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Everything posted by scott

  1. They probably are seeing as TTD and Kingda Ka use them.
  2. It is a positive because it's good publicity and more money for Dreamworld.But apart from that it sucks.
  3. I was wondering if it's cheaper to use Hydraulics or Magnets.I'm assuming Hydraulics is cheaper but is less reliable.Also,is coaster that uses a lift hill generally cheaper or more expensive then a launch.Thanks.
  4. u no i rekon spelyng hear is wers then min;
  5. Can spinning cars like on Wild Mouses (Ekka Version) go through inversions?
  6. Thanks Paul. I downloaded the file but when it finished it said that it couldn't locate Winamp or something,and it's been happening for a while.I think I screwed too much with the computer Oh,well,time for a new one anyway.
  7. Yeah,Amazing Race is pretty good,better then other brainless tv shows,a good concept.
  8. It depends what park you compare it too.By that I mean SDCS is obviously alot better themed then Mullholand Madness.But for most Disney rides I don't think SDSC is as well themd.Neither is Bermuda.
  9. How do I swich to advanced mode for posting so I can manage attachments?
  10. Never heard of those before.Also,I never new there was a launched coaster at Alton Towers.Is this that Ride Rita thing? Please Keep voting people.
  11. I've been on SDSC,Space Mountain,Rockin Rollercoaster,and then there's Eureka Mine Ride and Looney Tunes River Ride,to a lesser extent.The best by far would be Rockin Rollercoaster.Great theming,great music,intense launch,smooth,triple inversion,nice airtime,long ride,excellent layout,no headbanging,and soft restraints.All you could want.
  12. Adam,SDSC isn't my favourite ride,nor is it my favoutrite ride in aus,yet it's more then an average ride so....
  13. Changing Rooms,Temptation Island,ect,ect.I hate reality tv.It's just so incredibly boring. :cool:
  14. This was the best time to for my mum to cancel our Foxtel subscription,wasn't it?
  15. Sorry,I've only been to Euro Disney,there they don't have a pre show movie room.I keep assuming all the Disney parks are exactly the same. :cool:
  16. I have no idea why people keep worrying about space at DW.It's in the middle of the bush!
  17. I don't think MW is Disney satandard.I don't like saying it,but it's true.It is on the level of the Universal though,well,I can imagine that anyway.Disney's Frontierland is amazing,once you've seen that then you've seen it all.It's simply so well done.Also,not all disney rides have a story.In fact,only Space Mountain does really.Big Thunder just starts without any real story beforehand.Nor does Indiana.
  18. I would hate to see a 4d coaster at Dreamworld.They're such an eysesore.They already have a launched coaster,and an Inverted coaster would be too similar to Reptar.What Dreamworld could really do well with would be a floorless,standup,or flying IMO.
  19. They might be newer,all I was saying was that I don't think we'll have that.And yes Bus,I know that for Australia the rides at WNWGC are unique,but I meant in world terms.
  20. I'm sorry to say it but I seriously doubt it will be that way.WNWGC don't have any amazingly interesting or unique rides.Why should they do this at WNWSC?
  21. As Joz said,the majority of land(or alot of it anyway)at Movieworld is taken up by studios.However there is still more than enough land for a new themed area or rides.As for "chokepoints" the only one of those at MW is when there is a parade on,and it can get very frustrating for people who don't want to see the parade but just want to get across to the other side of the street.MW isn't ignorant like DW when it comes to capacity and have dealt with and are able to deal with crowds very well.Also,when I said before that Movieworld was getting rid of their only attraction to do with movies I was talking about things like tram tours,special effects shows and other behind the scenes things,as Richard said.Rides like Lethal Weapon,Scooby Doo,and Wid West aren't about movies,there simply themed to them.They are major thrill rides,not studio tours.Go to Disney Studios and you'll find about five different shows like these.And just because somepeople only go there 3 or 4 timesa yeardoes not make it new.I went to MW once last year and do not find it new.
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