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Everything posted by willsy

  1. Whats so special that you just dont say what rides that could go from wonderland to luna park. ????????.... You come on here saying stuff but cant even say what it is. come one man
  2. Yes we know DW has bad capicty for rides, But insted of coming on here and complaining about it every friggn time why dont you complain to DW its self, I'm pretty sure DW arnt going to come on these forums and read it. Otherwise like kenny said Deal with it. Theres nothing you can do about it, complaining on forums wont help, Go to the source of where its happing.
  3. Did anyone else see the Claw on tv? It was on the sunrise show i think on prime, The thememing and area around it looks awsome, Cant wait to ride it soon.
  4. Must be your computer . The video works fine, I have downloaded it onto my desktop computer and onto my laptop and it works fine both times.
  5. Well i was recently told buy a "person" that there's more stuff to come, But it is in the way of thememing only. Thats all i was told.
  6. What, your not aloud? But the person who told you was aloud?
  7. Another cop in the forums, just what we need!!
  8. Sites looking good, but i think it needs a lot more color. Just my thought.
  9. You might walk out of the jungle and come across a beach? Maybe thats what it is. Kind of like on an island.
  10. There's been updated from the 13 August about themeing and that, Last R-C uplate was in july. Any who care
  11. ^ Theres nothing wrong with ozcoasters updates, There more regular the Roller-coaster.com.au. (no offence richard)
  12. What so because you dont like it, it isnt a good idea? There are people out there that did like it, and i am one of them! You dont seem to like many things in the Aus theme parks or what they do, Maybe you should be come an American. Anyway just thought
  13. You can have light on it and still motorised, All you have todo it make up a swivel joint out of copper and add that where the thing spins on.
  14. I remember in Januray this year on the GD. The guy didnt check the restaints. He just looked at them from the control area and sent us up, Bloody stupdi of him.
  15. I dont see what Dreamworld saying stuff like that has to do with us. So what if they call it "The ultimate thrill ride". It will be for some people. They are just geting people worked up about it that dont really know much about the rides like some of us. If i didnt know stuff about the rides and that and i seen that saying "the ultimated thrill ride and the pic i would think **** that looks awsome gota go there = $ for Dreamworld then. It just a Stupid press release. Anyway just my thoughts.
  16. A 15mil loan, I bet someone told you that, I dont think it matters who you know but i am sure they wouldnt tell you that kind of info.
  17. Bree isnt that could, no way i would go there to see her
  18. How does The Claw have anything to do with that ride. Maybe if the end where the seats are was in a shape of a claw it would be good, But its just crap. Anyway
  19. i like the GD, TOT and all the rides
  20. People complaining, they most probley get heaps now.
  21. 50 seater and the height is 13.280m ( The plan i have isnt for the one at wonderland) I have the Bounty 50 seater which swings to a max angle of 75degress.
  22. Well that looks like one awsome ride, Cant wait till i'm up there again.
  23. Off topic again. Richard, I assume you have permission to use the song on your seaworld video from the record company/band?
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