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Everything posted by dr_teeth

  1. I know this is a bit off topic but why is the brissy show called ekka anyway. Sorry youll have to forgvie my ignorance
  2. yeah i knew they were expensive from what ive see on ebay. Its not the cost that is the issue for me but rather which ones NOT to buy lol.. BTW funky looking set up you have there hussy
  3. Bugger knew i shouldnt have asked that question. I can feel my bank account being attacked badly over the next few months now
  4. Yep this ride tends to do bad things to the head and stomach if you arent a little smart about where and how you ride in your seat. If your head is righ at the top you can near feel your brains getting sucked out your ears. However having said that i love this ride and ive found its best to ride it upside down with your head as low as you can get it..That way its fun without making you sick or giving you a massive hangover style headache after. You can also then sit up on the seat from this position which is also fun.
  5. got an address....cos the actual faller site insnt in english, which is no good for me as i dont speaker the german
  6. Classic decoration hey huss?? Last time I saw this ride at sydney show it looked like something they bought at a garage sale for 50 bucks! At night you couldnt even read the "Rainbow" sign at the top due to about 60% of the lights being blown! Best: Zipper Worst: Tilt
  7. Why not all take a look at this, i would say is probaly the most reliable info your gunna get till a press release or something comes from the park http://rcdb.com/m/id2999.htm?
  8. You mean online as in ebay or do faller have an online shop? :confused:
  9. Yeah you said it Bussy!! Sunway is bad add nauseum!! Guys wonderland closed 12 months ago this month.. Thats a year! Do yourselves and everyone else a favour and let it go. I think we have all had enough of talking about this...
  10. Hey just a question about this ride, something i noticed today. The closing date for bounty is listed as the 6th of april last year. Obviously this was a few weeks before the park closure, so was there a breakdown or something? Sorry if this has been talked about before
  11. didnt someone on here actually get the plans for this type of ride from intiman or whoever made it? maybe the answer is in there???
  12. Yep thats exactly right NEB. GD is proof of that in reality as youl note that the ride slows down quickly but dosent stop it still slides slowly down to the bottom. There is some sort of other brake that the gondola hits there to slow it and stop it in the station. The basics inducting electricty are pretty simple...faster movemnt = more induced voltage. Electricity always opposes the movemnt its creating force, so you could say with magentic brakes they work because its acutally trying to push the gondola or coaster train in the opposite direction to which it is actually moving . Of course as the train or gondola runs out of speed it also induces a lower voltage and therefore the resistance the brake creates is lower.
  13. I was at wonderland with an engeneer friend of mine who pointed out that it appeared there was a hydraulic pump at the pivot point of the ride. He figured that this pump drove some sort of flywheel setup at the wheels below which was the reason the wheels at the bottom seemed to move in time with the gondola (speed and change of direction). However these wheels would have needed some sort of motor (probably hydaulic) to spin them up to accelerate the gondola, and i believe that all of the acceleration and braking was done via the wheels at the bottom
  14. One thing to remember about magnetic braking is that they are unable to bring a train to a complete stop. They are commonly used as "trim" brakes, but also have applications as main brakes (eg like before the station or on somthing like GD). In this case some or most of the speed of the train will be wiped off BUT some other sort of friction style brake will still need to be used to bring and hold the train at a complete stop.
  15. do these models your building have actuall lights on them? if not can it be done?
  16. Take a close look at the 2 rails of track, between the yellow and black sections on the loop. Same at the other end too only one rail is visable tho. :eek:
  17. Hey guys was checking out the re-construction photos of the demon on rcdb.com and I noticed something. Take a look at the photo, and look at the vertical loop. On the very top bit of track there appears to be a gap at both ends. Does anyone have any thoughs on this? I mean surely this has to be filled in somehow, but that section of track appears from what i can tell to be in its final resting place. ?????? http://www.rcdb.com/ig2953.htm?picture=8
  18. Hey neb where excatly were you buying faller models from in australia? Ebay? Just wondering
  19. Not sure if this is the same thing but I've seen this sorta thing before. I cant remember exactly how long ago or what show it was that put it on, but I did see uphill waterslides on some tv show a few years back. Would have been getaway or something else like that. About the only thing im sure on was that these slides were in america. So im not so sure this is a totally "new" idea. As it was a fair while back....5+ years or so back that i first saw this kinda thing...
  20. Well PANTHERFAN it would appear, if this information is correct that we all owe you an appology http://www.roller-coaster.com.au/article.php?aid=41 SOZ
  21. and does anyone actually believe this guy??? Sounds like a "great idea" for someone to buy a 3/4 demolished theme park....may as well start from scratch
  22. Its a bit of a hard situation i think. I mean i can sure feel for the residents and the noise that comes from the place. But the real question is what would you do with the place should it be closed? i mean your never going to be able to build anything on it....and if i owned one of the appartments next to it id rather look over a park that was open and maintained rather then an inner city wasteland. and then of course if its closed youll have other problems, vandals and squatters etc...if a small amount of noise was to prevent that i think thats a fair trade off. Unfortunatelly its just one of those parks thats in a very bad place now due to more recent development of the area, and there is not much that can be done to fix that.
  23. Awesome....i mean apart from the guy getting hurt what a cool thing to do. Ive always thought it would be great to climb up the inside of that thing and see what its like.. Well done mate!!! And a speedy recovery too!
  24. yeah agree, awesome video!...keep em coming
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