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New display name last won the day on December 19

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  • Birthday December 31

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  1. @Narrayou missed out on a great ride. I think MM has turned out to be the star attraction of Rivertown. You would be hard-pressed to find a better attraction of its type.
  2. I agree with your review. I found theming overall good but the indoor section underwhelming. I don't know if there is a story the ride is telling but if there is, it's very abstract. The queue was hot for me but it looked like maybe they were having some issues with how it works because 2 staff were carrying pedestal fans. As always the staff at DW are great. MM is a great addition but the roof of the cars continues to suck for me, plus I still don't see the point of the seatbelts because nobody checks them. As feared MM has the biggest queue in the park. I also found Rivertown doesn't feel connected to the river. Facade of the gift store looks cheap. I would say DW was reluctant to spend money on it with the limited life left in the Motocoaster. The JR merch in the store is garbage. It's the type of items I get for free at a work conference. Overall, really well done DW. Psssssss, hopefully DW already has some shaded seat to be placed by the river on backorder.
  3. The gaps of doom are still there? I thought they fixed them up.
  4. The only complants I've seen is people what more seating in the area.
  5. @Park Addict 93queuing inside was probably the intention of the original design. Somewhere along the line, somebody thought it was a good idea to stick everyone in the cattle run.
  6. I don't know how you can be disappointed because It was never on the list of rides open for WC.
  7. Makes sense to not give your new attractions away for free, especially when you just spent 100,000 billion, trillion dollars on it.
  8. The caged path is one of the worst if not the worst path I have seen in a theme park.
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