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Everything posted by DaptoFunlandGuy

  1. shifty i was referring to your photography. i made reference to video because i MYSELF have done it. --- WITH permission. the "sneaking" issue is what the other thread was all about. Any more discussion on this one - take it to that thread. and leave it out of this one.
  2. this one tails on from another thread though about the dangers of taking camera equipment onto rides that strictly forbid it happening. I have done filmography on the WL rides but always with either official consent or an empty train and permission from the ops... i cannot imagine you had those for BB and beastie shifty... but lets back off before a spitfight starts that i can see happening again... lol. anyways...
  3. Ok so heres the info i have so far: Wonderland - 911 - Main Theme Nostalgia - Yanni - Origami (tony and Juleen) Spybreak - Propellerheads (magic movers theme) I could be happy - Altered Images (wonderpass TV ad circa 2000)
  4. ***NEWSFLASH*** This Just In - Steven Galbraith takes over XXX site called boys down under. lol. shifty that is a JOKE Alex.
  5. YES!!!!! ORIGAMI is one of Tony and Juleen's signature pieces. it is probably the first of their songs i ever identified... it is by the same artist that does the "british airways theme" the song is "Nostalgia" and it is by "Yanni" send me a private message if you would like to arrange for me to send it (and others including my newest additions "altered images - i could be happy" and "911 - Wonderland" (haven't stopped listening to them all day) lol. Cheers, Alex.
  6. i will go to sleep some time today (neeeeeed sleeeeeeep) the song "i can be happy" is actually called "i could be happy" and is by Altered Images" from the 80's. gotta love Kazaa *Disclaimer: Dj Alex B Productions and Starz Concept Productions International support the legal and ethical downloading of music and other licensed materials.* lol. Cheers - and good night! (morning) Alex.
  7. ok just to put my two cents worth in here, Richard, top figures here, and the formula works well. a good thing for DW to have shown to them. What do people think of introducing a concept to the gold coast parks like some of the USA parks "virtual queueing" systems? perhaps a new thread required but it would be an interesting thing to discuss... Alex.
  8. Ok late breaking news - my contact at 2ue has been able to source a lot of old radio ads for Wonderland. he thinks that some of them are most likely just talkback style (hey its 2ue) but there could be some with music... and ill work on getting them out to you once the copyright ownership stuff is sorted out... cheers, Alex.
  9. nah Zodiac wasn't there for opening season. it must have only just gone in around 87 or 88.
  10. Yes indeedy. this was used in the early 2000's promotions, of a kid on a little 20c ride outside a pharmacy. It was removed quick when they realised some of the lyrics weren't the message they were trying for... I would like to fly high in the trees, i could be happy, i could be happy, Get away, run away, fall away, how do i - escape from you? This was mainly used in their wonderpass commercials. if anyone knows any other music i would love to get my hands on it, or even just the names so it can be tracked down ourselves. i have a link with a guy at Radio 2ue, and he can source practically anything so ... we shall see. ill make it available if richard, flea and the guys can tell me how. While we're on the subject of music in the park, if anyone has interest in the music that Tony and Juleen Laffan used in their show... i will be posting the names of some of the more widely available songs shortly... *just flew in from brisbane and boy are my arms tired* I'd also be particularly interested if anyone has the ad or the song mentioned above and also in my signature... Cheers, Alex.
  11. Ummmmmm hellooooo? Demon = Titan Wonderland = World Expo 88 Brisbane Brisbane = Queensland? People in queensland haven't ridden it unless they went to sydney for a holiday??? Shifty mate, im sorry, but you are honestly retarded. stop making crap up, call it like it is, or shut the hell up and stop posting crap.
  12. Shifty. what you describe as "the beach" with a wooden tower was in fact ned kelly's getaway, located in Goldrush in between tassie devil (used to be spider pre-wildlife park) and Ampols Antique Autos (later the great race). The slides came to rest around where the "heros of the outback" show used to be, before they put the lion cubs in there for a brief period. The slide is very similar to the one in sea world that requires a toboggan to ride. It was removed due to too many injuries. as far as all of these photos and other stuff, as well as the videos you have, i would like to arrange to have them copied. send me a pm if you would be interested in making these arrangements. i also have a scanner and video editing equipment, and with your permission will be happy to post them here for all to enjoy, credits to yourself of course... so let me know!
  13. MMM... yes some "closet" employees and ex employees have remained well hidden. Bussy ur right- kevin was in the park about 4 days a week. i haven't been a member here for long but i get the idea u guys don't like shifty very much.. hehe. anyway wonderbus, Richard's figure is right. i believe the correct figure for the hallowe'en Fright night 1992 was 23,476. bear in mind though that this is trade from 10am through to midnight, and also the $5 after 5pm (or similar) offer at the time... Throughout its years, the park saw many transformations. i would urge anyone who feels strongly enough to write a letter and go on record, but it is highly unlikely that the park will ever return in present site or form. Kevin had a souvenir book that had photos from the december opening week back in '85, and to see the comparison between it now and back then is saddening to see. I think the highpoint of wonderland's life was when Kings Paramount were administering it. but i ramble... anywho... i guess its thanks to Virgin Blue for the cheap tix to brissy where we can now ride the closest thing to theme park rides in the country. I would be nice to see such rides as the demon, zodiac, and of course the one of a kind (well almost) Bounty's Revenge moved up to QLD and themed in with the existing parks... sea world could perhaps replace their pirate ship with bounty, for the sake of the inversion. Not sure about the zodiac, though, she's getting very old now... and as far as demon goes, she was one of Vekoma's first models, and the new versions of boomerang are wayyyyyy better. maybe DW or WBMW needs to get an INVERTED boomerang... now THAT would be cool. what do we all think???
  14. Guys, rumors i am getting from on high say that WBMW is going to retheme SDSC with elements from SD2. From what i hear they are going to keep the existing "warehouse" element at the end with the laser show and the MXPX theme music, but the ground level coaster element ("pre-crazy lift") was going to be rethemed... Nothing official from the park, just speculation from a few sources in the industry.
  15. Yeah this one's up north somewhere near the coast i think near Forster Tuncurry or something. My Ex's parents used to manage the park around 15 years ago, before taking over a kennelry in Middle Dural. Their words not mine - its gone wayyyy downhill since they owned it. I believe it has a toboggan style ride based in a waterslide piping, a few giant (dry) slides, and a couple of waterslides. Think Jamberoo, but without the invested capital, high exposure or professional management that they have.
  16. Safety, Memories, Innovation, Laughter, Excitement, Service That was Wonderland's Staff Mission. Anyhow.. i am after Memories - memorabilia, souvenirs, photographs or actual product. if anyone has any they would like to share, from any era, from 1985 right to april 26, please contact me. photos preferred, but anything you have i am interested in. any replies gratefully received... Thanks, Alex.
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