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Everything posted by DaptoFunlandGuy

  1. I hate to be the cynic, but Atlantis was supposed to be about 24 months too. Sure, covid, but that wasn't the only delay to the project. Either way, its a great suite of investments and even if it takes 3 years, i'm glad they're doing it. I'm not sure the rockin tug will stay in it's current form given the BRB Coaster, and I feel as though Dronkey Fliers is going to have the fibreglass moulding replaced to create BR Planes Bush Rush just didn't feel right... I don't disagree with you, but when I read this, my impression was: They've just lost Patrick, and without his level of experience, they need time to rework things. Without the Alpha (patrick) maybe the other trainers were less confident \ having issues with the ongoing interactions, and they've pared back their offering to a straight up exhibit to minimise the risk of potential incidents while they re-group.
  2. Tron: Announced 2017 Epic Universe: August 2019 Orphan Rocker: Hold my beer
  3. Most folks who reveal what they know early tend to get flamed. Smarter option is to sit quietly and smile.
  4. Could it not just be a circle, but with a cut-out attached for the Op Booth? All the pics i've seen so far have implied some sort of circular attraction, so when I saw the slab shape, I just assumed plant room or op booth on the same slab outside the circle...
  5. Orphan Rocker most iconic steel rollercoaster of all time. Units of Puffery
  6. Based on what appears to be the superman building directly behind it, i'd say thats the arkham entrance facade and they've kept that part up (and possibly, plan to keep that part?) to hide Oz from Superman
  7. Yeah if you look closely at the plans, the arrivals area is an entire storey above ground level. They have spaces indicated in ground level but my guess is those spaces are designed to be flooded. The hotel will become an island when the carpark floods, but guests will be high and dry.
  8. When it doesn't open on a planned open day, that is unscheduled. If it doesn't return and they know its going to take a few days, they post it on the website so guests know. Then it becomes scheduled. Looks like perhaps the return of remotaboats!
  9. This gives me such 'Mickey's Toontown' vibes. Thanks for the update - an impressive little collection!
  10. For some people, 2023 started back in July. As for Christmas - as far as i'm concerned if parks around the world can have scare mazes from the beginning of September, November 1 is tinsel season.
  11. I think I saw somewhere recently an external company was hiring games attendant staff for a theme park on the gold coast. I've seen parks run games well and in my somewhat educated opinion, Village never have. The new stand in West will at least breathe some additional life in the 'long walk' to WWF, and they've at least tried to match up with the theme while working on a budget. If the external contractor is successful, we'd likely see reinvestment and improvements to what we see here. (And prizes don't need to match the themed land, they just need to be big and noticeable.) Hopefully this signals a few things: a better skill games offering by staff who are actually interested in being there a refurbishment \ repurposing of the current midway area a win for the park and guests alike.
  12. No, it's still there, you just can't ride it - a bit like Arkham was for a few years...
  13. Yeah I think the guy who thought shaded seating was what was needed to replace wipeout is long gone.
  14. Yeah - i've noted it before, but it's been there a while at this point so not really anything worth writing about... If it's still there now, then it's officially been there for more than a year (it wasn't there in August 2021)
  15. And a poor cast member stood under an umbrella with a book of wristbands and a mobile eftpos terminal.
  16. I'm not going to edit your quote, as it is against the rules, but if I may paraphrase your reply below: simple hold on tight, I've been on some river rapids rides, and I've never fallen out. I game enough to put money on the fact that he responsible. Thousands of people would ride those rapids every year. If it were a design issue one would expect people to fall out of Thunder River Rapids more often. Not just now. Nobody realises an issue until an issue occurs. I'm not saying you're wrong about it being rider error, i'm just saying that your line of thinking "i've never fallen out so it must be his fault" is flawed - you could just be really lucky. With that said, I feel as though these guys may have been goofing around.
  17. It's a moneymaker. I doubt they're delaying it unless there is a mechanical reason for it (and since we can see it running, there doesn't appear to be any mechanical reason). It is possible the seat forces have tested out of tolerance and they're working on getting it fixed, but i'd find that extremely unlikely. My guess is that they're just focussed on getting word out that its opening and they decided focussing their marketing on an upcharge feature only available to less than 10% of riders is probably not well spent at this time.
  18. Doesn't even remotely resemble the old one, and a B&M would probably bankrupt them. Like - go ahead and install an intamin twin hammer and call it Eureka Mountain Mine Ride too, yeah?
  19. Flyers has always had the cyclone fencing, but I do believe the camo netting is new.
  20. @Gazza's Nearmap updates of Victoria prompted me to check out the GC and there have been a few updates - so here's a bit of an image dump: Marvin ride construction zone (Oct 26): Fright Nights Maze and queue races (October 26) Not exactly theme park but the below is up behind the studios \ outback on the road to Paradise Country. This paddock was used a few years ago for the Asgard set for one of the Thor movies. The 'parking area' wasn't there a year ago and was a greenfields site, but the several rows of items around the edge of the boundary fence are new since august. I've no idea what they are (I assume they're production set pieces for filming), they aren't all the same shape or size, but I can't get any better read on what it is without visiting on site... anyone have any ideas? Leviathan and Trident sites - this image is directly overhead and shows some of the pathways \ thoroughfares in and around Atlantis. Former Arkham \ Future Wizard of Oz land Didn't have a lot of time to explore so that's it for this update, but if I find anymore major changes i'll be sure to update...
  21. Interesting point. I'd make the uneducated assumption that the winch drives would have operating ranges that would allow for the heat generated from operations that would far exceed ambient. In that regard though... being that far up delivers some pretty awesome airflow!
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