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New display name

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Everything posted by New display name

  1. How do the people get back to their motels when public transport isn't a thing at night?
  2. @Dean Barnettyou still think MW aren't required to check the seatbelts on rivals.🤣 You don't even acknowledge MW has extended opening hours this year plus added an event.
  3. So SW isn't having these operations issues and MW is. What's the difference. Oh yes, MW had a tornado. 🤦‍♂️
  4. SW didn't get hit by the tornado, floods or closed and DW doesn't get massive crowds at Christmas anymore so I don't know what is the point of your post. And the fist review you read if you do a search on DW is a negative review but you failed to post because it doesn't fit your narrative.
  5. 100% communication sucks at Village but why continue with the hate when they do the right thing? What incentives does that give MW to comunicate when doing the right thing doesn't stop the haters?
  6. The sooks would have cried just as much, if the parks didn't open and their holidays ended before the parks were reopened. The second you turn up at MW and see the mess in the carpark is a really good indication of what is happening in the park.
  7. If the Claw was at MW it would be down for 80 days. Its 10 year major might be due.
  8. People cry on here when MW/SW doesn't communicate and you cry when they do communicate. What are the parks to do to please you?
  9. If the park was closed when you were planning to attend you have a few options to get your money back. The sooks took the option to attend the first day it reopened. Sidenote: DW could handle the crowds because DW numbers are still shit compared to they what they once were, at this time of the year. Who cares? @CR4ZE @Dean Barnettand you would send a theme-park broke within a week.
  10. A lot of people are off with the fairies tonight. Every person that went to the parks today knew what the northern GC was going through and they still chose to go to the parks. The parks didn't force these people to go.
  11. I stopped reading after you said people had a right to be upset. I more concerned for the staff member who couldn't work today because their car was crushed by a tree.
  12. A tornado and a flood within a week and its the parks fault they can't get everything operating? People who turned up thinking the parks were going to be at their best are dumb.
  13. People thinking the park isn't going to be crazy busy after being forced to shut down?
  14. Nobody is taking their kids to DW for a free acid trip. Hopefully they fix the lights soon.
  15. A few years ago, the town plan was rewritten to include a new major theme park zone. SW, DW & MW all fall within this zoning but there is a couple of individual park differences within the zoning. Each park can now build a ride all the way to the moon but building heights are still capped. SW's maximum building height hasn't changed and is still low but the town plan now recognises rides differently to buildings.
  16. DW isn't extending its opening hours either. I thought at the very least, Night Markets would be open every night.
  17. It could be more of who the boss is now. When the boss of DW was the boss of MW, summer events rarely happened at MW. 🤷‍♂️
  18. And SW have wasted no expense with the Bunnings rough-sawn rails.
  19. It feels like it's a marketing ploy to trick interstate travelers in thinking it will opening during Christmas holidays.
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