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New display name last won the day on January 21

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  • Birthday December 31

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  1. I thought all the seats in Rivertown sit out in the sun @Baconjack?🤷‍♂️
  2. Monday, the top 3 nominations of each categories will go to the vote. Nominate now, even for shits & giggles, on who you would like go into the final vote. Where are my Adventure World homies at?
  3. @Brad2912 the main room looked very much unfinished and I believe most people commented on it. @themagiciana small part of me believes MW are saying nothing about DD because what MW has left us with, (a hole in the ground) is all we are getting.
  4. I do agree @Naazon the nightwatchman at Village could be more engaging with guest. Pretending DD has always just been a hole in the ground or is currently under maintenance, is extremely condescending.
  5. How does JR get a pass with "it ran out of time and there is more to come" and WOZ doesn't. I never get this pick side mentality. 90% of it has to be coming from people who work at the parks right?
  6. A bit of a play on words, but DW aren't really adding more theming. DW are finishing the theming of the ride that wasn't completed before the ride open. It's great DW are not impacting guest while completing the ride.
  7. It's great DW have opened up the restaurant but this micro management of operational hours that DW has fallen in love with, is a great way to piss off guest. We’re here kids, oh wait, the park doesn’t open for another 30mins. S^&t the park is already open, I thought is didn’t open to 10:30. Let’s do a few rides after school Jonny and grab ice cream. Oh wait, it’s Tuesday, we can only do that on Fridays. F^&k another hot summer day, let’s go the water park to cool down. Don’t be stupid, WWW isn’t open Wednesday. What do you mean I can’t eat at the restaurant tonight, I was here at the Night Markets, last Saturday night and it was open. Oh it’s Friday. But I don’t like German sausages. I’ve just driven from Brisbane for the Night Markets and you’re telling me it’s not on because of a special event.
  8. Doesn't surprise me it's coming down quickly because some of the existing theming is needed. Some of the original theming will be modified for King Claw.
  9. I don't know if it's true, it's just a theory by the removal of DD, Intamin have exhausted any cost-effective ways to fix DD. might be cheaper to take the hit with another ride. You might have a better chance of getting a new dark ride, if you buy a ticket in next Tuesday lotto, and build it yourself.
  10. @Baconjackthere is also the possibility Intamin will give MW a large discount on a new ride, since DD turned out to be shit. I've been raking my brain on what ride from Intanin, will fit at that location. Keep the existing theming. Get a discounted new ride. Probably the best financial outcome for MW.
  11. It's the type of attraction you give your guest when...........................
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