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Everything posted by DaptoFunlandGuy

  1. Just a suggestion - could you not make the thread a poll, and then each week a new thread with a new poll? Have a separate thread where the 'all stars' are published, linked from each week's poll thread?
  2. Many elements are heritage listed, but - for example - the Rotor has been relocated to different spots within the park's footprint. It is still protected under the orders, but one could relocate transportable \ portable attractions to different spaces within the park, whilst still maintaining the heritage and amenity of the area (recognising of course that there isn't really anywhere else the mouse could go within the park's current footprints)
  3. Forums still being screwy for me, showing me this “unread” topic from 6 weeks ago. the train has been long gone as has the station. This train is, I believe, the one now at Wild West Falls.
  4. We’ve complained forever about the parks literally pretending they aren’t constructing giant rollercoasters until 2 weeks before soft open so this full story time transparency is good… provided they keep transparent if things are delayed…
  5. If nothing else i'm keen to get some up-close shots of Superman from angles we've never had the opportunity to get before....
  6. Sorry, i'm over 18 and have adult responsibilities. I can't drop everything to go visit a park 2 hours away from me to take a photo. I'll be there in the next couple days and will get it then, again:
  7. I honestly can't think of a single theme idea that is going to work while surrounded by Superman rescuing folks from a caving-in subway.
  8. We've already booked ours for late march early april. Paid on QF points but the flights were similar costs if we'd paid cash.
  9. I'm hearing from folks in the park today that there are ground markings indicating the positioning of Surfrider may very well be going into the superman Helix (number 1 above, in case you weren't sure). I'll see if I can get photos (unless someone else is there who can beat me to it...)
  10. That shit is bloody expensive compared to the alternatives - you don't get HJs because its cheap, you get it because its convenient and you don't have many other options. Those photos make it look like the pressures of the top job are taking a toll though, and the quick HJ's run is all he had time for. I do hope things get easier for him.
  11. I rode on the weekend and the tray passed around to us included sunglasses and phones. they also had a storage area for the refillable sippers. I'm honestly not worried about someone swiping my phone. It locks automatically, and I can make it beep obnoxiously loudly, and track it using NFC and GPS from my watch. They'll hope the cops catch them first. It's worthless as a resale because the phone needs my credentials to unlock it - even after a full factory reset and wipe. And the kids know this. They don't swipe these sorts of devices anymore because everyone knows they're useless.
  12. Go take a look at Universal Singapore - both major coasters - Mummy and Battlestar - don't allow any loose items, all must be in a locker (Battlestar they even wave metal detectors over you before admitting you to the queue) and their waits are consistently an hour or more. It works at Storm Coaster? It does however need to be in the unload zone, not outside the gate where other randoms can get to it. Nobody is going to try swiping someone else's phone when the guy who owns it is standing right behind them waiting to collect it - they won't get far.
  13. 2 things. pretty sure only Taipan has the RFID tags, not Rivals. It's true though - the whole exit the ride envelope, and walk all the way around and re-enter the queue thing is a bit crap if the queue doesn't have a cycle's worth of people. I've even seen it happen during a walk-on day on the CAROUSEL. It's probably part of the same crap about not admitting the next group of people until all current riders are clear of the exit gate too - so if we did away with that rule and opened the air gates earlier, you could probably let rerides happen without leaving the station, if there were enough spare seats. Bit more than a few weeks, don't you reckon?
  14. No need to be so snarky about things. You purport to have more knowledge of the situation, whereas i've only taken what's presented in the article and drawn conclusions from that. I've also run this by industry professionals in construction who agree with me - again, based only on the information presented in the article. The key factors relevant though are: Here are the facts as presented: Council approved the development application, with the standard condition that the upper floors be set back. The builder has built the Yong's house without the required set back The certifier has now submitted a minor change request to gain relaxation of that condition. If the situation is as you say, how do you explain the minor change application? You don't retrospectively apply for relaxation if the council approved you to build it that way to begin with. Whether or not the new home is built to the same rules isn't the topic at hand here, but I have absolutely no doubt council inspectors will be checking everyone's compliance very closely here and no doubt anyone non-complying will get pinged. There is a case recently of a fellow who built an extension to his canalside property with approval from council, but he did not build it in compliance with those conditions (it was a tennis court but he built more of an entertainment space with music and lights on it too). I'm not sure if GC or Sunshine Coast but after several battles, he was required to demolish the extension, so it can happen.
  15. The problem here lies with the certifier of Mr Yong's home. GCCC has a required setback of 2.5m unless council has given relaxations, which hasn't happened here as no application was made. The private certifier signed it off as compliant. It isn't. They're retrospectively applying for the relaxation and they'll want to hope that they get approval else the building will need to be redone to meet the approved specifications. The fact that the other house now needs a firewall installed too is an additional cost, and the builders\ certifiers will probably be sued to recover those costs from whomever is required to foot the bills.
  16. Considering the Leviathan campaign was primarily "we don't strike, we rise above the rest" which was a direct dig at the Taipan campaign, if it is a dig at leviathan, i'm ok with that.
  17. You're asking the wrong person. I never said their ops were faster. I'm not in a position to judge as I haven't visited LPS since Ranger was there. I'm simply saying it can't be the ticket explanation as the explanation is incorrect. I could speculate? Perhaps there's a better culture fostered by management that makes operators keen to do things enthusiastically? Perhaps as said above, different state health and safety requirements apply? Perhaps the park's attendance levels don't slam ops from start to finish so they have more energy to get through a shift if they only have to hustle for 10 minutes a day? Perhaps the lower latitudes are cooler and more comfortable to work in? Perhaps their proximity to the Sydney Harbour Bridge inspires them to move quicker because its such an iconic sight, and that's why our GC parks are building so many ICONIC attractions to try and replicate it? Perhaps it's because the heritage rides are exempt from all the modern safety rules. (Spoiler - I thought seriously about maybe 3 of those suggestions - i'll let you guess which ones)
  18. Yeah 2 just seems the simplest - doesn't obstruct construction works near 3. Behind west is a really odd position for it that wouldn't attract attention. Putting inside superman just shuts down the ride unnecessarily for construction, and we've already covered that its a tight fit. I would still prefer it at vikings. I saw the viking pad on the weekend and it is just THE. PERFECT. FIT. The surfboard theme also fits well with the park and no real retheme is needed (you can even continue to call it surfrider)
  19. Claw's original theme had it invading the beach. Sand, and beach plantings surrounded the ride. The car it is crushing with one leg was your typical surfer panelvan \ wagon. Even the bus stop marketing campaign had it terrorising the gold coast, so yes, that was the tie-in.
  20. It's long been spoken about (but I've not come across anything concrete and public from Disney themselves) that Disney parks aim for an '8 attraction rule' - the idea being that guests leave satisfied if they can do 8 attractions in a day (attractions aren't just rides). Now, we always say 'but this isn't Disney' and I accept that, but at the same time, human mentality is going to have similar expectations everywhere else. I think 6-8 would be a good solid number of rides and attractions. Joz's bad planning gets 5, so it's probably achieveable at our parks, if you think and plan hard enough. This problem with that is that we all well know guests check their brains at the gate. And you shouldn't have to plan to hit 6 attractions in a 7 hour operating day. I agree - MW's capacity sucks, and i hope Oz contributes towards this, but the park we remember from 20+ years ago is no more - capacity monsters like LTRR and PASS, Effects show and stunt show that people would happily do multiple times in a day just don't exist, and no amount of roller coasters (family or otherwise) can possibly replace that kind of capacity. Since the discussion is the validity of Google reviews, most parks these days don't hand out paper maps and showtimes, with the expectation being that you'd go online to get that sort of information. Dreamworld also has screens (at least in Main Street) with showtimes posted on a slideshow basis. Guest services can also provide a copy of showtimes and details like this, and it sounds like this person just waltzed into the park and expected someone to glue a copy of the showtimes to their forehead. (i'm aware this appears in contradiction to my previous comments about leaving brains at the gate, but in a modern 'theres an app for that' world, loading the park map \ app \ showtimes on your phone is a bare minimum expectation.) ETA: since they're capable of using Google - here's the first result for "Dreamworld Showtimes": Dreamworld | Daily Shows
  21. I think I already replied to something like this, but in case I didn't - my thinking is that doing it while Oz is under construction means they can access the Scooby stage from both sides while Oz is scorched earth. Doing it after Oz has opened will likely 'wall in' a lot of the scooby stage and make it harder to access - especially for cranes and whatnot needed to swap out the track pieces mentioned.
  22. It's a shame - Viking's old station area would have been perfect for this, and is currently surrounded by ugly black covered fencing. I wonder where they're gonna jam this in, and what theme it'll have...
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