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Everything posted by DaptoFunlandGuy

  1. If this is a spot you can sit and try and decode the alphabet they've used in this land, that's pretty cool.
  2. I'd have to go back and check into this, so don't take it as gospel, but I'm pretty sure the Eucalypt plantation is a Land for Wildlife grant property, so just 'deciding' to get rid of the Koalas isn't quite so straightforward as the grant carries certain conditions. Honestly I could take it or leave it when it comes to the wildlife. Much as it'd be sad to see it go, It isn't what i'd like to see dreamworld be into the future and opens the park way up to additional expansions without having to cut existing products.
  3. Wild West Falls says hello. Doomsday also waves hi.
  4. Now you're just being facetious, but this is why "Tomorrowland will never be finished" and why they're now installing electric versions of the attraction where opportunity arises.
  5. I mean, the highways of TODAY do, but back then, WEDWAY was the only way they could achieve the electric transit and that didn't work well for Autopian highways.
  6. By that logic, you still have a (new) car. It still fulfils that function. By that logic, they still have a (new) vintage car ride. It still fulfils that function. Just for completeness, the original storyline for Autopia wasn't the cars of tomorrow but the highways of tomorrow. It was a weak theme and an excuse for attraction filler which has ultimately become a staple of the park, but it is what it is.
  7. Damn, I haven't seen any (and honestly, haven't been looking at articles behind paywalls, so i've kept with the Dreamworld website). So what i'm picking up is the media have confused their information, and made an assumption about a ride type, that they are very very wrong about. And you want to know whether Village directly making a laughable claim is worse than the media getting a very silly game of chinese whispers badly wrong? Village clearly. In Dreamworld's case, the park didn't do anything to cause confusion relating to Indiana Jones - although as we've often pointed out, the claim of "World Class" is frequently used, and seldom factual, so I will 'pooh-pooh' dreamworld's use of the term also. Ask the mouse
  8. Nah they got a good deal on Jinko panels and the government rebate means its no money down.
  9. I'm sorry i'm not answering your question - but I have a question - I've seen Village's marketing about 'most iconic', but haven't see anything mention Indiana Jones - what about Dreamworld's announcement are you referring to, so I can respond to your actual question?
  10. A professional and kind way refers to other people's opinions as whinging and bitching now? He isn't, but he's a big fan of golden years (in case you missed that) and from memory has provided them with a lot of content... just so we've got full disclosure on where everyone is coming from.
  11. it has! they no longer offer the on-ride video!
  12. Ahhh media - never change. Yeah as noted, they've got wiggles characters, ABC Kids characters including BiP, they've got Kenny and Belinda, Goldie... there is not going to be a shortage of character opportunities, and not having the stage themed to a single IP means they can use it for special holiday attractions as well as regular shows and appearances - if anything the loss of the dreamworks characters gives them MORE opportunity, not less. How so? The theme and layouts as I understand them sound quite well planned and thought out? They're: Merging the two kids areas (that are quite a distance apart) into a single unified zone, using both ABC, Wiggles and non-IP themes. Installing a splash pad adjacent to ocean parade, and extending the 'parade' beyond it to encompass the orphaned KFP Land attractions (themes to be revealed, but "ocean") Returning RiverTown to the River, potentially restoring the old "gold rush town" style feel by the murrisippi, returning the cars to where they should be, and bringing in a new coaster also themed to the same Putting a 'fairground' weenie front and centre inside the park to give the entrance some kinetic energy without an elaborately distracting theme - its a main street attraction pure and simple and doesn't need any strong themes to work well. The only thing in the above that I have even the remotest reservation about is the further bloating of the already enormous Ocean Parade. Since they no longer have wipeout, stingray, reef diver or flowrider, the things that made it "ocean" aren't really there anymore, and they could have taken the opportunity to make that area more cohesive, rather than bloat it further. But given the $50M+ they're already spending across a high majority of the parks footprint... i'm prepared to wait and see a complete job.
  13. I'm fairly certain they still have limited steerage don't they? like the rail guides them the same as the existing cars, but you can make limited adjustments before it corrects you? And sure, if there's no accelerator "control" out on the track its a loss, but I don't think it's a fundamental loss to the experience. Maybe that's just me, growing up with the Wonderland version and seeing no issue with it. Maintains safe spacing between ride vehicles, allows an E-stop to completely power disconnect the entire ride, rather than rely on the driver to obey a red light?
  14. Hanna Barbera's loss at Wonderland was quite the opposite - they had a firesale on merch, used plushies as skill game prizes - I even have a photo somewhere of the head of the flintstones dog Dino gaffa taped to the ski pole on the back of a jetski as they towed stunt skiers around the lake. A lot of stuff survived in storage in the park's maintenance area and boneyard, with even the fibreglass heads from the long since closed paddleboats getting flogged off (or outright flogged) with some appearing on Ebay a few years ago. It will come down to what is written into the terms of the original contract. they can't make them burn\destroy things if the contract didn't require it.
  15. So your objections are mainly aligned to the "Dreamworld Express is no longer a steam train" type issues?
  16. I'm not trying to be argumentative here - I genuinely don't understand what you mean - If you put the themeing aside, and the design of the cars is fine.... what is the 'everything else' left? There was zero wrong with Wonderland's electric models. no stink, no flammables risk, and safety zoning in the power rail preventing collisions. It is literally the thunder river (in house) vs. Snowy River (Intamin designed) comparison all over again.
  17. In so far as it's a guided-track "self drive" attraction, I'd argue it's a fine "replacement" and leave it at that, but I do understand the various differences of opinion and I'm not outright saying that anyone is wrong for their point of view. Universal Singapore has this modern, electric vehicle. I'm quite sure that any new vehicle design can be modified to have passing resemblance to the old one, except for safety features such as doors to prevent egress That's because I was referring to Jungle Rush. Translation: River town returns, with touching tribute to old car ride, plus new rollercoaster. Apologies for the confusion. Well, that's the nail in the coffin then.
  18. If it's this one, I hope they do two queues, so you can choose your experience. If left to chance I see a bottleneck as people let others go in front because they're waiting for the correct facing seat - like waiting for the front but exponentially worse.
  19. Thread split lost this, so just copy pasting this from my post in the other thread to continue the relevant discussion: I don't disagree with you, but when I read this, my impression was: They've just lost Patrick, and without his level of experience, they need time to rework things. Without the Alpha (patrick) maybe the other trainers were less confident \ having issues with the ongoing interactions, and they've pared back their offering to a straight up exhibit to minimise the risk of potential incidents while they re-group. I think because they always have. It's a continuation expectation. nothing more.
  20. ...sooooo repurposing the upper levels isn't out of the question then...
  21. Too true. We have for many years decried the park for moving the cars out the back of the wildlife area, in a flood zone, and then putting in the most minimal amount of concrete path with ZERO themeing. We even ridiculed them when they announced they were adding koalas to the area. The current version was a case of "we have these assets, but they need to move for new ride. What do we do? - eh - just shove them at the back. nobody will care". Here we have the park returning the River to River Town, with some new hotness and combining it with a touching tribute to the Murrisippi name coined by John many years ago and largely forgotten by practically everyone, and as part of the process, instead of once again lifting and shifting and half arsing it, they've decided to reinvest in one of the oldest attractions in the park for generations to come by upgrading it to modern safety standards with new purpose built vehicles. (it's almost as if a cobbled together home-made ride built in-house could be considered a safety risk in this day and age?) - as I said before, I don't like the loss of the original vehicles, but I applaud them for reinvesting into the long term future of the attraction. They could have very easily left it to rot behind wildlife - or worse, shut it down entirely.
  22. I'm inclined to agree with you. Could they be repurposing the TOT station zone? perhaps that is why they didn't remove those parts of the ride?
  23. As a purist, I do not disagree with you. The reality is this is the same situation as the replacement of the steam train with the current iteration of the 'Dreamworld Express'. I didn't like it, but I understand why they did it. New ride vehicles are more modern improvements on out of date technology, which will no doubt also reduce the maintenance and operating expenses, something the park really needs to do. I think you're getting carried away here. (And again, as a reminder, that I agree with the sentiments you said above, that the loss of the genuine attraction vehicles is a sad day). The first version of Autopia vehicles were awful. The latest versions are cleaner, safer, and resolve many of the issues of days gone by. Monorails got upgraded. Matterhorn sleds changed. And Disney didn't build everything out of genuine parts either. they faked things where necessary. (Spoiler alert - Big Thunder Mountain Trains aren't steam engines, even though they blow "smoke" out of their exhaust stacks!). Just as LPS replaced tango train, Dreamworld replaced the Steam Train... just view the new version as a tribute to what once was, (RIP Little Puff) and be happy that at least some version of the experience remains. (It looks like the iconic barn bridge photo op will return in some capacity too).
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