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Everything posted by scott

  1. yeah,sorry goboi,couldn't help myself.But i've only been to Dreamworld and Movie World so I want a bit more info on the parks, especially Seaworld.Guess I should have thought more about what I was posting.I'm pretty new here,so I still love posting threads.
  2. Really?I would'nt have thought it boring.I guess I'm really dissapointed that I never got to go though....demon,space probe and bush beast looked really good.Bush Beast looked like the only full-on wooden coaster in oz.That is to say, not a wild mouse style coaster,which,while exilarating,does not go nearly as fast as the 4 major metal coasters we have.Bush Beast was faster then lethal wepon,which certainly surprised me
  3. Hey guys.....What would you prefer?
  4. This is basically an advanced version of Ashlee's question=whats your favourite ride at dreamworld?If I had gone on Giant Drop,it would probably be my favourite,but excluding that,TOT by far.I'm getting bored of Wipeout,the only part that really still get's my heart thumping would be the up-side down backwards lift.Cyclone is too short,though I still love that 360degree loop and sidewinder.Eureka mountain an old favourite great theming,but again too short.Just can't get enough of that acceleration on TOT,love the 'toxic caverns'theme and love the floating sensation at the top.Ever scince ThunderBolt left(we shall always remember)dreamworld has'nt really been represented as having lot's of rides,just with less thrills.Eureka mountain,rocky hollow,thunder river rapids,runaway reptar....plenty of 'em, just not quite so good.Of course,wipe out,cyclone,Giant Drop,TOT,ThunderBolt, will always be in a leage of their own.I now think of it as more of a wonder land park.In conclusion TOT rules!
  5. Which slide is the best at Wet 'n' Wild?Just like to know for when I go there.
  6. Whats the deal with Twister? What actually happens?What would you say is the best slide there?
  7. What do think the top five theme parks in oz are?(I write too many polls)
  8. How good was wonderland?The rides looked great(never better than dreamworld of course)=space probe,bush beast,demon,snowy river,beastie(?)the waterpark.....2nd,3d best park in Australia?
  9. Pardon me for my arrogance,but what is a water coaster?Like a log flume?
  10. If Warner bros was to get another thrill ride like lethal weapon,what would you prefer they had? Huge standup,small sitdown....(i I wanted to make a poll,but iI dont know how!)
  11. If they were to get another coaster,I would suggest a bush theme for a wooden coaster,like Wonderland.For a steel coaster,I would suggest extending ocean parade for a standup coater like 'THE WAVE' or something like that.A holloween theme would make it look tacky,and besides,I dont like horror films.If there was not going to be a coaster(and let's face it,there is'nt going to be)I would say a........Dam,I can't think of one.Well, they do have 11 themes already.
  12. Jeese, that would be ironic if DW bought it back. I'm surprised that no one heard of it or mentioned it on the page before hand. Did they ever plan to use it soon? Obstructure - true,that is annoying.
  13. Your right there richard,but I think what shwarz means is that there has'nt been any real big rides since TOT and GD.What do mean LPS does'nt have no space?How did it fit in the big dipper than?
  14. I do hope that dreamworld gets a coaster coz im dying of boredom here theres only the corcscrew left for me to try and after that im going to have to sit tight, coz my parents are'nt taking me to NSW (not that theres much there anyway,after wonderland closed down(pretty dissapointed about that.Maybe dreamworld will extend Ocean Parade because that area is getting pretty crowded.If not, what sort of theme do you think they would make for those flat rides?I guess they could copy off Wonderland and make a bush theme for a wooden coaster,but that would probably be too big.By the way,what's up with scenic world,are they a theme park or what?What's the deal with this ORPHAN ROCKER ?
  15. Ive been on cyclone 3 times and demon 0.The fact that i have never been to sydney before may contribute to that but if i had gone to sydney before the closure of WL then believe me it would have been the first thing on my "to see"list.Cyclone is good at first, but believe me it gets boring after a couple of rides.The turn before the 360 degree loop and the loop itself are probably the best part, and the drop's good,but apart from that...The reason the trains dont go through the inversions is coz of that curving hill before hand which slows the rest of the ride down.Corkscrew,leathal weapon ,demon, ect,all have loops straight after the first hill, which promises to be much more eye- popping.The thunderbolt was the coster that gave me that feeling the most (probably the height of the loops)...Anyway,back to the point,I would rather go to WL for free just try the Demon than go to DW for free just to see the Cyclone.
  16. I dont think DW going to get another themed land there coz there are already eleven in dreamworld already.Besides the thunderbolt area isnt that big.What exactly do you guys mean by a new type of rollercoaster for australia?I really wouldnt like the thought of DW getting something wacky like standup or flying =dreamworld has always had original rides and I for one would like it to stay that way.
  17. To be honest I really doubt Dreamworld will get something like Top Thrill Dragster or Millenium Force because that doesn't really fit in with Dreamworld. But it would be good to see Dreamworld (or any other Australian park) finally beat the Americans at something. Never been on anything as intense as Top Thrill Dragster, (though TOT is only two places down on the world list, which is pretty good) so it would be a hell of an experience if they did. Please read: http://www.roller-coaster.com.au/guidelines.php
  18. god guys, just stick to the subject !
  19. when is this thing? dam i want to go as long as my parents let and as long as there wont be to many people
  20. i reckon dreamworld should get something even more spectacular than TOT cos im sick of america always having the best dam rides.maybe if they got the fastest coaster in the world (fat chance, top thrill dragster cost 25 million so any other coaster of the same sort would cost a bundle) and even though someone else would surely think of a bigger and faster one (though im not sure that would be to healthy) it would be a proud moment for australia
  21. i think tot is actually getting slower cos when im on the dreamworld site they reckon that it goes 161 but when i first rid it (sh i think tot is getting slower actually because on the dreamworld site they reckon it can get up to 161 km but when i first rid it (sh*t that was a bit of a shock)that little screen with the shuttles speed on it said that it had gone 157 km
  22. yes a wooden coaster would be good but i doubt dreamworld will be getting one.your right richard , they need more maintanence and im not sure if they could deliver
  23. i think you might be right there cos on the dreamworld site they reckon it could get up to 161 km, but when i rid it said the shuttle had gone 157 km
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