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Everything posted by scott

  1. Lol, March 18th is my birthday, nice choice Richard. I'd say I have about a 75% possibilty of going.
  2. Hahahaha, nice going Neb I'll have a go, but I probably won't be capable of finding the folder that the screenshot ends up in. Gives you some idea of my computer skills
  3. I love Twister, but yeah the whole water-up-the-nose thing isn't much fun.
  4. If one thing is better than another thing, then that thing is better than the other thing. It really is simple. Christ.
  5. We've all moaned on about this topic enough I think, it's fairly obvious to every one that DW has enough flats now and needs a decent coaster. I think christmas 07 will bring about a fairly big, hopefully not second-hand ride or coaster for DW .
  6. .....he'd shoot these comments down one by one
  7. Tower of Terror has always been incredibly noisy, and I could hardly describe standing next to the pod as it launches a quiet experience. But no I don't think it's getting any louder.
  8. I think the restraints are fine, they don't end up digging into my shoulders at all. I love the trains too, nice and open.
  9. I don't remember WO from it's early days, in any case I think it's still a great ride, the noise and the rust just add to it if you ask me
  10. scott

    RCT2 Team Park

    How's it going then?
  11. The weekend of the 25th sounds good, I think I'll have some money by then. It's fairly annoying not having a Movie World season pass. In any case I would be able to go to Dreamworld too.
  12. Any idea when we might be seeing the dvd? I wasn't sure weather or not it was going ahead after the whole WVTP debacle.
  13. If the display was reading 163.5 kmh then the display wasn't working, which I don't find all that hard to beleive. On my 17 rides on TOT I've never seen it go over 157kmh, and Dreamworld have actually said before that they prefer to keep the speed lower then it's capable of, for safety reasons. If I'm wrong in any instance I'm sure Slick will correct me
  14. From what I understand you don't need permission to film inside the park but you do if you are planning on putting it on any site, but basically you're just not allowed to use it for profit.
  15. I still haven't encountered any time when Movieworld is dead so to say, but there's no point in worrying about how many rides you're going to get on Superman, I got 11 rides in yesterday without having to wait long at all.
  16. ^Haven't those pictures been on for a while now? Can we expect any videos some time? Will I ever stop asking questions?
  17. It looked alright, but yes I agree the colours look fairly boring. It's good to have a freefall slide after seaworlds one dissapeared. In any case I'm looking forward to Black Hole alot more.
  18. ^^Drenched city would be terrible, Boomerang Bay would be spot on I think. Seeing as Dreamworld already has a relationship with Paramount (Nick Central, Tomb Raider) there would probably be no problems with the name. And the whole Australia theme would fit, seeing as it would be IN Australia, and I'm sure foreigners would love it. On the whole I'm definitely more excited about the water park, I mean how often do you get to see an entire park being built, and It will be interesting to see what sort of ideas Dreamworld can come up with.
  19. Lol I am going this wednesday too, really looking forward to it.
  20. The first slides you reffered to were the Shotgun Slides. I remember well having hurt my leg quite badly on that ride.
  21. Well said Willsy. I don't particularly like the site that much either but I really don't think it's going to effect the ride experience in anyway so I don't care that much.
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