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Everything posted by DaptoFunlandGuy

  1. Being an Elon Musk product, the window is probably designed to separate from the doorframe using pyro, but during a collision, the frame with buckle and the pyro will fail to fire, leading to the entire car exploding. #SpaceX
  2. I enjoy TPP a lot, but a lot of their content is industrial, and out of the way, whereas a lot more of Jake's content is parks and hotels. They do partner up and visit places together though, if you watch carefully in videos you can see the other vlogger in shot.
  3. I'm sure given your interests that you'll have seen them, but in case you haven't, you should check out the 'Abandoned' series by Bright Sun Films on YouTube. Jake does a lot of coverage, in particular of the three parks you've mentioned (among others) Jake also produced a feature length documentary on SFNO called 'Closed for Storm' which to this day I still haven't watched due to the ridiculousness of region blocking and exclusivity agreements on streaming services. But i'm not bitter at all. #ImLying
  4. For the purposes of history, there was no purchase or sale so in my view no change in ownership. Macquarie Leisure = Ardent Leisure as far as i'm concerned.
  5. This is entire rumour. I'm not presenting this as fact, and take this with an ocean of salt. Source is reddit for what it is worth, just mentioning to continue the conversation here: It was suggested by someone who claims to have worked on the show previously that the park has been cutting back on non essential maintenance, and that they believe Murphy has been suffering as a result - initial observations suggested that the propellant wasn't sprayed out as intended, and instead dripped down inside the superstructure, igniting flammable parts inside. On my recent trip to the park I observed a lot of what i'd call 'lacking maintenance' and while I wouldn't have suggested anything safety related was impacted, the whole 'show' aspect was a little tired.
  6. I recently rode in a tesla and it had an electronic push button door opener. I'm wondering - if there's an electrical fault\fire - how do you override this? As has been mentioned, many rides use Super Capacitors, rather than LiIon batteries - this is not the sort of thing to make assumptions on and state as fact. As for the Objectif Mars incident, while the best extinguisher for lithium ion battery fires is an F500 Lithium Ion Battery Extinguisher, chances are the one provided is likely going to be dry chemical, which is both corrosive and abrasive, as well as a respiratory irritant causing breathing difficulties. It is always preferable to evacuate people from the area before discharging an extinguisher. (Side note - F500 extinguishers are more effective on Lithium batteries, but are water based so shouldn't be used where AC voltages over 100v are present - so a complete power disconnect is needed prior to use of these extinguishers) Spare lithium batteries, or those detached from the device aren't allowed in checked baggage, but lithium batteries up to 160Wh that are installed in a device can be checked in, provided the device is isolated in such a way that it cannot be accidentally activated whilst in transit.
  7. Something that shits me about park maps is when things are numbered, but the numbers don't necessarily follow a pattern - ie- they don't number from 1-20 starting top left and finishing bottom right, so while it is numbered, if you're not familiar with the park or what land things are supposed to be in, you end up playing a 'hidden object' game to try and find the number. A better option is to grid the map (like a street directory) so you can list the map reference of each thing - ie: A5, D2 etc. Best option is to have an app where you can find the thing you want and then tap 'directions' and have it plot out a path for you to walk from where you are to where you want to go, but i'll settle for map references if the app is too hard.
  8. I'm pretty sure their current ops plan sends you in as a group one cycle earlier than originally intended, so you do see the pre-show run twice. it is going to have a small gap in between show-runs which is going to seem a little jarring. I hope that once they've worked out the best way to operate this they can rejig the show elements to work better with it. Yep. No matter how many load videos you have playing in the queue, no matter how many signs, or how many PA systems you use (most ops are muffled on the mic and you can't understand them anyway) there is nothing people in these queues will pay attention to more than an op shouting at them from 3 feet away.
  9. Last I heard they were still working with authorities on a suitable compromise to allow them to return to multi train ops without compromising the design of the coaster. Either way I think multi train is going to require them to install some block brakes and i'm not sure they'll want to do that. If a ride has X number of seats, it should be able to operate with all those seats filled. Weight balancing should only be an issue if there are empty seats on a cycle, and even then, it should only be to have specific seats empty to balance - (ie - not have everyone on one side)
  10. This isn't the first time it's been mentioned. Here, yes - but back on page one - observe: All of these posts were early on after the announcement. The first mention I can see of it comes from Magician, and although his second hand observances (when he wasn't present) have been found lacking, his first hand knowledge of things does tend to be fairly reliable. Only if you choose to nitpick. If you want to argue about a fliptrack as opposed to a sliding track, leviathan uses a sliding track for it's maintenance bay, and it isn't launched either. You're trying really hard to justify your statement as correct when it's flawed. Just let it go. So a ride that is reliably reversed on every other cycle isn't predictable?
  11. Nope. New pumps are so fail-proof, they never shut down!
  12. MW over here saving money by painting every coaster the same colour as DC Rivals so they only have to keep one paintbrush in stock.
  13. This is absolute garbage. Switch tracks don't need launches - as a matter of fact, Expedition Everest utilises a switch on an incline and gravity lets the train continue underway. I think you're talking out of your ass. I don't believe @New display name ever suggested a boomerang in the discussion for the point you're arguing - you've introduced this yourself. Oh geez you're right. Someone better go check on the Rivals and Leviathan cast members who have to change direction on the same train! From all the marketing we've seen so far, the track only has one reversing point, so every other ride will be the opposite way as it will return to the station in the opposite direction to how it dispatched. Voting probably isn't going to work. You're either going to have separate queue lines, or you're going to be random. I do hope they return to a non-grouped station queuehouse - give each row a lane and let people self group.
  14. As you can all see from this photo, taken 5 years in the future after the advent of time travel, Dreamworld has removed Steel Taipan for the terrible ride that it is and rebuilt thunder river rapids. Hydroelectric electricity will be generated from the flowing waters to power the letters. /god this joke is already getting on in years.
  15. You don't think they could run a conduit down either the outside, or the inside of the tower???
  16. I've never noticed these before! Looking back it looks like they were always painted black and I can't believe I've never seen them!
  17. Ekka last year had kid-sized ones for $6-7 depending on if you bought one or several. Adult full size dodgems were $10 a hit.
  18. Yeah look, it's not for me at that price (I usually skip it during the day when its free), but you'd probably get a few riders an hour and that'd probably cover your costs, so not a bad idea. Like Treehouse, i'm ok with these low barrier to entry attractions operating during the markets, though unlike treehouse, you'd have to charge something for dodgems to keep the queue manageable.
  19. this is the perfect description for Doomsday and i'm here for it. Mind if I steal that? LOL that this was in my news feed this morning: VIDÉO. « Ça criait dans tous les sens » : une attraction prend feu au Futuroscope, deux femmes blessées - Le Parisien https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Objectif_Mars It's a two year old Intamin family spinner.
  20. this cord business is an absolute joke. I certainly hope its a temporary measure because they needed a part and preferred to open the ride rather than wait for the hardwired option to arrive. If the cord is the intended, long term operation, I wonder how much downtime we're going to have from broken cables.
  21. If you look closely, the yellow device is also in your closeup shot under the 'A' - it has running gear to go up the track, and a ram or actuator to push off the support structure below it. At a guess, these devices assist with placement of the letters in some way - they're able to move up or down the length of the actuator. they're positioned at a level below the letters though - so perhaps it supports a work platform, or holds the tools and fixings needed? Not sure on the wrapped section, but its literally taped on so its not going to be there for long. Similarly, my guess is its related to the install of the letters. they probably didn't get as far last night as they wanted to \ haven't finished cleaning up after last nights work.
  22. Just to be clear, I'm not challenging your statement to give you a hard time - i was genuinely trying to understand what the issues are as I don't see intamin as having any particularly endemic issues across the board. The only examples you gave didn't really seem to ring true with what you'd suggested, which is why I queried those further...
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