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Everything posted by scott
It sure would....and it'd be good advertising to.
Also,I think an extra carrige would be good,it would allow 4 more people on the ride...why does it only have 6 carriges?
Okay,if it has to be a carnival-type ride I would probably choose a Rainbow.
I don't think that Cyclone is rough at all,well,compared toThunderbolt anyway.Cyclone does have a unique-ish footprint because of the loops at the end.It's good because just as you think the ride is over,you go through a side-winder that really is great,and a small,intense,loop straight after that.The theming is good,sure the the que area sucks because so many people jump the line,but apart from that the theming is good.I like the paint and while the exits a pain,it used to provide great views of Thunderbolt.Dreamworld really need to make that first drop steeper though,it would kick up the excitement and make the rest of the ride seem more intense. What i really like about the Cyclone is that when i think dreamworld i think cyclone.That is,it really symbolyses DW to me.Of course,so does rocky hollow and Gold Rush Country.Getting out of the car and being confronted with this collosal(cough,cough)structure is great.That's probabaly what i love most about cyclone. In conclusion,Cyclone is a good ride that is good for DW but needs improvements on the que area,the exit(I hate having to go up the stairs before going down)and the ride experience it's self.
okay,I've changed my mind a little. Alex is right,not everyone is as much of a thrill nut as us,but a ride would boost the influx of visitors, especially with a new exhibit.Can't we have both?
Thunderbolt was good,yes it was rough,but all in all a classic coaster.The two loops were great,the rest of the ride needed more banking and was pretty straight as joz mentioned.I loved looking down on it as I traveled down cyclone's circular thingy.
hmmmm,I'm not much of a carnival ride person,i hope it's something other than that genre.
Yes,rabid,I do realise that seaworld is a marine park,but that's no reason for seaworld not to have more rides,or at least rides of a better quality.The few seaworld's in america have a much better selection of rides.If seaworld wanted to pose as a marine park that strongly,then they wouldn't have brought in any rides at all.Gazza is right,it's rides that bring the people up north.
I wanted to know what you thought of seaworld deciding to build another seal exhibit.I reckon there starting to loose the meaning of theme park.The park already has enough animal exhibits,and Seaworld has decided to take away it's fastest ride just for some more seals.Come on seaworld,you need more rides and rides of a higher quality than just a huss pirate ship and an old corkscrew.
Maybe i'm just getting confused-does one TRAVEL faster than the other.
It's great footage Rich,i've watched it twelve times today,the atmosphere at DW was obviously great.Anything new with the mini-golf area?
I'm sure I saw one go higher than than the other,and I travell to the coast pretty often.Also,didn't they get rid of that "double drop" thing?
Yeah,I suppose i suppose it is a picture of Giant Drop,despite the fact that the freefall carrige isn't even there and the picture provides a perfect view of TOT. :mad: I don't think it makes much sense saying the picture is of GD when the GD gondala isn't there but the T.O.T pod is!
I already said TOT!
Does anybody know why the eastern gondala go higher than the other?Is the view better?And how much higher does it go? :confused:
This was an excellent choice for Dreamworld,and im feeling really happy for them.It would have been great to see the media launch,but oh well,i'll just have to wait till later in the holidays.I guess the area would have looked pretty stunning from Giant Drop,I can't wait to check out the theming. With a great new ride like this,I can't wait to see what else Dramworld can pulll out of there hat.I'm sure the ride is smooth and powerful,just like T.O.T and......what's Dreamworld's other Intamin ride?
Still Dreamworld would be bloody insane to buy second hand stuff. Which explains why they bought Big Dipper
Can anybody tell me how to add the half-loop in RCT1? Ive been meaning to ask earlier,but I never got around to it.After putting the half loop in,when i try to add more track after that it says,rollercoaster in the way.It's driving me insane! :eek:
If you could build your own park here in Aus what would it have,where would it be located,what facilities would it offer. My ideal theme park would be on the Gold Coast,because it's a hotspot for tourists (which means a good visitor rate)and it would add to the other parks there,making the Gold Coast truly the theme park capital of aus. The only name I can think of is Thrill World(crap,I know)which really showcases the parks ambitions. For rides i'd have a 55 story high freefall,a launched B&M flyer,a Cyclone-size sit down,an inverted coaster like LethalWeapon,another sit down about the size of Millenium Force,a standup that would be the largest coaster around,a mine ride coaster,a 90kmh log flume,a simulator,a 3-d cinema,a freefall and speed slide,as well as a tobbogan slide and a few other slides.
Yeah,thanks Pyro Man. I reckon poodles are the rats of the dog world,I'd easily pass one up for another dog.
What was Amazon's?!Oh,well you live in Canberra. I live in Middle Park in Brisy,so It was just 5 mins to get there.I clearly remember the day my sister,father and I were driving up the the entrance to find it closed,never to open again. Amazons was smaller,but it had two thrill slides compared to Wet 'n' Wil,which has but one,and it had about as many water slides as Terror Canyon,well,from what I can remember anyway. Once when it had closed,I was at the Jindalee skate park,and we snuck in through the fence.The place looked pretty weird without any water.
Thanks,Nebuchanezzer.I really wished it was at Luna Park when I went not long ago.Does anybody know how Luna Park handled the ride?As in how was their efficiency?Of course I should be able to take a pretty good guess by looking at their other rides to. I can just imagine standing in line for a ride and hearing the roar of Big Dipper(A.K.A Cyclone)and thinking " I am definently going on that ride next.It's a pitty those stupid residents had to complain.
Does anybody have any photos of Big Dipper while it was still in Luna Park(sydney).Aything would be good.
As far as I'm concerned,If Luna Park managed to fit Big Dipper on a small wharf,SW can a least put in some more flats. A coaster doesn't neccessarily have to go close to the ground or any other structures,a coaster can simply go over them.Well,most of the time.Only the loading station,a section of track to slow the train down,and the que are taking up much space on the ground.