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  1. No offence, but the clear winner for a new ride would have to be based on the hit TV series LOST, if you've seen it you'd understand. You could fly in on a real airplane then crash on an island, then spend the next 2 seasons trying to open a hole in the ground. That'd be fully sick bro. I'd ride it.
  2. I heard thats not even the real site, that it could just be a fan site.
  3. It's nothing a lick of paint won't fix! And maybe some new seat belts, since the last time I went on it I fell out and broke my arm! Oh well better luck next time eh!
  4. This concrete slab is not infact the site for a new ride, it is merely a place to build a shed to house thier gardening tools. I found this out from someone on the inside, so therfore it cannot be incorrect. Have a happy day!
  5. Wood would (wood) be nice to see used again, I am tired of riding all these new plastic ones. Watch out for splinters though! Haha!
  6. I heard it was more like 2mins of weightlessness, a little like skydiving I guess! But yeah any amount of weightless time is nice, as my travels to space have taught me. Just kidding! Haha I haven't really been to space. It'd be nice though. Kinda like earth, but without any ground.
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