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Everything posted by DaptoFunlandGuy

  1. I honestly don't know when it stopped. When it debuted, it ran two trains fairly consistently. That's why it has two stations - so one train can unload while the other is being loaded.
  2. It does raise big questions over their marketing and comms team if they can't keep things straight and we can, what the hell are they doing?
  3. Yeah the old skirmish building gets great mileage as a temporary venue for mazes and walkthrough experiences that are pretty cool and clearly not that expensive to maintain and operate - but the whole area is currently a waste and they need to repurpose it. There's only a few black curtains separating the walkthrough area from the old Alien\Predator sets - use it or get rid of it and open the whole space up for other uses.
  4. Do you notice how, even though they lift the chairs at the start, the fence surrounding the ride is actually level with the ride platform? it doesn't stick up above the level the ride parks at? Video captures amusement ride collapsing in Russia (nypost.com) There's a pretty good reason why these rides have a completely cleared footprint the entire length of the swing radius
  5. Europe also allows a Tagada. So take from that what you will. It might be overkill, but i'm all for Dreamworld "erring on the side of caution" where a risk of fall or injury is possible. In case anyone missed it, yesterday was the anniversary of the TRRR incident. You don't need to be 'dumb' to step into the water, you can simply be enjoying your day and oblivious to the risks around you. Also falling onto a bunch (I heard 600?) of water fountain nozzles sounds like it would hurt.
  6. You're right, but MDMC's layout is (IMO) only enjoyable because of the rider position. If it were a traditional sit-down car it would be (other than the launch) quite a boring ride. The current trains are very unaccommodating - as is evidenced by the number of times an operator spiels about the restraints. Even Jet Rescue's style of restraint system would be preferable, and far more accommodating, and you could quite easily still keep the motorbike theme with that style of restraint. But if you're going to change it then the possibility of changing the theme as well as the car opens up, so you could consider a spinner or something else to make it unique \ stand out. Being so close to new rivertown gives you the opportunity to fix the glaring oddity that is a motorsport themed ride in the middle of bushland by a river. All fair points, but it hardly justifies 'will never be' in the scheme of things. We've seen the financials. We know they're doing things on a shoestring budget so certain things have to compromise. there are things they can fix later on when they're doing better but they're just wasteful in their current financial situation.
  7. I don't want to start a back and forth that lasts 6 pages - but you did say "this is why" it won't ever be a "Great theme park" so while you didn't say it was shit.... what did you mean?
  8. For those who don't have facebook, this is a Dreamworld Flyer update posted by Jaggs Journeys showing landscaping and fencing is starting to go in. Looking closely, the "pool" even appears to have a regular old skimmer box! (And for those who aren't on mobile, here's a PC friendly link - https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0AKixCRF5nZxuXv6hSGQZzSnxJeB293LUTrT6Gu4HWp32EUbTP4gcpom7GNXktKqTl&id=100035046925164&mibextid=Nif5oz
  9. ^Yeah that's not a bad idea. Can't really argue with that when they've got spaces like Troll Village, Flowrider and Kickback just sitting there
  10. That's absolutely ridiculous! The whole concept was to extend OP down to Serpent Slayer as SS didn't fit the Dreamland theme. That's why Dodgems are 'deep sea' dodgems! Somebody let the work experience kid run their social media channels again...
  11. I think it achieves two things: It still preserves the globe shot for those who wish to take a group or family photo in front of it. The elevated angle puts the ride mostly behind the globe with clear sky behind. The ground slopes downhill toward the 'open' space giving the feel of being higher off the ground during the mast rotation. It is a bit 'weird' entering the park, but I guess that depends on what they do with these buildings, appearance wise. like most things - i'm going to wait until I see the finished product before judging. I visited the park on the weekend with a friend (non enthusiast) from Canada. As we walked in, I pointed at the new buildings and asked them "what does that remind you of?" and they immediately recognised it from Canada's Wonderland. The design is classic theme park, and quite striking. I just hope it isn't blank walls.
  12. If the cross hatching you did to indicate the building is correct, both the forwards and backwards sections of track (per Walley's animation) will go outside the station, so observers will see it running both forwards and backwards prior to boarding.
  13. Just for comparison, Steel Taipan was running one train yesterday, with waits of 30-45 minutes, but the second train was put on for their Halloween event and it ran with a 15 minute wait (only groups in the station with no further queues) pretty much all night.
  14. I don’t think they’re advertising it. its probably a requirement for the construction project.
  15. Objection your honor, asked and answered. *(The second quote is obviously me. I grabbed it from the post above, rather than paging back to get the quote from the original reply. I just want to be clear Joz didn't say that as it implies in this quote as that's obviously misquoting someone and that would be against the forum rules. I can't edit it as editing doesn't allow new quotes, so here we are).
  16. NO way. I've been to bunnings. Thingo is definitely the correct word. /jks
  17. Even though that post is getting on in years, those of us at the top of the Parkz Upwards Seating Pit fondly remember the days before we had all these safety systems - like scooby fire eyes, and cantilevered soundstage roofing, to a more simpler time, when a simple, thigh-high gate was the only barrier to a world of memories in a ride SBNO. Those of us who were there will continue to espouse your legacy, and tell stories to the children (on school holidays when they're all here) of a time when a true hero went on a quest (and broke every damn rule in the process!) Glad to see you're still kicking around mate. Enjoy the holiday.
  18. I usually watch YT-TV so comments aren't a general part of my viewing experience. I took a look and you're right, a lot of people are wondering why a junior coaster isn't even as long as Tron. Just read that again. Many comparisons to how this wouldn't wash in Magic Kingdom or Disneyland, and how Hagrid's motorbike is way better and my take away is that it sounds like the typical american disney fan entitlement where everything Disney builds has to be for them. It's a freaking Junior coaster. For kids. Some of whom don't enjoy the longer bigger faster attractions. Nobody is hating on Gadget's coaster, or Barnstormer. And this is longer than both of them. So then we come back to the complaint that it's what.... themed too well? fuck me enthusiasts are a steaming pile of dogshit. The Oaken attraction was originally rumored to be a flat ride. A spinner akin to Maters Junkyard. It would have been fine - and it would have needed a giant themed wall to hide Small World from the Frozen land. What we got was better than standard and still folks can't just be happy because it looks like it should be a longer ride and it isn't? Well shit - that might dent your first impressions but I bet you still go on it again if you've got the opportunity. Anyway. You think its themed too well, but its too short. And you can't see how short it is before you ride. A lot of commentary online tends to agree with this sentiment, though in my opinion, the motivations of that commentary seem to have a bias - especially for a ride that hasn't officially opened yet (not to mention that the majority of those commenting with US park comparisons are unlikely to ever visit the park anyway). Your point is taken, and I still disagree with you. I think from the limited stuff i've seen online they've done a great job with an entry level kids coaster - something the park has needed to introduce coasters to a younger generation not yet tall enough for things like Grizzly or Space (RC still looks too imposing for the younger groups), they've done a custom layout that is longer than the average length for a junior coaster out of 120 separate installs. They appear to have chosen to incorporate the ride into the land's facade, which was necessary to block out small world anyway, so why the fuck not? *From what i've seen* it looks great. I can't wait to check it out for myself, and once I have, i'll give a final opinion.
  19. I'm not trying to shit stir any thunder river talk, but does anyone else see the resemblance? Yeah depends on the fountains though - There's plenty of fountains \ dancing water installs that require the cannon to be submerged, or semi submerge to ensure sufficient water flow to the head. I don't know if that's what's here, but some fountains do need a 'pool'. The drawing is at odds with what we're seeing, for sure, and your theory about changing the concepts in the middle of the build \ tender \ etc is entirely plausible, perhaps even likely... (i'm still waiting for the giant rock wall and waterfalls to be built around Leviathan, for example). The one thing that doesn't make sense is - IF they were planning on having a 5 metre wide, 700mm deep pool open around the entire ride... how did they plan for you to get on?
  20. I don't see any water indicated there? I see a raised platform underneath the ride for loading, but there's nothing in the lower area to imply water - and if that IS implied to be water - how do guests get across to load onto the ride? Either you're reading too much into it, or something is missing...
  21. Yeah I think in the case of a Top Spin, the load platforms are designed to retract regardless of whether water is present though - thought my knowledge on top spin and equivalents is limited. A Wave swinger on the other hand doesn't come with retractable fencing as standard. Theres a lot of additional engineering and complexity involved in doing that, especially something by a third party that needs to integrate with a ride safety system. Could they have? sure. did they need to? we still haven't seen the finished product - but this isn't disney and it isn't an "e-ticket"... i'll wait and judge when it's done.
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