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Everything posted by scott

  1. You went to Dreamworld for Big Brother?That is the crappiest show on earth,as are almost all reality shows for that matter.Also,please use capital letters,full stops and put a bit more effort into spelling(waits expectantly for someone to criticise my own speling ).
  2. The Official Matrix Exhibit is laughable,it shows nothing about movies behind the scenes and is only a temporary thing anyway.
  3. The two are important IMO.Thrill wise though,at the moment,Dreamworld is a better park I think most people will agree.MW has such a good atmosphere though...damn warner village for making conclusions so hard!
  4. Thanks Willsy,downloading the link now,should be good.
  5. Can anyone give me a link for some vid's of TTD,on-ride or off-ride,preferably both.I know there are heaps out there but I hate quicktime and Windows so Winamp would be prefered...chances are I'm not making much sense as I am very limited in terms of knowledge of computers..thanks anyway.
  6. The videos in the database are really more theme park videos but if we had the Sudney Royal show in there then we should have this.
  7. Interesting comparisons guys;I've always considered MV to be the better park,maybe not thrill wise but in every other aspect.Lethal Weapon is easily the best full-circuit coaster in Aus-I know it may not be a smooth as Corkscrew or Cyclone but it at least has decent theming and is much more thrilling.You guys did however fail to mention The Claw and Wipeout,two of DW's best and most thrilling rides.Also,what MW is really missing is something where you get wet.Blue Lagoon may not be the best water park but it is still a good place to cool down and Rocky Hollow will have you alot wetter than on Wild West.
  8. ahhhh,I don't think they're buying anything from Wonderland.
  9. Ok,thanks anyway,even if my question was very badly backed up.This Buzz Light year ride sounds very un-Disney.
  10. I'm sure you could pick it up for about 100 bucks,Sunway's desperate to sell it all.
  11. Welcome,and it's good to see we have more employees who worked in an area to do with attractions.I have a question;how significant are large new thrill rides considered to be at MW.Just wondering,because it's been a while since we had any large thrill rides there...
  12. Alright,attractions are coming,but Euro Disney has been around for a long time,and I don't remeber any new attrractions then.
  13. Of course,If they don't bring a new behind the scenes show or any real movie related attraction then they will hardly be able to call themselves Movieworld.If this new ride is exciting,high capacity,and has good theming all roled into one then they will be my favourite park again,but for 12 million I'm not sure how much we can get.BTW,take a look at the list of attractions on the Movieworld website and you'll see that apparently SDSC is still a new ride,even though it's been open for three years.
  14. I did, Corkscrew Lethalweapon SDSC Road Runner Cyclone Eureka Mine Ride TOT Space Mountain Big Thunder Mountain Indiana Jones Rockin Rollercoaster You guys haven't had much luck this year....
  15. Well,Euro Disney has stayed exactly the same for a long time now.It has the exact same attractions as the Disney Parks in America(Space Mountain,Big Thunder,Phantom Manor)but it doesn't seem to have anything else.
  16. Can anyone tell me why Disneyland never seem to add new rides?Do they think they'll mess up the feel of the park like what they did at DCA?Or is it because all the parks have to synchronise and it therfore takes longer to organise a new attraction? Thanks.
  17. Disneyland is not about a few dancing manikins.Disneyland is an excellent park,and those dancing manikins are part of unparralled theming and a great atmosphere.I didn't mean to say Disneyland isn't thrilling,(and even if it isn't then Disney Studios along with that is enough thrills for the day)I mean it isn't as thrilling as Dreamworld.Disney parks just aren't really about rides.They are there,and they are thrilling(some),but they aren't the main focus.
  18. If Movieworld does well with this new attraction then they will be my prefered park,at the moment DW is.If they get two new attractions then I'll be very happy indeed.
  19. Yes,Australia is a giant country,with plenty of tourists,but it will only be able to support a Disney park in ten years or so IMO.When Australia has a popullation of about 25 million then I will listen to rumours about a Disney Park,because only then will it be feasible; Disneyland Florida=Has a country of 375 million people to support it. Disney Calafornia Adventure=Has millions of tourists who visit Calafornia. Euro Disney=Is the Disneyland of the whole of Europe. Disneyland China=Has a country of 1.3 billion to support it. Tokyo Disneyland=Has plenty of wealthy Jappaneese people with plenty of tourists. All of these Disney parks have a large amount of people around to support them.Just assume the park was in Sydney,which has no competition,and a large amount of tourists,it would still only have around 5 million there,and that really isn't enough.What I really don't understand though is why.Why is a Disney park so much more expensive.Mind you they employ about 10 thousand people in every park so it isn't all that surprising.Also,when I said Dreamworld will never be as good as a Disney park I was refering to theming and quality of attractions.In terms of atmosphere I think they could reach tha level,in terms of thrills they're already better,in terms of capacity they'll have to work hard to get it up to that level,and in terms of theming it won't be happening,although it could get alot better. Dreanworld is a great park,and if I had the choice between DW and Disneyland then I would choose DW.(Mainly because I lean more to thrils,and there are still a few rides at DW I haven't been on).In some areas DW is better,in some Disneyleand is better.It just depends what you prefer.
  20. It just showed some of the most basic "Movie Magic" effects that are used in the big screen.Go to the Movieworld website for more info.
  21. How did you create Demon Drop Matty o?
  22. So Movieworld doesn't have a studio tour and now it's getting rid of this as well?I see no reason why they should get rid of the show,which was fairly good when I went,when there is plenty of space between Wild West and Lethal Weapon,and plenty of other spots around the park too.
  23. You know a hell of alot about carnival rides Huss.I'll probably give it a go,but it does look like one of those old unstable rides that seem to have allot of problems.When you know which family is bringing it to the Ekka this year,tell us wether it's one that's had a few problems or not.
  24. Funny,the things you mentioned put together have the nutritional value of a Mcdonalds burger......anyway,I'd be a park inspector,best job you could have.
  25. Just watched it,certainly the best video you've churned out so far Liam,that's great.Pitty to see it's over exposed though...
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