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Everything posted by dr_teeth
Where tho B? Like theres no ratchet device on the lift, and as far as i could see from my front seat perspective on the ride, that there are no trims or any other sort of braking devices "on track"....I think the only stopping device is the actual brake that the driver uses. I mean it wouldnt matter if the ride went backwards in any part *other* then the lift cos it would just valley out. However having said all that, i guess for insurance and safety reasons there would have to be some sort of emergency device that could be used in the event that the train escaped the lift....what that is tho i have no idea.
Hehe yeah or smashing to bits. Seriously tho how bad is that ride. Had to line up for half hour to get on and seriouly after the first drop, i was both wishing the ride was over and that i hadnt lined up for it in the first place. It was the only thing i didnt re-ride the day i was there.
Ah yeah would make sence i guess to use the brake. If the train ever did break free and roll backwards i dont think id want to be on it...theres a kink at the bottom of the lift hill after the station that if you went thru at any sort of speed wouldnt be pretty
Hey guys, was in melbourne over the last week and managed to get the time to head off to St Kilda to visit Luna Park Melbourne. I have a question over the lift mechanism that the Scenic Railway uses. Is anyone in-the-know of how this actually works? It just appears to be a continuous cable that has no pins or links that the train might latch onto?? Obviously there has to be some sort of way the train grips the cable so, yeah was just wondering if anyone can throw some light onto it. While wer on the topic has anyone whos ever ridden this coaster noticed that there is no safety latching on the lift...id hate to see the mess that would make having a train full of people going backwards through the station.
Yeah bussy your talking about a multi million dollar piece of equipment vs something that would probably fetch less then 100 G in scrap. Wether in fair or good condition its still worth more as is and not as downgrade RHS at metal-land. Besides a lot of other rides have sat around longer then SP has. EG Cyclone AKA Big Dipper that was not operational for over FIVE years.
What I meant Bussy was that scrapping the ride would be like the last, of last resorts. As with any business its rare to just throw things to the scrap heap when there is money to be made. Obviously a working ride in reasonable condition is worth a lot more then its weight in scrap steel. 18 months isnt really all that long...ive worked at places that have had things sitting around for years all to be used for spare parts for in-house production or to sell them off for a couple of hundred bucks to the few interested people per year that want them. There would be a buyer sooner or later so to have it sitting in storage is probably the most likely solution IF there was no buyer at this point in time. However as Bussy said, its likely that it already been planned to be shipped to a Sunway park
There is a lot of talk about selling the probe off as scrap....surely theyd try and sell it before they did that...i mean after all it was in reasonable working condition, and would be worth more even to sell off cheap then to scrap.
Frame it?? Geez its an old coaster guys not your ex misus!!
The only thing thats poor about DW's layout is the entrance to TOT. For first timers it can be a little hard to find. Personally id like to see some way of moving it back to the other side....however of cos this would then cause problems with the layout of Nik Central, and the fact that Nik is a childrens area. Anyways to bring this back on topic....i think wiggles world look great....."the colours children, the colours"!!
Email or not here is some copyright fact. A design only has to differ by a determined 10% in total to avoid problems with copyright or patent laws. Ive been invloved in electrical design work in the past and this can most times be achieved by a simple layout change of wiring and a change in wire identification colours. The rest of the design can be identical!! (this is specifically for electrical designs) Basically even if its all true whats being claimed here and MW has ripped of someones idea then it means you really dont have a leg to stand on. As only PARTS of the design may have some form of similarity... However its unlikely what is being claimed here is actually fact. Im sure MW put a but more thought into an investment worth millions then a vague description sent in an email. Sorry mate you have no case
I dont think it was all that unexpected was it? I mean didnt someone announce on here not long back that remaining rides, including BB and SP would be removed from the park in August....OK SP is still there today, but surely it wont be all that long before its gone too.
RCT is a theme park simulator, no limits is a coaster simulator.
From my experince I would say a 2 day pass is probably a good idea but not really a necessity. It would also depend on what time of year you went. If the water park is open and or the big brother house theres more to take in. The size of the group you go with matters and also what attractions you want to take in. Also on weekends and school holidays (nsw and qld) there will be more people. My last visit was in August last year. It was also during the week, and not in school holidays. We managed within the first day to get at least 2 rides on all the big stuff (GD, TOT, WO, CYC, EM) and a to also take in at least one ride on everthing else that was worth going on. Some rides are better then others for cycle time eg vortex is quick, cyclone sucks However i should mention that my friend and I only go for the rides and nothing else (shows and stuff) and basicly have a mission to get out moneys worth and ride absolutely as much as we can all day. Which for us means if we arent riding we are in line for something else or going directly to the next que. It also means not stopping for lunch and eating in que lines, and anything else that might save 5-10 mins here and there. We took a 2 day pass just for the reason of getting the most out of our experience. We dont live near the Gold coast and a visit there is rare. We didnt know if it would be possible to ride everything in one day and theres also the possibility of a ride being down for maintence on the day you go. It also allowed us to do more then we would have if we had just one day. Like we were able to take in the Imax and ride the train and check out the BB house. All of which we would not have done if we had just one day there. I mean its only 10 bucks more for another entire day so its proabably better value then spending 50 60 bucks more down the road for a second day of theme parking.
Maybe they could just give hussy a plane ticket and a bucket of paint. Im sure he would lovingly restore it to glory for free!
Haha yep Jordang, I was expecting the same thing from Hussy when I wrote it. Saying stuff about a Rainbow is kinda like saying something about Hussy's misses. Gets the same response anyway...hehe Good thing you live in Sydney then hey hussy, if its the only show the RB tours.
No Rainbow at Ekka? Who cares? You got the Ali Baba there, which is the same ride anyway so i dunno what your all so worried about.
What happened Richard? Did all the complaints about it finally make them realize it was a bad idea??
Peppermint Park information/photos
dr_teeth replied to ThePinnyParlour's topic in Theme Park Discussion
So what is there now days anyway? Has the entire park been bulldozed or is it still there in kinda a "ghost town" kinda state? -
Ahhh dazzleland, i remember that place....i still got some of the tokens you used for the rides there somewhere in the house. ill see if i can find em
Haa cool. This is almost the same as "Earth Viewer" which i had back in my nvidia video card days..
Hey Djuppsssfffewwr or whatever your name is....any word on where these rides are going after they are pulled down?
Try Ebay also mate
im with dreamworldrulz on this one... im yet to have any worth while pre ride experience. most are boring and repetitive. in my mind you dont get in line for a some sort of pre ride show, you get in line to go on the ride...because of that your bored till you actually get on the ride (no matter how good the pre ride thingo) There is only 1 sort of pre ride experience that makes me happy...thats when the line moves forward, or there is no line at all! i cant speak for the pre show on batman as i havent been to MW but no doubt if youve seen it once you dont want to again
yikes!! thats a bit scary isnt it
HAHA cool man... Reminds me of the time I was stuck up the top of GD for half hour or so.