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Everything posted by DaptoFunlandGuy

  1. My understanding is that there is nobody left certified to operate \ train new operators, and its a considerable expense to have new folk certified. Regardless of whether Village or an external take it on, there's a fair bit of work it getting it back online.
  2. Don't Universal have some sort of exclusivity with Kuka?
  3. So... along with those two, this one would be 'one of' the largest?
  4. How windy does it get there? that's probably the first thing a park should check before considering a flyer... I don't think so. AW isn't in a position where a single coaster is going to see a mass influx of out of town visitors just to ride it. Enthusiasts alone wouldn't bump their attendance numbers that much. What they need is a better rounded lineup that will keep the locals coming back as the locals are really what lets that park survive.
  5. ^I think the theme was meant to be suicide squad, yes. the colour scheme kinda matches - that edgy pink \ magenta around the edges matches the track pretty closely.
  6. Unless they changed them to red and blue, in which case they'd probably combat speeding a bit better than those roadside camera trailers...
  7. Being in the position it was in, i'm not sure they could have done colour changing lights.
  8. Of course its a bloody Koala Habitat - have they not been to Paradise Country?
  9. When they dig up the existing high voltage main, they can just not backfill the trench, and that'll give plenty of flood storage! /s
  10. Happy to - i was interested and humorously summarising them as I went wasn't much additional effort. I especially loved the contradictions - some people said it would close down local businesses because they would lose patronage to the big hotel, while others said that local businesses wouldn't cope with the increased visitation from all the extra tourists staying nearby. The Koala habitat thing just blows my mind too - they clearly have no idea. I will say - many objections i've listed haven't detailed every single complaint. It was getting a bit repetitive so I edited each down a little by excluding the things being said constantly (like traffic, noise, light pollution and koalas) that seemed to be a very common theme. Technically only 1, with a possible second.
  11. The Energex objection alleges the following (my emphasis): So the entire substation is already built lower than the Q100 flood level. A 55mm increase in levels may mean the site is impacted earlier, but it sounds like Energex already knows that they have a problem, and i'm wondering why they haven't already taken steps to mitigate the flood levels since their equipment is already around 500mm lower than the flood line. I took a quick look at some of the other submissions, and here they are in a nutshell: Old Woman yells at cloud. Expects everyone to return to horse and cart. Man thinks property with direct on-ramp access to major highway in both directions will worsen traffic in surrounding roads. Hasn't lived in metropolitan area for 50 years. Man thinks rollercoasters are transparent. Doesn't want people looking in his backyard. Doesn't realise Google has been doing that since 2005. Guy thinks traffic will be busy during busy times. Thinks theme park needs new rides and experiences, doesn't realise how that works economically since the hotel would support the theme park to upgrade more. Says local shops will also be impacted 'dramatically' but doesn't say whether he thinks it will be positively or negatively. (Sounds like the local shops could benefit from a whole bunch of tourists staying nearby) Woman thinks a traffic impact assessment is needed, hasn't read the application to see they've already done one. Also thinks Movie World needs to upgrade, but thinks the money should be spent on upgrading the park rather than creating a new revenue stream... Also thinks Village should have to pay to upgrade the local woolworths. Man thinks stunt show is noisy and hotel will reflect this noise. Doesn't understand how sound waves work. Resident thinks check-in and check-out days will bring more traffic to the area without acknowledging mid-stay days would result in less traffic on those days. Thinks the local area is 'rural'. Considers overlooking a childcare centre as an invasion of privacy. Local business will lose customers. Apparently building a hotel on an asphalt carpark will decimate the local wildlife. Woman objects. Doesn't say why. Lives in Upper Coomera Man objects. Also doesn't say why. Lives in Robina and is definitely suffering from this development. Woman objects. Doesn't say why. Lives in Biggera Waters. Looney* Woman STRONGLY OBJECTS on the basis of additional light pollution. Also claims wildlife impacts from this hotel built on a carpark. Claims evening noise will somehow be worse than the highway. Also claims no increase in parking. Probably objected to the parking development proposed a few years ago. Woman objects to lighting impacts, thinks special purpose tourism zone is still rural. Has different surname but email address suggests a 'looney' relationship exists. Woman thinks half the rides closed at movie world should be a reason for denying a hotel. Intelligent man supports application as he recognises that the GC's economy is tourist driven Intelligent man supports application as it will create jobs, provide facilities for use by locals and tourists, diversifies the local tourism \ business sector and is consistent with the zoning of the property. smart person recognises there is no decent hotel at the northern end of the gold coast Woman is all for bringing money into the northern gold coast, but doesn't want hotel that will bring more money to the northern gold coast. Complains about the waste of electricity for Lantern and DCR, says nothing of the stupid street light art on the M1. Thinks the hotel should be half the size and powered by plants. Woman supports proposal. doesn't say anything else, but at least lives in the correct suburb. Man supports proposal. Doesn't say why but lives closer than the ones that don't support it. Man supports proposal. Praises the boost to local economy and recognises that vacant land isn't going to impact on wildlife. He notes traffic is already crap in the area, but feels hotel checkout would be after peak commuting periods anyway. Also states other residents should read the plans before jumping to conclusions. Person supports the proposal. Doesn't say why but lives closer than Robina. Many very politely STRONGLY SUPPORTS the proposal as it is wonderful for the gold coast and interstate visitors. Woman resides in Oxenford and thinks a hotel will transform her backyard into surfers paradise. Thinks Village should build their hotel at Dreamworld instead. Woman thinks council shouldn't even allow businesses to submit development applications. Claims to speak on behalf of literally thousands of people, claim is doubtful. Asks council to consult with the residents in a submission literally designed to consult with residents. Blames state minister for transport for traffic. Man objects. Says they should build hotel at Sea World. Hasn't visited The Spit in 50 years. Man STRONGLY OBJECTS. thinks area is rural. claims endangered koalas will lose their habitats. thinks koalas live in asphalt carparks. Thinks they should build a hotel at Surfers, and bus tourists in. Also thinks local traffic is horrendous, wants to add more buses. Woman objects, uses same copy-and-paste reasons including bad traffic and lost koala habitat. Hasn't looked at plans. Man objects due to flooding - doesn't appear to have read the flood study. Thinks tall hotel in carpark bad. suggests tall hotel behind outback spectacular instead. Business supports application. Based in Arundel. Nothing further to add. Man objects because the proposal is different to the last proposal. traffic. local businesses. homelessness (apparently), koala habitats, alleges council officers must be taking bribes. Thinks one hotel will enable other high rise buildings in the area. Doesn't understand what progress is and thinks surfers paradise has been around since the dinosaurs. *Looney is her last name, according to the submission. Of course, i've added my own bias here (I'm supportive of the application but did not make a submission). My summary is meant to be humorous and anyone taking offence should sit on a pineapple. What I did find though is that many of the objectors did not appear to have read through the application or its associated studies and other supporting documents and have made very large assumptions which mostly appear to be false. I think the biggest complaint from residents should be traffic (and it appears to be) but it seems like the net effect of people staying on property would largely reduce the traffic at peak times, or at least spread it out over a longer period. I think its a bit of a stretch for people to claim the area is 'rural' when the only bushland on the western side of the highway is the property operated by Village themselves. It's also a stretch to argue that a tall hotel is going to be out of place when it stands beside a hypercoaster (and others) as well as giant golf nets and waterslide towers. Just have to wait and see!
  12. Chalk one up for sentimentality. It's just disappointing that so much is down right now. Yeah SWSD is on the cards.
  13. Motocoaster also has the same height requirement as escape (albeit only for the sidecars) however sometimes in larger projects no matter how much you want to - you need to close some things in peak times you'd ordinarily avoid. I've got a trip planned to the US in a few weeks. We're visiting Knott's right at the start of Spring Break - you'd expect everything to be open, right? Knott's is renovating Fiesta Village, including major renovations to Montezooma. Xcelerator is also down, with apparent launch issues. The full list of potentially unavailable rides during one of their peak season periods is as follows: Wave Swinger Jaguar Sol Spin Merry Go Roudn Dragon Swing Hat Dance La Revolucion Montezooma's Revenge Timber Mountain Log Ride Xcelerator Shit happens. And it's too late for us to change our plans, so we just have to suck it.
  14. Pardon me for not keeping up with the dates \ rides - but what date did they change? The text you quoted just referred to dreamland in it's entirety...?
  15. it's all good mate. I'm not an angel. i've pissed off my share of people here and i've taken a few hits with the mods over the years. My only advice is to be genuine with folks, and don't try to hard to impress people, as it is likely to backfire. All of us were once you.
  16. I think Disney's expansions are more "pay us and we'll come". Every investment outside the US has been with heavy local investment or concessions by government. Disney has looked at several places in Aus over the years but have always wanted local governments to chip in a massive contribution towards civil works and concessional arrangements, which - for the benefit of a foreign commercial enterprise - would be decried from the rooftops and the elected officials would get slaughtered.
  17. The attraction is not a large one. It's highly likely if they have it on site its inside the LTRR warehouse out of sight. These things don't take long to go up. Judging by the photos everything is ready for install so it could start any day now, assuming parts have all arrived.
  18. You're making a habit of this. Be very careful excusing yourself as 'it was just a joke' though. It's very difficult to tell the difference in a forum that lacks tone and inflection, and if every time your long rambling reply gets called out you respond 'i was joking' you're just going to torch any level of credibility. People will never take you seriously.
  19. I do hope the back of that is made to look nice \ fit in to the area and isn't just blank board.
  20. That didn't last long. Between all the various social media channels, pages etc, rest assured as soon as someone gets there and notices the progress, it's going to be posted. There are several members that post their own content, and plenty of others that will repost what other channels have posted. It's safe to say that now painting appears to have been completed, the level of visible progress on the works (other than the giant light up letters of course) is going to slow down. I can 100% guarantee that the moment the letters start to go up, someone is going to post it.
  21. Jesus Christ did you just stereotype every person who goes to University as non-creative and plagiarist? Do you honestly think creative agencies are full of people who can't think outside the box? (hint - it's in the name) The days of a father and his sons fashioning a park, attraction, ride or theming out of 'shit laying around in the shed' has long passed. And if there was any skerrick of doubt as to whether in-house designed and built was still viable - it died along with four people in Thunder River.
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