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Everything posted by DaptoFunlandGuy

  1. Back in the day when everything needed to conform to a minimum 30 minute tv special runtime, difficult. But today, with Youtube and social media as a self-publishing medium, they should be taking advantage of this. I am one of those who is unfamiliar, what is a block zone? #ETR
  2. top of my head i'm not sure (they've still got the skull mirror ball, don't they?) but there are also loads of props around calypso beach in WNW.
  3. Thanks for the TR @Jessicajealousy - sounds like you had a great time, sorry you felt poorly for part of the trip though. Other than getting sick - was there anything about your trip you'd do differently? What was the biggest unexpected (pleasant) surprise for you? Did you catch Fantasmic?
  4. I think that's correct - I recall during one of their more recent attractions (last 10 years or so) there were some objections from residents to the slide colours proposed, and thats why they've used mostly grey panels.The boundary and surrounding trees are likewise to obscure the attractions from outside the park for the same reasons - to keep the residents happy.
  5. Unlikely. Broadcast media - if they have it on magnetic tape at all - generally store it on much higher quality Beta format tapes.
  6. I'd like to see Showstage turned back into a showstage and used for some sort of show that doesn't involve cars, or trucks, or boats, or truck boats. Top of my list would be (in no particular order): Illusionist \ Magic Show Stunt Show Special Effects Show ?Circus?
  7. Depending on where you put it, you won't see it from inside the West attraction, only the splash down. As mentioned - if its given a suitably western theme, and it fits, i say go for it. All the big players seem to have given up on sightlines.
  8. Surfrider would have been perfect in Doomsday's location. IDC what theme you give it, just piss that stupid twin hammer off. Alternatively, stick it in West's area, theme it to a mine cart.
  9. Our last big woodie - Bush Beast - was located in the Gold Rush section of Wonderland, which opened an hour later than the rest of the park. I remember often watching the carpenters walking the hills and bashing away with a hammer here and there even at 10:45 before they ran some test cycles. Those guys started morning checks at around 4am (though, they had two woodies to inspect) It takes time.
  10. In case it wasn't clear - big coasters like this that are impossible to block out the outside world from DO NOT NEED on ride theming, they just need to be a great ride. Hagrid's says hello. I tell you - I miss having the stamina of 20 year olds. Full day at park, then come home and mash together footage into a 20-ish minute vlog. Between TPWW and The Sanbrooke Adventures, their upload frequency whilst still on an overseas trip is mindblowing.
  11. I can see your screenshots, but I can't figure out why I can't see it - To be clear, they're both classed as 'suspended' - the SLC literally stands for 'suspended looping coaster'
  12. Lethal was an SLC, whereas the Centrifuge was a Vekoma swinging turns - a more traditional coaster car (like Gold Coaster) except the running gear was above the rider. Centrifuge doesn't appear to have inversions according to RCDB. I tried searching RCDB but it seems 'inversion count' isn't a criteria you can search on, and searching on 'extreme' also turned up coasters like Superman, so an inexact science. If someone wants to trawl through the 85 Australian Entries on RCDB (including relocations) then feel free to catalog it...
  13. an intamin hyper would only be compared to DC Rivals, and most GP wouldn't see the difference between the two. If you want to make a splash in Aus, you need a type that is way different to what's already here. That means Flyer is probably your best bet.
  14. Paramount never owned Australia's \ Wonderland Sydney. Paramount purchased 5 parks from TAFT Broadcasting \ Kings Entertainment Company (KECO) in 1992 including Canada's Wonderland and Kings Island. KECO didn't own the controlling stake in Australia's Wonderland, and Paramount (who was looking to establish their own brand of parks) had no interest in a minority stake in a park halfway around the world. The Paramount name was applied to all 5 parks purchased in 1993. KECO ended up selling their share to Australian based investor groups, making the park wholly Australian owned until the 1997 buyout by Sunway Malaysia.
  15. It's ok - The layout of SE means they'll be able to walk right underneath the launch track for photos.
  16. Wow, didn't realise he'd headed down under. If he was in Melbourne, I look forward to more Australia themed videos in the near future.
  17. The difference between Monorail \ Cannonball and the current loco is that they were all aged, and also fully depreciated, whereas the loco and especially the brand new train carriages most certainly will return to service, having just spent serious coin on them.
  18. Isn't it mainly just painting and a few fibreglass mouldings? shouldn't take that long surely...?
  19. Other parks weren't coming from a space as poorly managed as Dreamworld had been prior to covid. The entire 4 years between TRRR and Covid were entirely botched, and the park had made some tough decisions to remove some core attractions as end of life with nothing in the wings to replace them (due to the ongoing botching). I've heard both park operators speak about the symbiotic relationship the gold coast has - village and dreamworld rely on each other to support the industry and the tourism. The park returning to any semblance of profitable reporting after so long is a positive step for the coast and the industry as a whole. Remember, Steel Taipan was a last minute opening. Mack had a cancellation, and an open build slot well advanced in the queue. What we've seen across the industry suggests that wait times for coasters have blown out, and with Dreamworld closing attractions everywhere, they needed something to act as an anchor. A reliable clone, a few modifications, they may not have had many options to do much more than that. Sure, ST doesn't appear to have been the big draw card it could have been, but I wouldn't consider it a failed investment - it alone won't bring people to the park, but as time goes on, and as these other investments are built and open, it will bring balance to the park between basic and big thrill, and is future proofing the park against the loss of their only other full size full circuit coaster - gold coaster - when it eventually reaches end of life.
  20. Yes... Not sure whats happening with the forums but it didn't show me the updated replies until this morning. At any rate, even if the additional changes are as a result of it being highlighted here, I think that should be applauded, not scorned. Enthusiasts are just general public with a hyperfocus for details. If they notice it, it's possible a non-enthusiast would notice it eventually, and for things like this where we've already got people joking about blackface, it isn't hard to see it all over 60 minutes and the front page of the courier fail on a slow news day. Enthusiasts are canaries for theme parks, and only a foolish park operator wouldn't at least take note of what their most devoted fans \ critics are saying.
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