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  1. Drewboy, I don't think it was necessary to correct him there! (sometimes the meaning is conveyed anyway) Interesting pic, a pity the train wasn't passing the loop at the same time. Would it be superimposed behind the guy doing the stunt?
  2. This is the ride (below), yes first of its specific type, but more-or-less, a similar version of Surfer's Paradise's Vomatron. The attraction is now being tested here, having come fresh from the KMG factory and is a travelling version which, after the LP Summer stint, will be joining the travelling circuit, under its owners the Pavier family (also own travelling rides: Scorpion and Twist) I believe ride prices will be around $15 per person. Here is more information from the KMG website: http://www.kmg.nl/kmg/factory/speed_en.html
  3. Wonderland_Syd, were you working at the park when it opened? If so you have some pretty good 'credentials'. I am still fascinated by the 'Funnel Web' (Eyerly Spider). This style of ride was very unique and assumably popular - I wonder why it was removed?
  4. I think Rod may have been referring to MAME, which is a brilliant arcade emulator for the PC.
  5. Did they have Moon Patrol? I love pinball machines. Moreso 1990's era Williams machines.
  6. Wonderland_Sydney, good stuff. A very detailed and compelling website. Those photo's certainly speak a thousand words! Well done.
  7. No, the Spider at Melb Luna Park was installed after the demolition of the Rotor, in the 1970's. I never knew about LPM Spider being ex-Witts, but this doesn't surprise me. Yes during the 1980's, Wittingslow had a 49% stake in Luna Park Melbourne, but sold out by about 1993. For many years they regularly alternated their travelling rides, providing regular variety. The current Galaxy Coaster and Enterprise were once owned by Wittingslow, and sold onto the park. Likewise, with the 1995 refurbishment of LPS, Wittingslow owned a stake in it, in fact, Ranger, UFO, Breakdance and a number of kiddy rides that are there today, were ex-Wittingslow. I have a feeling the Wonderland Funnel Web become a travelling unit. I remember one that was at the Melbourne Zoo in the early 1990's that could well have been it.
  8. Very interesting to see the 'Funnel Web' - I wonder what happened to this ride after it left Wonderland.
  9. I hope (and am sure) those two unfortunate incidences were completely unrelated. Could've been a random bunch of bored teens with nothing better to do than smash up a windscreen or two. (perhaps be glad you weren't doing 100km+ under a freeway overpass when it was hit!) It really is bad what happened to your site and all the work you had put in. In the long-term, with persaverence you'll have it back better than ever.
  10. Any further updates on where Tassie Devil is? (last I heard it was being refurbished, possibly trailerised to do the travelling circuit)
  11. There is a retro Channel 7 promo airing at the moment in Melbourne - you can spot a quick few frames of people riding one of the old flume boats down the final dip on Leisureland's log flume.
  12. Zoggy great article, not something those of us in other states would otherwise know. DjRappa, am very surprised you've not heard about it the '"...giant dog turd.." This exellent ABC article summarises it in good detail: http://www.abc.net.au/adelaide/stories/s1156154.htm
  13. Pretty sure Aussieworld were successful in bidding for the old permanent Ghost Train at the Royal Melbourne Showgrounds a few years back. No doubt something is cooking, they run a very tight ship up there, with exellent maintenance and presentation of all rides.
  14. I bet they got a next-to-nothing deal on those poncho's after its closure. While on the topic of minor things on the grounds, there is a plaque in respect to the 7 people who lost their lives in the tragic Ghost Train fire of '79 which is on an orange wall just near a central ticket booth. (I have a a photo of it I may post if anyone is interested). Suprisingly it was re-made too, which the recent refurbishment. (I believe it replaced one after the 1995 upgrade)
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