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New display name last won the day on November 28

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  • Birthday December 31

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    Current trip. Germany/USA

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  1. + I went a few weeks ago and I couldn't find a gate to DW. I asked a staff member and that person said I was to enter DW through DW's entrance. The arcade should have been moved and made the gateway between the parks from the beginning of time. Shared assets @DaptoFunlandGuy 😉 (no extra staff, double the profits)
  2. When the seats have been reattached, the seats have been fixed to the wrong side of the car. Hopefully they got some cars right for your OCD.
  3. I can answer that? Because you're not open. 🤦‍♂️ Side note, forcing people to exit DW to enter WWW is dumb.
  4. Lazy River is needed. WWW was also poorly planed and should have been sharing DW assets.
  5. Good chance DW will open it and close it again at a later date to finish it off.
  6. At this point I believe Coast Entertainment are confused on what to do with Whitewater World. DW web site: They are working so hard on DW but have forgotten WWW. The park when it first opened, was killing it.
  7. What is the go with Whitewater world? Zero effort is being put into the park. It's bloody summer next week and the park will not open Mon-Thurs! Slides not ready for seasonal opening! No dedicated web site! Coast Entertainment has 100% lost the plot with Whitewater World. How the f^&k do they think they can increase attendance, when they are closed more than they are open. People won't buy tickets if you're not open! Coast Entertainment get my tool of the week trophy.
  8. Is there that many food vendors left? I went back in August and the line up was thin.
  9. DW are making it very clear, MC isn't part of Rivertown.
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