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DaptoFunlandGuy last won the day on January 22

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About DaptoFunlandGuy

  • Birthday June 24

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  1. I've heard whisper that there's nothing left of the ride still standing...
  2. By all accounts, KT has been a capacity machine. Soft openings usually iron out any kinks, but opening so close to peak didn't give any opportunity to bed things down (for either park) and it's inevitable that things are going to break in real world conditions. I've no idea what's wrong - but it was always going to happen at some point. It's one of the main reasons why new rides all go down after their first big ops season to check over everything. it's why new cars go back in after 1000kms to check everything is going right - because sometimes some things don't.
  3. I mean it's pretty clear he means Ardent were focussed on growing Main Event at the expense of dreamworld. And i'm pretty sure that's accurate.
  4. Please don't misunderstand me - i'm not saying they shouldn't have opened - opening was unequivocally the correct decision. And i'm not saying it hasn't been done before or isn't a 'business as usual' practice. I also think the ride looked mostly fine in it's opening state and by our local standards, you'd get away with leaving it at that (and they aren't, so kudos to them for doing that). I'm just saying for me - the fanfare has passed. The ride will no doubt get it's finishing touches, but the 'first impression' opportunity is gone. The park won't come out and say when everything is done, so we're in that limbo period where every visit potentially will show something new (which is good) but there's no 'endgame' where we know they've definitively "finished" - one day it will just be 'done' and that's it.
  5. double edged sword - you leave seats available for other stations to fill which may or may not happen, but in doing so, you piss off the people standing in front of you who are queueing and waiting for a ride. It's easy to do it with Skyliner when it has over 250 gondolas, and the next arriving cabin will be there in 15 seconds. It's a lot harder to do when it's the same carriage they're waiting on, and it'll be more than 15 minutes before it arrives again.
  6. i'm torn here - part of me says you shouldn't open it until it's finished, but I understand why they wanted to have the land open for peak season. From what i've heard, there's quite a bit left to come, and I can't wait to see it 'finished' but I'm a little disappointed that we'll never really know *when* the last thing is done, because we've already had our official opening and all. it's not like the park is going to come out and say "ok, NOW we're done" - we're just going to see bits and pieces added on and one day nothing more will be added on and we'll look back and go - 'maybe it was this thing was the last piece' (or maybe, it'll be so subtle that we won't even know it)
  7. Agree it's probably wishful thinking. they haven't made an announcement yet - which is the sort of thing they'd do to try and take the shine off the success that Dreamworld is having down the road. It's interesting the discussion has continued on for JR & Rivertown whereas Woz has essentially faded to black after opening week. If they've moved to pull it down now because of something in the pipeline, you'd expect to see it parts on site and have it up and running by easter, winter holidays latest. I'm not holding my breath.
  8. geez, something took someone by surprise - plain white barriers, not even the green hedge panels. It's good they're finally doing something but doing it in the middle of your peak season is a weird look, IMO.
  9. It's really hard to argue with most of the votes above, and I think I agree with most of them. Pretty sad state of affairs to be honest where there is no real contender for runner-up in almost every category.
  10. A ride would empty the entire ride vehicle each trip to allow a new load to board. It's unfortunate as Dreamworld used to have two trains, and on busy days they could easily fill both of them through peak periods. The new style of loading takes much longer so the circuit takes much longer, and some people enjoy just sitting on the train and enjoying going around. There's no limit to how long you can stay on, so you could potentially end up with a train going around, stopping at every station but nobody being allowed to get on because it continues to be full. People need a reason to get off the train. Stopping for lunch at Rivertown is a good reason.
  11. I can't speak to every item, but the snake was there on opening day - just didn't have any lighting.
  12. We visited on the weekend and sat down the back of Jane's for lunch, and I noticed that the old Rivertown train platform had been paved over \ levelled. Now I know asphalt isn't super difficult to remove, but the works just made it feel like it was much more permanent - they've not only pulled out the tracks, but also paved it to make it level with the station platform...? Main St station is still fenced off with temp fencing, so they at least haven't made that permanent I suppose - it just shocked me that the whole thing was paved over. I really hope they don't just keep the shuttle between main street and wildlife. I'd love to see Jungle Rush from the vantage point of the train!
  13. yeah personal opinion, GL was a highway attention grabber - evidenced by the giant lantern logo. It's got to be a highlight of the park to go 'outside the berm' so to speak. flats won't cut the mustard in that space.
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