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Everything posted by scott
Movieworld would do well with a ride like that,but chances are we won't be getting till 2006.Lile Gazza,I was thinking along the lines of Matrix,as that was a big part of the park with the Matrix exhibit.Also,It would help convert Movieworld into a bigger,more known park.
Willsy's right,If Thunder Bolt had been that bad DW wouldn't have kept it for 21 years.So long as they had a paint job done to them the loops would look good,especially with the carrige on the track.
Yeah,I know this is a bit late,but I only just went yesterday.The Ekka has four new rides this year,including the Mega Drop,(a thirty-seven metre giant drop)which was at the Sydney Royal Show,the Hard Rock(I'm not sure what that does)the Cliff Hanger,in which riders lie down on fake hangliders,and are rotated through the air,obviously giving the impression that riders are hangliding,there was the Techno Jump(not sure) There wereall the old events,such as would chopping,which I witnesed for the first time,the pigs,cows,sheep,ect,the Fireworks,(the River Festival has better ones)the horses and the showbags. I was eager to do the Mega Drop,as I knew I wouldn't wuss out and not go on it like GD.Never the less,I still had a tight stomach as the freefall car climbed the tower.You don't realise how high 37 metres is until you reach the top of that 37 meters.They kept us waiting there as long as possible,obviously,giving us time to admire the small view of the CBD.But that doesn't make the fall much of a surprise,as you can hear them counting down below.This was my first freefall sensation(Apart from T.O.T,but it's a different senation.My mouth was dry as we plummeted;freefalling is a great experience.I'd mainly done this to prepare me for Giant Drop at Dreamworld,which I'm going to in mid September(opening of Claw and Re-opening of Waterpark)But then again,GD is nearly four times that height, so I might chicken out again.This ride is best in the daytime,because you get the sensation that dropping more than you actually are,but the view is good at night time. I also went on hangover,an old favourite.I finished off with the Claw(those reatraints really hurt)which totalled in Mega drop 2 times the claw once and hangover once,which also meant $27 down the drain.But I'll always have the memory's
When Will There be a NEW Themepark in Australia
scott replied to brady's topic in Theme Park Discussion
Really?That's surprising.All theese parks need to do is see how quickyl South-East QLD is growing and they'll consider it. -
When Will There be a NEW Themepark in Australia
scott replied to brady's topic in Theme Park Discussion
Well,six flags sounds good,and it's the most likely one too,seeing as owns heaps of theme parks. -
You may have already heard about it,but I sure haven't.There's speculation that Six Flags Great Adventure is building another coaster similar to Top Thrill Dragster and Xelerator,and that It will be the world's tallest and fastest coaster.I read this off Arthur Levine,a theme park guide.All I did was type in Calafornia theme parks on Google,and one of the links(second,I think,)lead me to his site.His site will in turn lead you to East Coast Coasters,which has some pictures of steel construction pieces. What I want to know is how much bigger can they build them?Not only do they cost huge amounts of money(which theese parks have),but humans can only endure so much.When the first looping coaster was designed,the effects were so strong that riders suffered whiplash and black outs.Min you they probably weren't so well designed back then My family and I are doing our usual trip to France at Christmas,but were going to stop for a week somewhere on the way over,as where bored with the usual flight route.My Mom wants to stop in Thailand,but obviously chose the states because if the parks.Can't wait to get Calafornia
Thank you,Nebuchanzzer.I have never been to WL in my life,so this thing is probable.Oh,and about my IQ,it's not 30,it's 130.Just made a little mistake.Also,seeing as I'm a 12 years old,It's not surprising that I made the mistake of thinking that someone had died.
Main Plaza is looking a bit sad,maybe stick it there.Otherwise,the Claw would be good.
Dam it wonderbus,it's not exactly neat on that page,the writing is sprawled everywhere!Also,words like electrician and section 2 colud easily mean someone got killed. "Section 2,where an electrician stuffed up his job,making the ride hazadorous and resulting in the death of an 8 year old boy." I don't know about you, but asuming the writer of what was on that page had just missed a few words,it sounds like someone died.
Idiot,yes.An IQ of 30 now you bring it up.Just remeber I'm not the one with a pig in a helmet for my avatar.Maybe if someone had elaborated..It does sound like someone got killed,especially the part where it said R.I.P. :mad:
Does anybody know if WL Freefall is higher or shorter than seaworld's?I'm asuming there the same height,but WLD'S looks slightly smaller.
I don't get it either;did this kid get electrocuted,and somehow died?Or am getting the whole thing wrong?Somebody please elaborate!
Jeese,what a half-arsed job!Not even a mention of Cedar Point,or any other good parks in America.I'm sure seaworld isn't one of the top three parks in America.
Lethal Weapon would be the best full-curcuit coaster in Aus.The theming is better,the ride experiende is better,and if you sit towards the back the ride is not rough. 9Why did Richard ban you any way?)
Well,because nobody else has answered your question,and I live 45 minutes away from the GC parks I can tell you something. Don't worry about rain,unlike NSW,it hasn't rained in ages here,and a tipical winter day in QLD is cloud-free.I don't know if your up to it,but bring your swimmers just in case,I definently was swimming when I found the Seaworld waterpark. Crowd wise,remeber QLD only has about 3 million people,and the worst amount of time you'll find yourself queing for would be half an hour on cyclone.
Dreamworld's new attraction is made official
scott replied to Richard's topic in Theme Park Discussion
I never was to sure about a Gyro Swing at Dreamworld(when I found out what it was.)I go to tennis at a place run by Pat Cash,called Cash-Hopper.It's close to DW,and on the way there I could see the Claw clearly.While it was heaps bigger than I had expected,I agree that it won't give pure adrenalin and ultimate thrills.The only way can see it doing so is if it actually swung 360 degrees,in otherwords upside down,and that aint happening.Couldn't they call it the Twister,or something interesting.But I do have to agree that the colours are great.Also,I remember someone saying somewhere that if it's called Claw,then why don't they stck it in Tiger Island. A.They don't exactly have much space,do there. B.I'm not sure the Tigers would enjoy the noise too much,especially if DW introduced fright night. C.Also on noise,the presentors would have to deal with the screams in the back ground. D.TigerIsland is a nice place,and whopping great ride going to ruin the area. Also,last time I looked,Movieworld still hadn't cleard up the sound studio.One half was completely burned to the ground,with the other half still satnding. -
Dreamworld's new attraction is made official
scott replied to Richard's topic in Theme Park Discussion
I never was to sure about a Gyro Swing at Dreamworld(when I found out what it was.)I go to tennis at a place run by Pat Cash,called Cash-Hopper.It's close to DW,and on the way there I could see the Claw clearly.While it was heaps bigger than I had expected,I agree that it won't give pure adrenalin and ultimate thrills.The only way can see it doing so is if it actually swung 360 degrees,in otherwords upside down,and that aint happening.Couldn't they call it the Twister,or something interesting.But I do have to agree that the colours are great.Also,I remember someone saying somewhere that if it's called Claw,then why don't they stck it in Tiger Island. A.They don't exactly have much space,do there. B.I'm not sure the Tigers would enjoy the noise too much,especially if DW introduced fright night. C.Also on noise,the presentors would have to deal with the screams in the back ground. D.TigerIsland is a nice place,and whopping great ride going to ruin the area. Also,last time I looked,Movieqworld still hadn't cleard up the sound studio.One half was completely burned to the ground,with the other half still satnding. -
Roller-Coaster.com.au launches Press Release Database
scott replied to Richard's topic in Site & Announcements
Yeah,Thanks Rich,the site just keeps getting better and better.Something to add to my coaster archives -
E-Ticket Atrraction?..... I don't see how you can call Cyclone rough.Compared to Thunderbolt,that's nothing,but I dont recomend putting your hands up during the ride.If you think the paints wearing through on Cyclone,take a close look on Corkscrew's corkscrew.It's black rather than white.And what the hell is a Fan Turn? I really don't understand how you can theme something called the Claw.What's there to go with that?A futuristic theme maybe,but ToT taken that.Sort of. But I agrre Cyclones theming is crap...
Good question.Gazza,It's a good idea,but in my opinion that's just too quriky for DW.Also,I'm not sure what you mean by four lanes.The tower,like any other tower,has four sides,one of which is occupied by TOT.So there would only be 3 possible lanes.On that topic,why does DW only use the south and north sides of the tower?And why do they say they they use the east and west sides?I'm sure that TOT faces west, so there cannot be a gondala on the same side.And if the West side did face west,how come It's parralel with you on the Freeway???
What If DW turned it into a Launched Freefall?That would sure as hell make it faster.But i really think that it's better if the climb is slow,it means that riders can let thier fear marinate inside them as they get to the top of the ride inch by inch.Also,(let me make it clear,I've never been on GD)it allows more time to appreaciate the views,you must be able to see Movie World and Wet "n" Wild from there.Besides,it doesn't take that long.It's only 120 metres.
Great pics,Rabid.
Hmmmm,If I ran DW........first of all I would definately make Cyclone nice and dark,and IMO it could be themed better. TOT is fine,but it would be really cool if it went into a small tunnel,more of a cocoon actually,and then at the top of it's flight they would be plunged into darkness as they entered the cocoon.(Like Space Probe.)Then,the pod,which was seemingly about to fall back down as usual,would suddenly brake,and the passengers would be held there in the darkness,scared that maybe the ride had stuffed up(Like Space Probe)And then they would obviously go back the way they came. I would put in 2 rides in Thunder Bolt's place,but I don't remember how big that was,so,space permitting,I would put in either a Boomerang or a sitdown with about 5 inversions.Those 5 would be a Double Looper,the same thing that Demon has for it's first 2 inversion,and some other wacky creation.My 2 ride would be a Launched Freefall,if that isn't too intense,and I'd make sure It wasn't too high,or too fast,so that it didn't clash with GD.Otherwise I would just place The Claw there. Blue Lagoon needs two more slides,preferiblyThrill slides,but I doubt there's the space to do that. I haven't yet been on GD,so that's for later. That's all for now.
WonderBus,I did not post on that forum!Crap,I barely looked at it
I see your more of a carnival ride person,Rainbow.