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New display name

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Everything posted by New display name

  1. MW's hands aren't tied. MW went the cheap option and have no imagination, full stop! I would like to see people climb a 1m high electric fence from the bush. 🤣
  2. Got it. Before anybody post, can you please check with @Michelangelo & @Tricoartfor approval.
  3. Why do I currently see a face instead of a barn? 😂 I hope the top windows will be getting the barn treatment with some muntins. Besides the Scooby building requiring a good wash & wax, it's coming along nicely.
  4. It looks like DW have a lot of work to go before opening. I've penciled in boxing day for the grand opening, with a slight chance of a soft opening.
  5. I already made my point. At this point, I'm just here for your excuses.
  6. F#*k, your edge is the size of the universe. SHE IS IN THE BUILDING! "No officer, I didn't break into the house, I was only at the edge". 🤣
  7. And before people get out their swords, I'm only asking the question. I'm not saying DW did anything wrong. WH&S NSW put out a notice in NSW, after an accident and I wonder if it applies in QLD, because I know I have to get a white card.
  8. Are you really that stiff, you can't spot a joke? @DaptoFunlandGuyCan somebody please check in on Dapto because I think rigor mortis has set in. 🤣
  9. What does that have to do with a construction site @Tricoart?
  10. Smart move. Why keep rides open during busy times anyway?
  11. Looks like Vekoma’s solution for tight transitions is to move the upstops to prevent binding. They are still upstops and I still expect moments of airtime. I don’t believe anybody was expecting Rivals airtime.
  12. Up-charge film, here we come. Double the length. Double the spray. Double the fragrances.
  13. It’s great to see the parks fighting to attract guest and it’s 100% happening. The rivalry pushes the parks to be better and this is great for the industry and it's great for us. Happy days. Just leave now and shut the door behind you. /s
  14. When it was previous at DW, the show was on TV, in a family timeslot. The eviction audience was filled with families. DW is still struggling to turn a profit and if I was DW, I would be on the blower, to network 10 and pitching the show should return to DW. A gentle nightly reminder, DW is a fun place to be.
  15. It doesn't have to be tied to a theme park but it did work really well at a theme park.
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