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Everything posted by willsy

  1. ^ It would only incase it by four seats, Just speed up the lift and staff the ride, Spend money it would cost the add more seats on theming.
  2. Yeah its kind of near the airport, there a park there on the south bound side, I havent been there but drove past there in January when on way back from the airport, The rides looked pretty good aswell.
  3. Give us some thing thats better then the non subscriber has now?
  4. Not as easy as it seem adding another side to GD, It would only increase it by 4 ppl anyway. Is that really worth the money?
  5. I just noticed that the "Free" videos that were there to download are now for subscription only, I think that all those video's there should still be free, as since there been free for ages now, I thought you would have started the subsription only videos with new footage, its like buying something twice.
  6. Cool new site, Got a shock when the page loaded, Looks really good.
  7. Yeah the TOT is awsome at night, I done it a couple of times. AWSOME
  8. Paul get out to some partys and get yourself a girl.
  9. ^ Yeah. It was good for getn photos of the GD and TOT etc. Anyway bigger and better things to come.
  10. Well when i was there in January 2005 the paint was really faded, It made the ride look old, Compared to the year before when i was there it look nice, the paint wasnt faded. Anyway everyone has different thoughts
  11. Just got this email from DW about Skylink and Reptar Thank you for your enquiry about the Kodak Sky Link. The Skylink has closed permanently as of yesterday and will eventually be replaced by new rides or attractions. The Reptar is on an annual maintenance inspection shutdown and repainting has not be scheduled during this particular shutdown.
  12. LOL Skyhawk? I thought that was gone, Oh i think i seen that on the GC. Weird hey.
  13. Who knows, they might be going to paint reptar finally. Thats why they might not have a opening date yet.
  14. Thats a bit weird, the skylink was just closed for 1month for annual maintance, why bother doing maintance then closing the ride?
  15. So if you dont subscribe you cant download/watch any of the videos?
  16. Umm Scott, You should contact The people at Theme park Review.
  17. People the tower does not bend, tilt, move or what ever, I have been in the metal industry for years.
  18. The tower can easly be taken down in the day. So if the tower moves how come the ride can still operate in the day?Wouldnt the track get a bend/twist in them and cause the godulas to get "stuck".
  19. And here you are telling someones else to stick to the topic in another thread, Why dont you??
  20. I think it would work well with the overseas vistors. Allthough i wouldnt getone myself.
  21. Sad?? Well people do like things that are different from your choice scott.
  22. Nice setup huss, its getn bigger each time i see it.
  23. ^ Easy. TTD $25million Superman $12million
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