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Everything posted by scott
I just hope they soften up those harneses when they come down;theyre painful!
Im typing from France we arrived here a few days ago but I wasnt able to post because I forgot my password.Im sorry I dont have any apostraphes in my writing but this damn keyboard is starting to p#ss me off.Anyway,its friggin freezing over here,we just came back from an ice cold Paris.Next week were going to Euro Disney and Ill give you guys a report.... Im looking forward to excellent theming and some good rides. Toodles......
So RCT3 does have a Gyro Swing?Good,I was hoping it did.What other rides are there in RCT3 that RCT2 doesn't have?
I like the idea of extending Ocean Parade,a small waterpark would fit in there well,and it could be themed well.I'd hate it if they had tacky names like at Boomerang Bay;I want them to have an Aussie theme but not with names like the ones at Paramount.
I didn't think a top hat coaster would really suit MW,but as long as it's fast(and most top hat coasters are fast)then that's good.I was hoping for a flyer for MW but oh well.
Mmmm,that's what I thought,but I couldn't help myself.
Yeah,I know,but I was basically reffering to SFMM.
How much info do you need?All you need to know is wether or not you've been on a vertical loop slide.It's in a few parks in the states,I forget which ones.
Has anyone ever been on a vertical loop slide?Can you give any re-counts?I'd really like to give this slide a try but it ain't happening for a while. Thanks.
If your lying down(on your stomach or your back)you go much faster then when sitting down.
Although it would probably be better for someone who knows more about park then me to do this,I'm doing it none the less.Anyway,I'm pitting Australia's premier thrill park against the biggest amuesement park chain out there,to see how it compares.Keep in mind that I haven't been to any Six Flags Parks so some things may be wrong. Theming: Many people believe that theming is what makes theme parks so great,some people think otherwise,but either way theming is an important part of amusement parks,and help provide atmosphere.There has been discussion lately on how DW's theming has been of rather poor quality.Although all of their rides do have theming,their main rides such as Tower Of Terror,Giant Drop,and Cyclone,could be much better rides with improved theming.Rides such as Wipeout,Eureka Mine Ride,Rocky Hollow and The Claw however do have fairly heavy theming. The Six Flags parks rides generally have only averahe theming,e.g Viper,X)but like Dream World some of their rides do have good theming. Capacity: Capacity is currently an important issue for DW,with Tower Of Terror,Cyclone and Giant Drop usually having long ques.Most of their other rides are fairly high capacity,such as the Claw,Wipeout,Eureka Mine Ride and Rocky Hollow. Most rides at Six Flags Parks are quite high capacity,with the exception of X.This is mainly because most of their Coasters run more then one train. Roller Coasters: Dreamworld has only four Roller Coasters which is very few in comparison to most park,including Six Flags.Tower Of Terror is there fastest and tallest Rollercoaster and in an enjoyable ride.The Cyclone,another of Dreamworlds major rides,is a quite a fast Rollercoaster and fairly enjoyable.Eureka Mine Ride is a Wild Mouse Style rollercoaster,and Reptar Runaway Rollercoaster is an inverted childrens Rollercoaster. Six Flags Parks have many Roller Coasters throughout the park the parks,most of them being thrilling. Thrill Rides:Dreamworld has generally good thrill rides.The Giant Drop,Claw and Wipeout are all thrilling rides with high capacity and fairly good theming. The Six Flags parks have quite a few thrill rides which are quite good. I could have made it alot better if I had actually been overseas, I haven't yet been to any Six Flags parks,sorry it wasn't as good as it could have been.
Hmmm,me neither :mad:
Wouldn't you get in trouble from the Life Gaurd at the end when he saw you though.When my friends and I were riding Mammoth River we knelt instead of standing,and the guy at the top saw us,he,he,he,it was worth it though.
It also has high capacity and as mentioned above great theming.
Well a large new water park would be alot more profitable,and besides,I didn't even know Blue Lagoon existed when I first went to dreamworld.
According to them the drop zone is the tallest freefall in the world.Not even a mention of Giant Drop. tsk,tsk,tsk
I don't think Ice theming is a good idea at all.What does it have to do with anything in that area?If the park is going to be in the TB area near Ocean Parde,then have them Ocean themed.
The Speed Coaster wasn't as good as I thought it would be,and the tubes barely go up the ramp much at all.I think the Whirlpool would be alot more fun without the tubes,just lying there was much more fun.Mammoth Plunge was too slow,and unless your facing backwards then it's not very interesting.
We have three Claw videos as it is,isn't that enough?
It's basicly a Wild Mouse coasters except it delivers alot more thrills.At first you think it's a normal ghost train (with an excellent headchopper I might add) and then a lift takes you up a few stories.After that the rest of the ride is pretty thrilling,and by far one of the most interesting rides in the park.
I just came back from a day at Wet 'n' Wild,with a few friends. We got into the park at 11 o'clock,and first headed to Super 8.I thought this was a pretty good ride,with barely any ques.For some reason I could never come first though,which was annoying. Then went for Twister,which turned out to be one of my fav slides.It's slow at the start but really picks up speed towards the end. After that we went on Terror Canyon 2,which was quite good.We later rode the first Terror Canyon at night,boy was that fun.Just as we were about to go on the second Terror Canyon someone got stuck and we had to go on the first one.Then,just as we were about to go on the first one,the second on re-opened :mad: After that we went on all of the rest of the slides as well.Mammoth River was one of favourites,I love feeling as If your about togo of the edge.The tabbogan was also good,a bit of a wait though.All of the rides are better at night time;there are less ques and there more interesting. I would make the report longer but I'm tired so i'll right more tommorow morning.
Yeah,probably.I don't why one side goes higher than the other though.
Yeah,it would be good to have a general video of Dreamworld like Liam did with Wonderland.*Hint*Hint Sorry I keep demanding these videos guys,I'd make some myself if A)I had a video camera and I wasn't such a dimwit when it comes to computers.I do appreciate the time you put into the videos.
Coasters:Top Thrill Dragster(inverted top hat),Millenium Force,Wicked Twister,Kraken,Mantis,Kumba,Nemisis,The Beast. Flats:Claw,Giant Drop,Wipeout. Water rides:That big flume at knotts berry farm,freefall slide,Wild West Falls,Boomerang Bay.
The names they gave to the slides were simply to give the place character,it's like the episode on the Simpsons where they visit Aus:it may have been offensive,but it was just to make it make it more interesting.