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New display name

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New display name last won the day on February 3

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  • Birthday December 31

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  1. The opportunity: To assist and provide Electrical support on our Attractions and Marine Life Support Systems across Sea World Theme Park. Ensure the maintenance, repairs and inspections required to adhere to Electrical safety standards. There is Audio Visual on the rides that require maintenance @Narra
  2. Most of the maintenance is carried out by tradesman, like fitter and turners.
  3. @frankyaround half of the insurance payout was for lost revenue. Technically if the loss revenue is correct, next year CEH should earn half of the insurance payout as revenue through the gate. Still doesn't account for the 3.1m profit, but it is getting close.
  4. It looked better without it @Guest 239. JR is the currently the top themed coaster but if MW can do a proper re-theme of Scooby, JR might have some competition. But my inner voice is telling me, MW won't pull it off.
  5. @themagician you can't let yourself get bamboozled by a sales brochure aimed at drawing in new investors.
  6. Yes it does to me and It makes little sense putting half mined 💎 on the top of a temple. Having the 💎 in the walls internally works, but nobody is building a grand temple and dumping half mined 💎 on it.
  7. Because you can't distinguish, Australia is different to the rest of the world.
  8. DC would rank higher if you didn't have to pay to turn a good coaster into a great coaster. After the inverted loop, the pacing of the ride lets it down.
  9. @TBoythe sight lines from River Town to the old TOT building or Tiger Island to the back of JR equally suck as MW new shed. I don't believe any Aussie park cares about sight lines.
  10. It looks like a 🦕 ate the 💎 and 💩 it out. Currently, it is still horrible.
  11. There are other rides at DW that have slow operations. JR & ST have 2 things going for them. JR not having seat belts & ST's final block location for the second train.
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