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Theme Park Girl

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Everything posted by Theme Park Girl

  1. Sorry just thought I would add... I posted in the other DW thread about a discussion with a employee today, they said that (after eavesdropping on a discussion between managers) the icecream parlour which backs onto the mine ride mountain is apparently scheduled to be removed. I mentioned this later on to an older friend of mine,,who reckons that back when Eureka used to be functional, he knew about a problem with the 'flooding' part of the ride - whilst the flood part of the ride was intentional, water used to unintentionally leak and into the icecream parlour and regularly cause flooding issues. Can anyone confirm this? If it is true, and with this new speculation that the icecream shop is (allegedly) being demolished, is it just me who is now thinking this may be another major sign that the Eureka is most certainly on it's way back to us? Pretty sure it was only 2 dummies I saw in the cart. It was hard to see from a distance! That darned sideshow out the front was running, so was hard to sticky beak properly around that area at the time lol. I think I remember the carts holding 4 people at a time as well.
  2. I dunno, Richard... my automatic conclusion is that they are messing with us, because it seemed too obvious. I mean that's exactly what all of us *want* to see, in broad daylight, right in the public's view. A mine cart full of water dummies at the ride station. And heaven knows they are very aware that all of us are watching their every move with that ride with baited breath lol. They know of they move anything, we are certainly gonna notice! It would seem like a good opportunity to muck with our heads a bit and give us something new to talk about (which it has, as this topic has been dead with no replies for the past week) BUT in saying that, even if they are playing with us, I think it's still a good sign. I don't think Dreamworld are cold enough to stuff around with our hope and excitement like that if they have no intention of doing anything with the Eureka. And I don't think they would waste their time doing something like that, dragging a mine cart all the way out of storage. So I still see it as them teasing us with a "spoiler" of such? I'm certainly not disheartened in any way, but it did make me laugh either way :-p
  3. Ok so make of it what you will, but got some more park employee gossip today, apparently eavesdropped from discussion between park managers. Was told that DW is planning to 1) spend 6mil on the park over the next year and 2) demolish the ice cream parlour near the central train station at the front of the park. Once again, this is complete hear-say, so not to be taken too seriously. But certainly has me wondering about the ice cream parlour, given it's built into the side of the mine ride? Interesting, no???
  4. Hahaha, now Dreamworld are messing with us. Laughed my head off at this just now!!! I took the bait and posted it. Nice one, guys
  5. Tailspin is back up an running again, a few days ahead of schedule. Although it seems they were having some harness issues when I was in the area before O_o
  6. Now the Bulletin is getting in on the action, quoting this website as their source of info lol: http://m.goldcoastbulletin.com.au/theme-park-retro-ride-rumoured-to-return-to-the-gold-coasts-doyenne-of-theme-parks-dreamworld/story-fnj90t7b-1227222953748
  7. True, Alex. At this stage there is nothing to say that the Wipeout maintenance is being delayed. See what happens, though? And now with all this heavy rain expected from the cyclone over the new 2-3 days, it looks like there's a good chance their rescheduled Screamworld event may get postponed/cancelled again. Dreamworld isn't having a good run atm. Starting to feel a bit bad for them :/
  8. So it looks like the ongoing issues with the Tailspin has now led to extended downtime. The official website is now listing the ride as being closed until the 28th February? Not good, esp when the Wipeout is due for annual maintenance next week until March 15th. That and of course the Buzzsaw being offline until around the same time. So soon it WILL be three of the "Big 9" all closed simultaneously until the end of the month....
  9. Personally I just hope the two new rides aren't flat rides. I think DW has enough of those! Especially the "spinny" type (Pandamonium, tailspin, Shockwave, claw etc) which I am not a fan of. I have trouble enjoying rides that purely induce vomit factor on fast and continuous spinning/circling alone :/ Omg, I'm so jealous. I'm a huge Whovian and would LOVE to do the Doctor Who experience, have wanted to do so for a while now! If only I could afford a trip to the UK.... *sigh*
  10. Well, when you take into account that some of the other rides are also operating on a restricted schedule, you can't really blame them. Especially those who have purchased day passes only.
  11. Came across this footage as well, which shows the aftermath with the show getting called off:
  12. The big ol' wooden doors at the back of the eureka mountain have some very convenient cracks in them Lol BTTF, regardless of whether the ride is re opening again or not, I reckon DW staff would be getting great amusement and a good ol' chuckle out of all our ongoing 'investigation' work around that area. Heaven knows I have been guilty of it recently of well, every time I'm in that area I am sticky beaking around for anything new lol. I keep hoping for a day when I'm walking over the rapids bridge, looking up at the old exposed track and then suddenly see a test mine cart go flying past. Wishful thinking?
  13. Buzzsaw went down sometime on Wed afternoon, I think... pretty sure it was going that morning but closed by late afternoon. Still closed as of today (5 days onward) and apparently will now continue to be until the 19th according to the Dreamworld website/app. I'm inclined to believe the op, it's a valid explanation as to why the ride went straight into a week's worth of unplanned annual maintenance. It would have to be due to something major. And what sucks is that it's now going to happen all over again in a month or two, as it seems they are still going ahead with the planned annual maintenance, despite this happening.
  14. Was wondering what was going on with the Buzzsaw... a few days ago it was closed due to technical difficulties, then today it was due to "annual maintenance" despite the fact it wasn't originally cheduled for annual maintenance till late April/May :/ Now the app is listing two lots. So figured it must have been a serious issue... and sure enough, it is. Harness failure??? Holy crap O_o
  15. Lol Rabbit, maybe the Xmas demand burnt it out? XD I took this random photo the first time round... exact same story again today despite being back in action a few days ago :/ Hopefully won't be another week before it's fixed again.
  16. I don't. But obviously it has issues, otherwise it wouldn't keep closing down lol
  17. So the Tailspin was closed for over a week recently due to "technical difficulties", then was reopened again on Wednesday. However I went to DW again today and the ride is closed again for the same reason. Apparently this ride is causing Dreamworld a few headaches lately? Seems to have more downtime than uptime of late :/ Wonder what the problem with it is....
  18. http://www.mygc.com.au/news/rider-injured-as-movie-world-stunt-goes-wrong/ Yikes! Glad it was nothing serious and hope the rider is ok. I guess it's all part of the job, occupational hazard when things don't always always go according to plan, but still scary nonetheless. I bet the crowd walked out pretty stunned :/
  19. As per the Theme Park Place website: "Dreamworld will be celebrating Chinese New Year this year throughout the park. The whole park celebrations will run from Thursday the 19th of February until the 28th of February 2015 and will feature traditional lion dancing, Chinese cuisine, themed character appearances and musical entertainment over the 10 days. Kenny and Belinda will be leading the celebrations and will be available for meet and greets throughout the day. " http://thethemeparkplace.com/dream-world/celebrate-chinese-new-year-at-dreamworld-in-2015/ Sounds pretty cool! I look forward to seeing some of this stuff, will be an extra little bonus to a regular Dreamworld day
  20. Wow! Love the photos Slick, brings back a lot of memories. Thanks for sharing :-D And thanks for the update, magician. DW definitely seem to be up to something behind the scenes with this ride. The recent sparked interest on their part is promising, as it obviously demonstrates that they have been listening to their fans pleas, and are far from giving up on Eureka yet. At least they are exploring all possibilities I've been looking around online as well. Sadly doesn't seem to be anything. The best I've seen has been what was in that old official DW "Gold Rush now open" promo vid. Maybe it was just too dark or too plain difficult to film POV on back in the day? Keeping in mind how big camcorders were back then, before we had iPhones and state of the art mobile camera technology lol. It's not like something like that would be easy to conceal, either
  21. True, Richard. I just recall it being a rough ride when I last rode it in the late 80's/early 90's and the first memory that comes to mind of the Eureka mine ride is of it jolting me around in my seat and how sore my neck was when I got off lol. I suppose something like that leaves a bigger impact on you when you're so young at the time I honestly cannot remember the last time I rode the Eureka, I am gonna guess maybe 1994 as I know I visited the park that year (not long after the Wipeout opened) and it closed not long after that. But I assumed the condition and roughness of the ride would have deteriorated over subsequent years prior to it's closure. Alas, if you say it was still in fairly good nick and not causing anybody harm or real injury then I believe you I still hope they make it a slightly smoother ride, though. Last thing we need is another Wild Mouse like the one at Aussie World... omg... couldn't believe I came off that alive, hahaha XD
  22. Well it all depends, BTTF. We don't know the reason why it closed down, but one of the suspected reasons was because it was too rough and causing people neck/back injuries, similar to the Thunderbolt in it's final days. It had some VERY tight and sharp turns and sudden drops. That's the main thing I remember about it, too... I only rode it once or twice back in the day as it was too intense for me as a kid. I have vague memories of it, but the main ones are of how much you used to get thrown around in that cart... your butt would quite literally slide from side to side with each turn lol. So it this was the case, they may HAVE to change the track to make it a little more family friendly and essentially a safer ride which isn't going to cause injury to healthy riders. If not, and it was closed for completely unrelated reasons, then I'd be happy for any kind of track, so long as it's fun to ride and not gonna leave me or other riders with days of pain lol. So whether they fix and buffer the old track up, or introduce a completely new design in it's place, is fine by me
  23. Was at DW this afternoon, trying to sticky beak through the gaps of this big ol' door at the back of the Eureka mountain lol. Couldn't really see much though, other than a few old signs and some random crap. This detective work is quite fun though I admit, hahaha ETA: why my photos keep posting sideways, I have no idea! They are the right way up when I view them on my phone O_o
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