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Everything posted by scott

  1. I'm not intimidated by inversions,I just prefer enjoying the rush of the ride for more than two seconds.The speed after LW's first drop is exhilirating(much better than Cyclone,even though Cyclone's supposedly faster)and I'd like it if the feeling to last a bit longer,which is why I'd prefer a Giga coaster to the likes of Letal Weapon.I like in versions,but five probably is the limit.I'm not saying I wouldn't ride a ten loop coaster given the chance,I just like the first-drop sensation to last longer. Just because haven't riden coasters outside of Australia doesn't mean I can't experience heaps of loops,I can just go on Lethal Weapon over and over again.
  2. Can anyone give me any recounts of the ride?Is it any good?How is the hill at the end?And does anyone know what the fastest slide in the park is?
  3. I'm not intimidated by inversions,I just prefer enjoying the rush of the ride for more than two seconds.The speed after LW's first drop is exhilirating(much better than Cyclone,even though Cyclone's supposedly faster)and I'd like it if the feeling to last a bit longer,which is why I'd prefer a Giga coaster to the likes of Letal Weapon.I like in versions,but five probably is the limit.I'm not saying I wouldn't ride a ten loop coaster given the chance,I just like the first-drop sensation to last longer. Just because haven't riden coasters outside of Australia doesn't mean I can't experience heaps of loops,I can just go on Lethl
  4. Heyyy,penguins would be cool.But SW doesn't already have that.
  5. I'm also hoping for a new freefall at LPS,it would be a good addition.
  6. Ahhh,Gazza,32 is twice TOT's capacity,not four times.Anyway,who cares,if theres one thing I don't want to see at DW it is something tacky.Of course,alot of people will argue that Cyclone is about as tacky as you can get,but that's not the point. I don't want DW to become a park that obbsesively crams in coaster after coaster,like say Cedar Point.I do want them to bring in more coasters,but I want the coasters to be iconic of DW,with effort put into them.They did an excellent job with the claw,they can do it again.Raptor has no appeal to me,the paint jobs bad,and I don't like too many inversions.
  7. Jeese,I can't think of anything else that's already in the park and would fit in a small area.
  8. I'm doubting DW will be putting in a B&M,I know they don't have money problems,but B&M does cost a bucketfull.The only way I would support a woodie at Dreamworld was if it was near rocky hollow,and themed as a Bush ride.I'd say a medium size one would do,with a nice roughness. Maybe blue doesn't suit Dreamworld,so i've changed my mind,id have a nice earthy colour,that would better.(I'm aware DW has blue couloured rides.I wouldn't have two many inversions,they don't make me sick,but like Obstructure I prefer not having too many inversions.
  9. Nahhh,I don't like the thought of a woodie at Dreamworld,I prefer listening to the sound of a metal coaster.A nice,smooth,ride,with about three loops,but they'd have to be interesting ones,not a simple vertical loop.I nice orange colour would be good,but the Claw already has this and I don't think it would fit if the two colours were too close together.A blue coloured ride which inverted three times likewise would be good,and I would make it one of the fastest coasters around.Have it themed as part of Ocean Parade,and add a few good flats in too.
  10. Good ideas,Joz.I'd more or less stick with that,there the main things DW needs to do.
  11. scott

    Your best creation

    Sure,that's what the thread is about.
  12. I'm suprised that after all your time on theese forums you don't already know some of them.ToT cost 16 million,that's all I know.
  13. No,not bounty's revenge,it's too big,and doesn't fit into the theme.I wouldn't think any of Wonderland's rides are going to Luna Park.Their to proud for that.
  14. Here you can upload all your favourite creations from RCT,RCT2,Hyperails,ect.I would upload mine if I knew how to.
  15. I don't know how many chicks would give up there dignity like that,I suspect only the guys will be stupid enough to do it.On Along Came Polly,Ben Stiller says that 5/6 people don't wash their hands after they go to the toilet.Of course,it's just a movie,and it's probably not accurate,but that's still not a good thought.When I go to the loo I see a lot of pigs there.
  16. Geese Obstructure,that was a long post,I couldn't have been bothered writing something like that. Look guys,don't start another crapy forum.People have different opinions,and you can't critisize them for that.So what you think,but don't attack other people. I'd say Dreamworld does have serious capacity issues,but they have a great lot of rides that don't brake down nearly as much as Wonderland's rides.Despite capacity Dreamworld does a good job,and there's no way I wouldn't go if given the oppurtunity.
  17. Well,Dreamworld ismy favourite park and I'm veryunhappy to see it deterioate like this.The capacity issues at Dreamworld have simply gotten worse and worse,and DW needs to do something about it.Although I probably would have given a slightly higher rating than that. So your sure east side went higher?Because alot on the people on the forum think otherwise.I always though it did.
  18. I also hope they don't have some half-arsed job.They really should get a galaxy coaster.Preferably blue.
  19. I have no idea...probably the latter.Otherwise i'm no help and there was no reason for this post.
  20. I don't think Zipper would be agood addition to the park...it has generally smooth rides as it is and Zipper is not smooth.Honestly,the things a real eyesore,all of Luna Parks rides are nice looking IMHO and I don't think you can make Zipper look nice. Rainbow near the water,now that's a good idea...
  21. I don't think Zipper would be agood addition tothe park...it has generally smooth rides as it is and Zipper is not smooth.Honestly,the things a real eyesore,all of Luna Parks rides are nice looking IMHO and I don'tthinkyou can makeZipper look nice. Rainbownear the water,now that's a good idea...
  22. I was about to put my own suggestion in too,but let's not get off topic.
  23. Well,okay,there's no point in the seventh carrige but we do need another train.Also,add another ride op (2 more in peak times)and as Slick mentioned give them walkie-talkies. The fog isn't a good idea-it doesn't fit in with Cyclone and it doesn't make it look much better.Yes,bigger tv screens are needed. I just hope Dreamworld will wake up and smell the beans on this one-Cyclone is desperately in need of both another train and more ops.Although the theming after the que house is good.
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