya gotta keep on ya toes toes that is".
  6. Here's a picture of the Butter fly on no limits.
  7. What luna park is that. Why would Okomoto do that.
  8. If you look at mesho & okamotos double loop coaster they are the same can any one explain this to me. links to the have a look. http://www.jin.ne.jp/okamotos/eg/main/01b.htm http://www.sanoyas-leisure.com/
  9. Wheres geronimo at LPS and is the wild mouse at LPS a schwarzkpof. Other than that the sites ok.
  10. If you look at the price of dream world and the price of one the six flags parks there is a differanc and they all close for winter.
  11. I'm thinking of making a tribute clip of wonderland so if any one has clips of the park can you email them to me. The reason for this is if I can make it good enough I will send to a tv channel and you know how they have clips at the end of the news they might put it on.
  12. I' will ask this again is it classifyed as a coaster or not.
  13. I dont think anyone here wouldn't. I'm thinking of makeing one like this guy did.
  14. God there good but very pricy ranging from $4000 to $7000.:eek:
  15. I'm not the reading type and did look Quickly at the first 2 pages.
  16. Do think that there is going to be a new park built with most of the Wonderland rides + the thunderbolt + new rides.Well I hope so.
  17. I made an Aussie one it is short.http://quizilla.com/users/pyro525/quizzes/...ter%20are%20you
  18. is it classified as a coaster and are there any more pictures.
  19. I was looking on the net and I found some info on a person who leaded the complants of the park and Richard those prices are they with the rides or without the rides.
  20. I was sitting the news and they had a reveiw on the park that lasted for about 1 minute (very short) and they showed some of the constuction of the park now lets get to the point at the end of it they said that the park was due to open on the 2nd of April.:mad:
  21. you should put in more options like more Aussie parks becuse my favorite coaster is BD.Any way I 'am the colossus.:cool:
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