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About Jake69

  • Birthday 05/05/1987

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    Australia Mate

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  • Favourite Ride
    Viper Six Flags Magic Mountain

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  1. Thats great news for Magic Mountain I took a school excursion there last year and they only had four cars running, (three after someone crashed one). It was not easy keeping large groups of kids occupied while waiting for their ride.
  2. On the TPR IAAPA Trade Show interview it says 'the batteries in the cars (for audio and lights) have 9 minutes run time, before needing a 90 second charge'. Won't this limit the rides overall capacity?
  3. Maybe they should call it Mark Occhilupo's surfrider hes a gold coast hero.....joke
  4. Im not sure if anyone has herd or not...but i was watching the local news the other day and apparently a "nasty legal battle" has started between the owner of jamberoo action park and the local council. The council is claiming that Jamberoo has not stuck to the original plans passed by the local council. From what was said it seemed as though the park may have its hands full dealing with this and i'm guessing this would slow or even halt the parks future development?
  5. I rode lethal weapon on tuesday on the blue train in the back seat and it was all good until the bottom of the first hill. It was then headbanging the whole way until the last helix...where it stopped and then started again when the train started to change levels again. Something really needs to be done to fix this ride...it had the longest line of all the rides and it was the worst by far...
  6. Drove past wet n wild today...there was wat looked to be new footings / footers running down the old white water mountain hill! looked like just the one slide!
  7. so this will just b hop on hop off whenever and where ever you want???.....calypso beach has been closed everytime ive been to wnw
  8. Why would the park want a second lazy river...seems a bit weird to me...
  9. Its about time they fixed up white water mountain... They wehre the worst water slides in the park...boring and slow...lets hope they use this area well...
  10. I hope this thing has water cannons so ppl can shoot riders! Would make the ride much more exciting!
  11. I saw this too, i wouldnt get to excited, it only said they where showing the way Theme Parks will head.
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