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About Peter

  • Birthday 20/08/1986

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    The Netherlands
  • Interests
    I like rollercoasters :-)

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    Dueling Dragons (Fire), Stuntfall, Montu, Goliath (WW)

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  1. I have made a RCT2 Park, and in Dutch, I made a whole story behind it. Well, at this moment I don't feel like translating that story, so I just share the screens here... The park is called 'Attractiepark Noorderhoven' Attractiepark is Dutch for Amusement Park. Please let me know what you think about it?! The is the Entrance of the park Giant Inverted Boomerang; Deja Vu. Air, B&M Flying Coaster Tiroler Bobbahn by Mack. El Rio, a Hafema River Rapid like River Quest in Phantasialand A Splash Battle. Scandinavian Village Indoor Coaster Gandalf's Mythe Wild West Village Intamin Launch Coaster, Including fall backs! And an overview... That's it for now.
  2. Wow... Goliath is almost in my backyard and ranked nr. 4!
  3. If this is really going to be an Intamin coaster, which I doubt as much as the Movie Park Germany coaster suggested in the same article, it´s going to be fun: - prototype - hydrolic launch - intamin Those words... Hhm... That's not going to work the first two years!
  4. This is what I read on a Dutch forum: "Six Flags has completed the deal to sell off seven parks while keeping Six Flags Magic Mountain and it’s connected Hurricane Harbor park. All seven parks were sold to PARC 7F-Operations Corporation (PARC) of Jacksonville, FL for $312 million, a corporation that appears to have been set up by an invesment group to run the “seven flags” parks. The list of seven properties includes: Six Flags Darien Lake, Six Flags Elitch Gardens, Enchanted Village, Six Flags Splashtown, Six Flags Waterworld (Concord), Frontier City and White Water Bay. Combined with the $77 million from the sale of the Astroworld site will bring a total of $353 million into Six Flags to pay off their huge debt levels. Six Flags Elitch Gardens and Darien Lake will both drop the Six Flags name, but season passes already purchased will be honored at the parks still as well as at all Six Flags properties in 2007. One odd twist here is that “PARC will simultaneously sell the parks to CNL Income Properties Inc. (CNL), a Florida-based real estate investment trust, and lease back the parks from CNL pursuant to long- term leases." So it seems they want to keep Magic Mountain...
  5. Found this one in the 'how things work' topic: http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/image.php?620a4d9296.jpg
  6. Phantasialand is building a new ride. Called Talocan. But nobody know's what it is. There are much rumours about a Huss Top Spin or something like that, but I think that's to easy. They've only build great rides the last times (Winja's, Mistery Castle, Black Mamba). The promotion movie looks hopefull at least... Check the Talocan site: Click On the site you can find pics of the construction zone (webcam), a intro video and some lines in German: "Aus einer geheimnisvollen Welt kommt eine Kraft, die alles in den Schatten stellt. Der zornige Gott des Universums. Talocan – Herrscher über die Urgewalten der Erde und des Himmels. Talocan – die neue Attraktion in 2007. Im Phantasialand. " My German isn't very good but I'll try: From a world full of secrets comes a power that brings everything in the shadow (darkness?). The furious god of the universe. Talocan - Master of ???? of Earth and Heaven. Talocan - The new ride of 2007 in Phantasialand. Maybe 'the crazy German' can do this better But what do you guys think this is going to be?
  7. Well, Vekoma do make spinning coasters!
  8. Well I´m not saying that B&M can't make good coasters... My top ten looks like this: 1. Dueling Dragons: Fire Dragon - Universal Islands of Adventure. 2. Stuntfall - Parque Warner Madrid. 3. Montu - Busch Gardens Africa. 4. The Incredible Hulk Coaster - Universal Islands of Adventure. 5. Rock'n'Roller Coaster - Walt Disney Studios (Parijs dus.. ) 6. Silver Star - Europa Park 7. Black Mamba - Phantasialand 8. Goliath - Walibi World 9. Expedition Everest - Walt Disney World: Animal Kingdom 10.Stampida - Universal Port Aventura So you don't hear me complaining about that... What my point was, a B&M isn't a garentee of good coaster. They made coaster to that suck today, but they made some of the best as well... Just like Vekoma and Intamin. The point I really don't like about B&M is that don't come up with something new. They don't try anything special... That's my point. Vekoma, Morgan, Intamin and all those others made this whole coaster industry and B&M just make it better... And that's their thing, and that's ok... Because of that we got Dueling Dragons etc... So they aren't as bad as I maybe said... But I really appriciate Vekoma and Intamin for their ideas and inventions!
  9. Well, just like the Crazy German above me (at least we're in the same timezone ), I haven't ride Leathal Weapon, but I have ride El Condor, Vampire and FX/Eraser/MPX (whatever that ride is named this year), as well as Gardaland's Blue Tornado. Because I'm used to El Condor, the others are ok... I think El Condor is the worst. It's actually so bad we once had to close it. It was this summer, on a New Years Eve day (that's one of our events, around July/August) when it was 37 C degrees. Most of you will know that when it's warm, coasters getting faster. As well as that day. The normal runtime of El Condor at the end of the day is about 39 seconds (end of lift - first brake), that day it started with 37. Guest were complaining about pain. So around 3.30 Pm one round was done in 34,5 seconds. We tried it ourself once (what do I have a boring job ) and it was very bad! So we dicided to shut the ride down for a while. It literally had to cool down. So around 8 Pm (park was open till midnight for the NYE-event) we reopend it. Except for the last three rows. And that's how El Condor rode the rest of the night. And because it's always warm over there on the Gold Coast I can imaging that it might hurt to ride LW. But of course I can't judge a ride that I haven't ride.
  10. As far as they build yet, it's just the splash battle the way it is at Walibi World or Legoland. The idea was to have a button in the car that can speed it up, or slow down, but that button never came. Off course Walibi World had the prototype and it there were many problems! So I don't think you want to add a coaster section. Don't see that working... The ride system is a bit like a monorail system. On our track can ride 10 cars. They use sensors, like on normal 'car ride'. So there are no blocks or something. Would be hard to add and coaster section...
  11. I still don´t get why everybody here is all over B&M!? There isn't one in Australia, so I guess mabye the half of the people here haven't rode one... Ok, one thing they do very well: inverteds! But the rest?! Sit down... Mwoa, Dragon Khan sucks and hurts! Kumba isn't any special... Only the Hulk is good! Floorless: Superman (Madrid) is good, Kraken is ok, but not very special. The whole floorless idea is only good for the first row... The biggest disapointment for me ever was Sheikra!! Silverstar was ok, but could be better! The real good coasters are all build by Vekoma or Intamin! Stuntfall (DeJa Vu) is fast, smooth, scary and gives you a great feeling! What do you want more!? Rock'n'Roller Coaster, Exp. Everst, Space Mountain (Europe) all Vekoma! Kingda Kapot (like we call it in holland... Kapot is Dutch for broken), Top Thrill Dragster, Millennium Force, Goliath, Exp. GeForce all Intamin! Then the ideas... B&M didn't invent anything by thereself! First coaster they made was a stand-up. They were build by Togo before. Then sit-down, well, nothing special... Inverted, Vekoma was way before them working on this project! Only B&M was the first who opend one. Hyper, nope... Morgan was first. Floorless idea is bought from Giovanola and the flying concept from Vekoma. Then there is only the Diving Machine left... The vertical drop coaster. Well, Oblivion isn't even 90 degrees. Only Sheikra is and Griffon will be. At least Vekoma had the balls to go 90 degrees straigt down with their GIBs. Even as Intamin with their Twisted Impuls Coasters B&M doesn't dare anything... Don't design new ideas or build anything challeging. One launch coaster, were even the launch wasn't build by them. Lay-outs that looks all the same (Loop, diveloop, zero-G, cobra roll, mid brake, interlook corc) but the parks pay the 'costum' price! At least Vekoma gives a discount when you buy a standard coaster like and SLC or Boomerang! No, just give me nice Vekoma. Homemade by theirself and invented on there own! Of course they got some exceptions, but they have at least the balls to try something new time to time... So, be glad it's going to be a Vekoma! *Dutch proud! *
  12. And that's exatly the problem! Come on! Even in Holland, where the climate is very bad, every park have at least 2 or three waterrides! And the only park that have one, is opening one this year! Why, ooooh why does a park on the Gold Coast, 300 days sun a year, only have ONE waterride and some kind of splash zone?! I really don't get that... Oh, and here are some foto's of the splash battle: Here you can download a video: Click, save target as... The idea: Everybody has a watergun. You have to shoot on targets (red, grey, yellow sings in the video). If you well, the waterelement after the target stops, so you won't get wet. But it's pretty hard... So everybody gets wet
  13. As far as I can see (and I've never been to MW Aus.), this park seriously needs a waterride! As i know, Movie World have Wild West Falls and a Looney Tunes orientated 'waterride'. And if that last one looks like the one they had in Germany, you don't get wet at all. At the Gold Coaster you have great weather, mostly warm (correct me if I'm wrong, this is what I see on the internet), so I guess waterrides are very populair over there! MW needs a rapid river or something like a splash battle, allthough that last one doesn't have a good capacity. For a rapid river they could use the theme of the German one. That looked great! Never Ending Story...
  14. Goliath is indeed a great coaster (look at ava ) but that's an Intamin. I think actually that Intamin doesn't build those kind of hypers anymore. The whole idea of a hypercoaster is speed. When do you feel the most speed? In an open car, like Goliath has. BUT: after the large number of accidents in the Amican and Englisch parks whit the Intamin lapbar they started to use the over-the-shoulder-bar, like Superman Escape have. I read once in an interview that Intamin will only use the ots-bar for high speed coasters (like Goliath, Superman's ect. ), so that was the experience of the speed... At least, that's what I think what happent, after all, it looks very accidental that they haven't build a single megacoaster since 2003 and that B&M since then 3...
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