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Everything posted by scott

  1. The ToT videos are great,a bit shaky,but that's not your fault.We have plenty of Vid's of Dw's main thril rides but does anyone have any of their smaller rides,or is going to make one?
  2. Yeah,good work,when you haven't been in a while you forget how much that dam thing twists and turns.
  3. scott


    While I was driving past DW yeterdayI was looking up at GD andthe East side wasn't dropping for ages.We stopped at a petrol station nearby for some chips,and it wasn't till a long time after that it dropped.The other side had done about three cycles before it did do so;why was it up so long? :confused: I also saw that one side was higher than the other,as I thought.
  4. How could water restrictions possibly make a difference?Wet 'n' Wild is still running,as is Seaworld's water park,and Dw' Blue Lagoon.
  5. Does anyone have any tips about Wet 'n' Wild?
  6. I'm also going with what Slick said,and not just because I want DW to get a new coaster but because as I said DW is doing well at the moment,and they would do even better with a new coaster,and that would also helo counter MW's new thrill ride. Stephen Gregg said he was shopping around for the right coaster,so it looks pretty promising in my opinion.
  7. Fix what?I mean it wasn't having that many problems was it?
  8. I thought a gondala was a boat but it seems it's both.
  9. That was in this thread.They've really torn it to bits.
  10. Yeah,your right.I don't think they planned on making many changes to the ride either.
  11. Joz,when I was talking about scenery on RCT2,I didn't mean that it wasn't simple to hold the mouse and a button at the same time,I meant that it's not a very good idea to have shift as the button you had to hold,I wouldn't have thought of it if Pattie hadn't told me you had to use that particular button.You didn't have to qoute of the week me. Sorry for getting off topic.
  12. It's at the Chevron Renaissance on the Gold Coast.
  13. How about a water feature?That might make the ride more interesting.
  14. Who else has been there?What did you think?I thought it was pretty good,except for when I bumped my nose against the glass in atom maze...but that had to be my favourite part of the walk-through.For those of you who haven't been there and are going soon let me give you a warning;at one point you will you enter a large room with kaliedoscopes all around.There's a door along one side of the room,but It's really hard to find.If you don't find it you will spend a long time looking for another way out in the previous room,but It's actually in the room with the kaleidoscope.I didn't really have much time to enjoy the other rooms because we had spent so long looking for the door
  15. There aren't many more falt rides for DW to put in,and with the Claw having opened recentlly I can't think of anything else(apart from a new water park)tp put in really.
  16. Hey,good idea,it would help spruce up the ride a bit seeing as the theming on it has deteriorated alot lately.
  17. Obstructure,why do you think DW is so incapable of getting a new coaster soon?Stephen Gregg said they would be getting one himself,and why not?There doing well at the moment. Seeing as they have opened Nick Central,Tomb Raider,and a Gyro Swing,all which come from the Paramount parks,we might get a coaster simmilar to one of theirs.Or Boomerang Bay as Rabid said.
  18. It's also good advertising,being near the freeway.But most people who've ridden it would rather not see it again anyway,so maybe it would be better of at the back of the park. I think another reason Cyclone is at the front of the park is that it's really more suitable there,and also Ocean Parade is there.
  19. I'd like a flume but Wet 'n' Wild doesn't really do anything that isn't a slide.The closest they got to having a wet ride that is seen regularly in normal theme parks was Mammoth Falls.WnW don't really have full-scale rides. Oh,and I'm going to Wet 'n' Wild this weekend,does anyone have any tips?I like it how Wet 'n' Wild have dive in movies because the slides are still open during the movie and barely anyone is riding them.
  20. Good question..think it would be a good ride for the royal show though.
  21. Luna Park isn't really supposed to be themed is it?
  22. Well,I suggest a free fall slide.Have it as part of Terror canyon,and fitting with the theme of the area too.It would be part of the other bunch of slides that are around there,except it would be above all of them and would stand out quite well.I'd have it a little bigger then Seaworld's freefall,which I thought was a really thrilling ride.I think it would look really great,a huge slide jutting out above all the other slides.The very first few seconds of the ride would be in part of the canyon,slowly getting faster and faster until you suddenly emerged in the open.You would have about a second to recover from the suden light before before plunging down the slide. Other wise I'd get a vertical loop slide,that's something pretty rare. Why is it that barely anyone responds to Wet 'n' Wild threads?
  23. Who cares weather Pattie should have said was or is !? I never rode the two of them but I think SP would be my fav...not so rough, higher up,faster,and more thrilling.
  24. scott

    Buildings On RCT 2

    Thanks,Pattie Boy,I have no idea why they didn't make it simpler.
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